The 3DS may soon overtake its older brother, the DS, as Nintendo's première handheld system, but that's not going to stop its catalogue of games from selling like hot cakes in this stage of the handheld's lifespan.
Pokémon Black and White launched this past Sunday in the United States, smashing the previous record for launch day sales for a Pokémon title in the U.S. The Black and White versions of the latest adventure have sold 1.08 million copies on their first day of release. This surpasses the previous record held by Pokémon Diamond and Pearl when they launched back in 2007, with 780,000 sales on day one.
Nintendo of America’s senior director of Corporate Communications, Charlie Scibetta, offers a few reasons why he thinks the games have sold as well as they have:
Longtime Pokémon fans are attracted to the new Pokémon, new battle systems and a new region to explore, while newcomers enjoy the ability to jump in and have fun right away... These sales numbers illustrate the continued strength of the Nintendo DS family of systems. Already established as the nation’s best-selling video game platform of all time, the installed base of more than 47 million makes it the ideal handheld for developers to reach a huge gaming-focused target audience.
Incidentally, the United Kingdom enjoyed similar success for its launch of Pokémon Black and White, as they take the top and second spot of the U.K. charts on the first weekend of availability, making this release the biggest Pokémon launch ever across one weekend. The White version proved more popular as it sold 13,000 more copies than the Black, the combined sales making them one of Nintendo's biggest launches, along with Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii. Pokémon White also became the second fastest-selling DS game in the U.K., with Professor Layton and Pandora's Box holding first place.
If you're unsure whether to make the purchase or not, our Pokémon Black and White review is always there to help you with your decision.
Comments 25
Woah, this creamed Diamond and Pearl's first day sale!
Oh yeah, I'm one of those million. :3
Not only did it sell more,I'm enjoying it more then D/P.
My friends letting me borrow his black though....I can't spend any more till the 3DS comes out.
it says the 3ds will overtake it's "younger" brother, the ds. shouldn't it be "older"?
It deserves those sales figures
@Dylan1 Thanks, fixed!
I know tat pokemon is awesome but can anyone tell me exactly what is so great about this game other tan the triple battles and the dream world???
My mom's out picking up Black for me right now. (No, I don't have my mommy buy me my games, it's my money.) My friend Chad preordered both and he's really liking them. I think White sold more because of Zekrom. I'll just get one on the GTS.
Remember when people said Pokemon was just a fad? LOL. Pokemon has still got it.
I personally like the new story, Glade.
I was in that line... Shame that I wasn't there for the game. 3DS gobbled up all my money.
Maybe by my birthday.
I always think it's so weird when one version sells significantly more than the other...but it always happens!
Aw, I hoped I'd got this news tip in first, but I guess you guys already knew about it xD
But damn, that's a lot of Pokémons.
I was too busy on launch day so I bought it the day after!!!
Let me guess the version winner is White this gen, it sure shows as Zekrom is pwnage personified. I can't wait to see what Zekky looks like in the next console battle game- I want Stadium 3 dang it!!
I'm two of those million plus! (I got both Black and White versions, White being my main version)
We need a Pokémon Box update, Nintendo!
I got lucky, then; the place I preordered the games (Yeah, I got both) didn't really have too many people getting anything there for some reason, even though I got there about fifteen minutes after it opened. Maybe someone out there actually likes me for once!
Thoroughly deserved.
Whats with the line in the picture? When I got my copy, there were plenty of copies late in the day.
Same here <3
This game is the best DS game I've ever gotten- and possibly my last.
Excellent way to bid farewell to the DS when the 3DS launches in 3 weeks. Though, I know I'll be playing this for years until the next Pokemon games land.
@9. It was a fad... Now its a culture.
As usual Pokemon exceeds the expectations of the nay sayers. I'm proud to say I was two of those million plus. :3 I got both Black and White. (Though my bro claimed black, so white is mine)
@Master Graveheart - I'm sure there will be an update (or a new pokemon box/ranch style game) on WW at some point. There's been one for every generation since GBA, and it just seems like free money.
Those numbers are huge, and it's in the US where many people like their FPS games, good to something else other than WoW and CoD with huge number on launch day.
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! This game must be EXTREMELY popular. I love pokemon games! I hope to get this one soon!
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