A Japanese retailer has posted some images of what 3DS software boxes look like when opened up and it seems like there's not a hole lot of difference from the regular DS boxes.
Well, there are a couple of differences: the placement of the system logo is now on the right hand side of the cover, and the box itself has numerous holes in it so that less plastic is used in the manufacturing process.
The retailer also notes that the weight of the thinner 3DS game boxes come in at 45 grams, compared to the 53 grams that current DS game boxes weigh. It might not sound like a significant reduction, but that's roughly 15% lighter: considering how much software has been sold for DS, that's a potentially huge saving over the 3DS's lifespan.
Perhaps this is one step closer to getting Greenpeace off Nintendo's back? Either way, it still seems silly to have such a large case for a game cartridge that is so tiny: is it time to get rid of those game manuals?
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 43
Not too bad. I'd rather have several little holes to a few big ones. Does anyone know if Europes cases will be different like our DS game cases were?
Definitely a significant reduction. Sounds like it'll be nice for the environment and mean cheaper manufacturing for Ninty. Everyone wins (except us, I guess, games still cost the same).
It'll be a sad day when we see instruction manuals go. Nintendo does the nicest ones nowadays (though I wouldn't mind seeing the pile of "health and safety" warning leaflets go, but Ninty's to lawsuit-paranoid for that).
It's true, I love Nintendo's instruction manuals. I wouldn't want to see them go anytime soon D:
I use to like the manuals some of the old NES, SNES & GB were really well done think of games like Zelda 1, 2 & 4, and Metroid 1-3, Wario Land and Secret of Mana come to mind.
But now in UK all we get is a small book with loads of other languages giving us safety advice, address and other junk we don't need and if you are really lucky it will tell you what the buttons to your new game do.
I wish manuals would still offer useful information you can't always get in the game. Give me a reason to read them, dang it!
Maybe they should make manual a little smaller instead of removing it? (i mean instead of being like 5 inches or so in height maybe 1-2 inches smaller?)
Same here.
I guess that's a start. They could do so much more though. Sure, I love the instruction booklets, but at least in Europe the boxes are way wider than they would need to be. I have a few imported games, which are at lot smaller. Nintendo should learn from Apple, they have boxes that are just big enough to hold the contents, and not even a bit larger.
I don't care how heavy my game cartridges are.
Remember when boxes were made out of cardboard? yah those were the days, I still have the box to an old GB game ...somewhere.
I like the fact that the place for the gamecard is still protected. The annoying thing about the DVD cases it that the holes are right where the back of the disc is!
I think they should do luxury wooden boxes:P
I'm fine with the manuals being saved on the cartridge. Also, with a case that size, you'd wonder why they didn't bother to add a clip for a XL stylus.
Personally, I think these cases should be about the size of a Game Boy Player case.
Not only do they "save the Earth", it now costs the consumer the same amount of money to buy a game while the corporation is saving money on plastic costs. I can't stand this gimmick.
The Euro versions will be fatter. They have to be in order to fit the manuals for every Euro language and Wi-Fi booklets. ;P
This is just what we need: weaker boxes to hold our fragile games.
Why have the logo on the right of the box? If it wasn't there would be more boxart room.
Cool - weaker game boxes at a higher price! Average price of a 3DS game seems to around be $40 US.....this 3D effect better be awesome!
Most games hold your hand through the learning curve anyway, so manuals are kinda irrelevant imo...
@15: Buy some 3DS cases then. I just want the retailer to hand me the game and send the box back to Nintendo
Eh, cases are cases, I rarely use the DS ones honestly. I have my own little plastic container for the games, I just keep the actual case for when I'm trading them back.
I do agree that if Nintendo (and the other companies who do this, which is a lot now) are saving money and sacrificing container integrity to be "greener," the least they could do is pass the savings to the consumer. As it is, we're really only getting the cruddy end of the stick.
I wonder if there was some kind of weird way to like, electronically code the game manual on the case itself, so when combined w/ alternate reality on the 3DS, you can load the manual to your 3DS screen and read it that way? Probably just easier to pack a help manual in with the game like the WiiWare, VC, and DSiWare games do, but eh... just giving my brainstorming, money-saving, 2 cents (that I can't spare)
@MeloMan: I kinda figured they would just put in the game itself, kinda like how the Virtual Console does it on the Wii.
No way: keep manuals... print manuals to be more correct. Make them even fater, more colorful, put in more artwork, more detailed, make them smell better. And btw.: Nintendo itself does not publish multi language manuals in each of the european countries; usually the manual only contains the target country's language (unlike the game itself).
About the case: well, it looks to be very fragile. Ever bought and seen DVD-boxes with that huge holes? Those things even damage the inlay sometimes.
This launch is going to be more like the N64 launch for me than any other. Logo location on the box. I'm getting a 3DS about the same color as the N64. It'll be my first system to buy on launch day since N64. And I'll be getting TLoZ: Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 on it. March 2011 is the new September 1996, LOL!
I hope they never get rid of instruction manuels. There's usually some good information in there that they just can't put in the tutorials, and it used to be that you could usually find stuff like character profiles, enemy lists, and level descriptions in there.
Besides, it provides a handy reference to the controls while you're playing. You can't just pause the game and go back to the tutorial when you need a refresher on how to do something or how a certain object works.
@24 You mean something like this!

I love Nintendo games and I like artwork and packaging but I love fresh air and clean water to drink a lot more. Pretty soon the planet is going to be destroyed if we all keep getting a new cell phone every 6 months. I can't wait for the 3ds to come out though, I skipped the Dsi and XL to do my part for the planet (and my wallet). My DS lite is looking pretty shabby.
In an ideal world green would be not having any games or cases end up in landfills.
I'd DEFINITELY miss the instruction booklets. I don't always use them, but I enjoy the knowledge that they're available right inside the box if I need some help with the basics.
Hopefully these cases aren't as flimsy as they look...the weaker they are the harder it will be to find nice, complete used copies of games in the future...
Awesome! but they better not remove the manuals, that will just piss me off!
they could put them in printed paper bags and i would still buy them.
That's... green, I guess. I just wish that the economy would go back to where it should be, so that prices wouldn't be so high. In a perfect world...
I like them manuals
I know I'd miss the instruction booklets! Plus, even if you can just look stuff up online, sometimes I prefer having an actual, physical copy to look at. Useful during power outages, and easier on my eyes. Paper is easier to read than a screen.
Awesome awesome awesome! I really love to hear about stuff like this. I really appreciate this, Nintendo. It's the first step to eventually making game cases out of Hemp and them being 100% biodegradable.
I can't stand the flimsy, cheapo "green" DVD/Blu-Ray/Game cases so why on earth should I want Nintendo to go the exact same route with DS casing? Ugh. If companies were really serious about "going green", then why not make movies and games entirely digital to purchase? Cases be damned!
Not that I'm saying I want that (I love my collectible cases) but putting a few holes in a container and tossing instruction manuals is only going to piss me off at the fragility of the casing (especially if I'm paying $40 for it) and lack of any collector's value. It's about as "green" as putting your groceries in one or two paper bags and eight or nine plastic bags as opposed to ten of just the latter.
But if it makes you "feel better" about "saving the planet", be my guest.
I'm certain there are reasons for the case size beyond just the manuals...
@42 Yes. theft for one I'm sure, and even more important is visibility for adverts. but I like that they will be thinner. it seems that will give the 3ds a little more sophistication about it. the DS boxes were a bit bulky.
Cool, cool.
Cases are just... cases.
Atleast were getting somewhere new besides the same thing over and over. Nintendo is really taking this as far as they can, believe it or not.
so do the wii cases
@Token Girl The manuals are barely anything anymore already. A lot of games are one or two pages for the manuals now @_@
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