Today on January 19th, at 9am EST / 2pm GMT / 3pm CET, Nintendo is hosting two conferences: one in New York, one in Amsterdam, at which the company will announce the release plans for its Nintendo 3DS console.
Nintendo Life's Jonathan Wahlgren (@jonwahlgren) is our man in New York and James Newton (@DaddyNewts) will be attending the Amsterdam conference, and they'll be bringing you updates throughout the day letting you know all the 3DS details you need, including:
- When the console will launch in North America and Europe;
- How much you can expect to pay;
- The games available at launch;
- The exact contents of the box;
- and much much more.
To keep up with the updates, simply keep this page open – it will refresh automatically as new updates come in, or you can follow Nintendo Life on Twitter.
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EU: Welcome to all my new followers who joined me after my triumphant live blog. Why not send me a message and introduce yourself?
Right, it's time for our battle-scarred reporters to get some shut-eye. We hope you enjoyed our live text and stick around for impressions in the coming few days!
EU: Goodie bag get!
EU: It's called Virtual Handheld, no mention of what's available or when, third party support etc. Very quiet on that front!
EU: Image on top screen isn't stretched but fills the screen vertically. Has a slightly fuzzy filter so it's not pin-sharp.
EU: Played Link's Awakening and Mario Land on Virtual Handheld: bottom screen is control description, top is game play
EU: Rumours of Jedward proved way off the mark - it's Basement Jaxx!
US: Think I've played just about everything here today. My eyes could use a break!
NL STAFF: You guys are kicking ass!
EU: DoA's multiplayer is multi card only, unlike SSFIV3D
EU: Samus then appears and drops a Power Bomb. Samus on 3DS - it's real!
EU: DoA also using StreetPass for local matches. Here comes footage of the Metroid stage, complete with Ridley!
EU: New 'Chronicle' mode is a story mode that spans the whole DoA saga, complete with evil bosses, cruise ships and ninjas
EU: Dead or Alive more over the top than ever. Tried the rumoured gyroscope boob-jiggling earlier and it didn't work. Drat!
EU: Amazon doing the machine at £220 apparently - seems our instincts were spot on, gang!
EU: In the Tecmo Koei event now. Dead or Alive trailer has it all - helicopter machineguns, fireballs, exploding bridges and ninjas!
EU: Looks like Mercenaries will feature Claire for the first time with a machinegun, which the translator couldn't understand
US: Super tiny cupcakes
EU: I haven't had chance to try the Resident Evil game yet, but will give it a go later on the special bus they've created!
EU: Talking about Resident Evil Mercenaries now with Mr Kawata. He's asking if we're hungry - bless. What a nice chap!
US: 3D slider is really just a focal adjuster and not "more" or "less" 3D. Sorta like fitting binoculars to your eyes.
EU: Want Nintendo vs Capcom? Ask Mr Sakurai, apparently!
EU: In download play you can only choose as Ryu in one of four stages.
EU: Lots of pronoun confusion as we discuss the Download Play mode.
EU: The figurine battle mode sounds interesting - trading and battling statues is possible, like trading cards but automatic
EU: Last week they did a global test and it works very well, apparently. We tried local muktiplayer earlier and it worked fine too
EU: Online play is easy with matchmaking included across the world
EU: The DLC costumes are included for free! Mock applause
EU: Mr Ono is talking about SSFIV - this is not a conversion of the Japanese arcade version so don't ask him!
US: Dead or Alive Dimensions will have a special Metroid: Other M stage. Sounds awesome!
EU: Paper Mario even more amazing than ever. So crisp and clear with really smart design. Definitely one to watch!
EU: Animal Crossing looks amazing in motion, the new shrubs look great and it's very refreshing to see a slow 3DS game
US: Just froze a unit when switching to game notes through home button while watching a movie. Whoops!
CORBS: Great to hear Kid Icarus was solid.
US: Halfway through the games on offer and so far impressed. Icarus in particular was lots of fun, like S&P with ground movement.
EU: Played some Kid Icarus - best game so far. Shooting far better than the om-foot sections though
EU: Played an AR game. Tough to move and stay in the 3d sweet spot
EU: SSFIV3D has touchscreen shortcuts but if you play online you can filter players who use these so you don't play against them
EU: Dudley vs Dictator in local play. Game on!
EU: Playing Street Fighter now. Not as smooth as DOA but stills looks great
EU: And a System Transfer option seen too, presumably to let you move data from one system to another. All locked out until update tho
EU: Separate options to configure Nintendo DS games too, possible WEP and WPA support issue sorted?
EU: Ocarina looks great. Had a sneaky look at system menus. Looks like DSiWare transfer is done through the system itself
US: 3D effect on pilotwings significantly pronounced
US: Mii creator mistook my look downward for a double chin
US: Capcoms Seth Killian dipping into a little SSFIV
US: Capcoms Seth Killian dipping into a little SSFIV
EU: Played Pro Evo. The player tracking view can be distracting as it jets about, and the crowd is super flat
EU: HMV selling them for 250 apparently
EU: Played Dead or Alive. 3D on - 30fps, 3D off 60fps. Nice touch with the move list on the bottom showing possible combos
US: RE Mercs is cool, but I dunno about as an independent package.
EU: So that's it - March 25th, no price details, but we're off to play 3DS now. See you guys later!
EU: Promising a sampling tour across Europe in February
EU: 25 games between March 25th and early June
EU: Retail price decided by retailer which means they are not announcing a price today
EU: 3DS launches on March 25th
EU: 3DS will reach Europe on...
EU: No new titles there though
EU: The Sims 3, Ridge Racer, Metal Gear Solid 3, Animal Crossing, Pilotwings Resort, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus: Uprising
EU: Driver Renegade, Lego Star Wars III which is top-down), Paper Mario, StarFox 64,Ocarina, RE: Mercenaries, Splinter Cell, Asphalt
EU: Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs, Dead or Alive: dimensions, Rabbids 3D, Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars, Samurai Warriors: Chronicles
EU: Software line-up - Nintendogs, PES 2011, Steel Diver. SsFIV3D, Super Monkey Ball, Resident Evil; Reveltations
EU: Internet Browser and eShop NOT at launch - will be available later via an upgrade
EU: Face Raiders is a pre-installed 3DS game where you shoot people in the face. AR cards on display later too
EU: The Augmented Reality stuff could be very cool and is a great, cheap way to bundle games with the system. Smart move, Nintendo
EU: They're stalling for time! pre-installed software: activity log first. I want to live in Nintendo's plastic world.
EU: Ocarina of Time! Oh, that was short. Kid Icarus: Uprising on display later today by the sounds of it
EU: Steel Diver on screen now. New gameplay level today, looking through a periscope using the gyroscope.
EU: Nintendogs + Cats in three varieties - Toy Poodle, French Bulldog, Golden Retriever. Cutest things EVER.
EU: PilotWings Resort up first - we played this in July and it was great fun.
EU: Laurent Fischer back on stage to talk about Nintendo first-party titles at last!
EU: poor shot of Mr Hayashi's shoes!
EU: Internet play, Local wireless, StreetPass and Co-op play too
EU: A full move list on the touchsreen so you can combo, throw, hold or guard with just the stylus
EU: Explosions and fireballs and a bizarre clip of Zack dancing!
EU: New Dead or Alive trailer. Looks really impressive and totally in keeping with the series' history
EU: Japanese developers have great fashion sense. This guy's shoes are ace!
EU: Team Ninja up next to talk about Dead or Alive
EU: Apart from the 3D it doesn't seem to be doing much differently to past PES games.
EU: player view is behind the player you're controlling. No mention of the first person view yet
EU: New camera system for PES, behind the player to maximise the 3Dness. My words, not theirs. Not the most interesting presentation!
EU: Looks like touchscreen controls are in judging from the arrows at players' feet. Streets ahead of DS football games!
EU: Looks decent on the big screen, hard to tell in 2D and so blown up though. Animation is solid
EU: Pro Evo trailer now. Looks Messi! Ho ho
EU: Let's hope the European launch date and price are in line with America's!
EU: Two staff from konami talking about their titles now. Only one translator between them though.
US: And Reggie is done! I'll be hitting the floor to play some games, stay tuned for quick impressions and such!
EU: Oh good, the Imagine and Petz ranges coming to 3DS too. YAY!
EU: Splinter Cell, Combat of Giants: Dinosaur, Asphalt 3D, Ghost Recon, Hollywood Crimes and Driver Renegade
EU: 8 games in the machine's launch period from Ubisoft- Rayman and Rabbids 3D among them
US: That's March 27 for $249.99
EU: Yves' English is probably better than Jonathan Ross's
EU: Big build up for CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot
US: Store front
US: 400K mobile units will show off the handheld through launch and the summer
US: Store front looks much slicker than DSiWare store, sort by categories, mascots, virtual console
EU: Mr Shibata would choose Ryu or Ken in SSFIV3D> boring choice!
US: Nintendo eShop will make Game Boy/Color, new downloadable games available
US: SpotPass =/= StreetPass. Spot accesses Internet even during sleep mode, sounds like Wii Connect 24
US: One Friend code/system, register once, not software-dependent. Instant registration via local wireless, no swapping together
US: Some apps only work properly after "simple system online" connection
US: Enhanced Internet browser, 3D video player, same Sound software included in DSi all preloaded
EU: Channel Live is a spectator mode for local play - watch others' matches!
US: AR Games, put cards anywhere, use outer cameras to play, includes whatever else camera sees
EU: I'm actually sat behind Jonathan Ross's agent. Bet she's smiling!
US: Face Raiders pre-installed game, take your picture and insert into shooting gallery of sorts, playable later
US: Miis swapped automatically via StreetPass
US: Mii Maker lets you take own photo and automatically get preliminary Mii character
US: Pedometer earns play coins spendable in certain games to acquire bonus content
US: Activity log application built-in tracks games played, how long, and pedometer-type feature
EU: Uh oh, getting a low battery warning. If we go dark, we'll try to resume via text. Keep reading!
US: More than 30 3DS games in that time frame
EU: The more you fight, the more figurines you'll get to battle in streetpass mode
US: Talking about launch window, from launch to E3 in june
US: Also playable Combat of Giants, Ridge Racer 3D, Lego Star Wars 3: Clone Wars
EU: Even though a translator, Ono is an entertaining speaker. Can't wait to get time with him at the roundtable later!
EU: That's @yoshinori_onochin of course
EU: A nice bit of Virtual Boy banter. Our rumour was nearly true!
US: PES 2011 3D now, play from midfielder's viewpoint on ground level. Interesting. Same with Madden apparently. Running in 3D.
EU: He's speaking through a translator - this might take a while. We've all just done a massive hadouken!
EU: It's @yoshinoro_onochin!
EU: Capcom next up on stage to talk about Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition!
US: Dead or Alive will today explain why it's a great choice for 3D. As if it wasn't obvious already?
EU: Meet someone locally, they're added to your WiFi list - you can join players more easily than before
EU: Only one Friend Code per system - not one per game!
EU: StreetPass is totally optional - nothing happens unless you want to
EU: Automatically sends Mii character across with a profile just by passing another 3DS owner in the street.
US: Now on to third party stuff
US: Gyroscope used for targeting in Steel Diver, spin your body around
EU: Moving onto Here's another video about the local connections possible with StreetPass
US: @daddynewts It's just Reggie rattling off some stuff about games, hasn't actually shown anything yet besides logos.
EU: @jonwahlgren Jealous of you - we haven't even seen any games yet!
US: Animals will remember your face, apparently, and will respond accordingly. May get scared and bark at strangers.
US: More differences in body size, shape, length etc for nintendogs vs DS game
EU: Clips of Shaun the Sheep. Sorry guys, I just can't get excited about this - where's Wallace and Gromit? Music is ace, though.
EU: Seems more like an Aardman advert than anything about Nintendo, to be honest. Shaun the Sheep shorts for 3DS - yay.
US: Launch support "absolutely robust"
EU: Series of one minute shorts coming via SpotPass by the end of 2011
US: Game talk now
EU: Aardman helping Nintendo with new content in 3D. Announcing new Shaun the Sheep content exclusive to 3DS
EU: David Sproxton on stage!
US: Dig at "fashionable" 3D glasses, heh
US: StreetPass: Orange = friend online, green = new data
US: Home button pauses action to allow switching between tasks w/o losing anything
EU: Imagine watching Wallace and Gromit in 3D!
EU: David Sproxton of Aardman Animation. Remember they've done stuff with Flipnote so this isn't unprecedented
US: Has both accelerometer and gyroscope
EU: Lots of talks of discussions and ongoing negotiations - just Eurosport to name.
US: Coming with 2GB SD card
US: DSiWare that is
EU: SpotPass, even! Also in discussion with BSkyB to provide "shortform Sky 3D content". More in the coming months.
US: DSi game compatibility.
EU: Eurosport bringing 3D sport to Nintendo 3DS via Spo[ass
US: Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black launch colors in NA
EU: Potential WiFi partners with BT Fon, T Mobile, Meteor and more. Still in talks - sounds like nothing concrete to announce yet
US: Quick tour of the system. Video explaining what's new and neat.
EU: Talking about SpotPass - "will revolutionise the way you receive content on the move". The green light indicates new content
US: Social aspects, "will drive connected experiences like no other nintendo device before."
US: 3D photography and display of pictures. Personally I'm very excited about this aspect of it all.
US: The system offers "more than enough" for people who've never played anything. 3D video playback
EU: "No other system contains so many tools for developers to create fun experiences for gamers"
US: Talking adjustable 3D making it mass-market ready
US: Different kind of 3D, no glasses, nothing between you and "gaming passion"
EU: Will play "almost" all your favourite DS and DSi games - reference to Guitar Hero etc. presumably
US: Reggie: "The opening of a vast new world in 3D entertainment"
EU: INTERACTION! Top screen is 10% larger than DSi screen but is widescreen
US: Stage 2: Arrival of original DS system, incorporated touch and voice
US: Talking about history of 3D graphics, beginning with Mario 64...?
EU: The slide pad is now the Circle Pad apparently, looks the same, just... greyer.
EU: There's those two colours - Cosmos Black and Aqua Blue
EU: "More to 3DS than just 3D gaming" - video of new features
US: Had a few reaction shots from E3 attendees, but no @CorbieD yet.
US: Reggie's out
EU: He's talking about past 3D experiments and how the improved technology has made it possible
EU: Here comes Laurent Fischer. He looks like George Clooney!
US: Showing clip reel of news shows during E3 announcement.
US: Lights dimming. Room full of nerds. NINTENDO.
EU: Ross comes outin massive 3d glasses
EU: Lights are off - here we go!
US: Sitting right behind the Pach Attack.
US: Buttons felt nice and clicky, analog slider quite responsive.
US: Beginning in a few moments!
US: Start, Select and Home buttons looked depressed under the bottom screen, almost like a touch pad.
EU: We may lose Internet connection if they turn off the WiFi, but I have a back-up plan!
US: And by frotlines, I mean frontlines. Shut up.
US: View from the frotlines
EU: Live video stream is about to kick off. Get ready for Jonathan Ross attempting to say welcome in several languages!
Bring it on!
US: They're telling us to take our seats. Way ahead of you, Nintendo.
EU: Ooh, a fire drill - very exciting. We're being asked to turn our mobiles off or onto silent. Fat chance with 200 journos!
EU: Here we go!
EU: Myself and @turtlegirl73 ready to kick things off!
EU: Dawn Paine and the other Nintendo UK staff are taking their places in front of me. Should be ready to start soon!
US: @DaddyNewts Welcome to the Z-list!
EU: @jonwahlgren I just had a video camera shoved in my face too. We're gonna be famous!
US: I've been filmed twice fiddling with the units. Shoulda brought a bandana.
US: @DaddyNewts Tell me about it. One said it was a PSP2.
NL Staff: @nintendolife reporters, keep the pictures coming!
EU: @jonwahlgen Demo people are so full of rubbish.
US: @DaddyNewts Yeah I expect them to be the same. Will find out in 12 minutes I guess.
US: @DaddyNewts Demo people are very tight-lipped before the show. Told me they don't know release date. I don't believe them.
EU: @jonwahlgren I'd be surprised if they were different. Surprised EU is getting the 2GB SD card though TBH.
US: @DaddyNewts Not sure, display boxes aren't out yet. I think they're behind the ominous curtain of joy.
EU: @jonwahlgren Be sure to test it under earthquake conditions. Are the NA box contents the same as in Europe?
US: Definitely something you need to stare directly at. I'll have to try shaking the unit later, I'm too boxed in at the moment.
EU: The room is really filling up now. We are T minus 15 minutes from kick off. Are you excited?
US: Viewing angle leaved a little to be desired. Vertical changes worked fine, but quickly lost it in minor horizontal changes.
US: 3D effect wasn't as painful on my eyes cranked up all the way as I thought, but it's definitely really really cool.
EU: @jonwahlgren Smart move! I didn't pack any gaming hardware with me, but hoping to leave with some! haha
US: @DaddyNewts I've got DQIX in my bag next to my polar bear pyjama pants. What? I had to pack light.
EU: Nice chap sat next to me enjoying some Ghost Trick. There is always time for gaming, it seems!
US: Demo lady promised information on 3DSWare, the handheld's OS and a slew of other stuff too later.
US: Units have little 3D spinny image things of Mario Galaxy, Pikmin, Twilight Princess Link, Samus and NSMB. I spun like mad.
US: @daddynewts Florence can do no wrong! Heard some here too, wonder if the soundtracks are in sync too.
EU: A nice bit of Florence and the Machine to kick things off. Still think the original Candi Staton version is better, though!
US: Tried to suss some launch info from the nice demo lady before Reggie comes out but was smoothly defected. Drat!
EU: The view from row 2!
EU: I'm sat in the second row so keep your eyes peeled for me on the live stream!
EU: Picture of the machine in all its glory!
EU: Make that Cosmos Black, sorry! No game card with the machine so all games sold separately
US: @Super_MarioJr They're cushioned, so it's all good.
EU: I am now live via Twitter in the 3DS event! Should have live updates as they happen, so stay tuned!
US: Oh hey, WiFi. Hooray!
NL Staff: RT @jonwahlgren: Demo units on the floor, Phoenix over the air, and a stage awaiting excitement. Off to a good start http ...
US: Demo units on the floor, Phoenix over the air, and a stage awaiting excitement. Off to a good start
US: On display: pilotwings, steel diver, SSFIV, nintencats, OoT, Icarus, RE Mercs, madden, asphalt, DoA
EU: Comes with 2GB SD card, 6 AR cards, charging cradle, AC adaptor and stylus.
EU: Launch colours Cosmo Black and Aqua Blue!
EU: Just arrived at the Expo. Nearly ready to bring you the info!
Comments 193
Yes! Now the wait...
I do hope to see some action
Great! I really want to know if it comes with an induction charger. (I already know about this)
I hope those AR cards become like...well, collectible or whatever. Like you could go and buy them as if they were a trading card game, lol.
300 dollars and 6th march.
@estoiagamer: Pokémon Black and White are coming in that week, so I don't think so. Probably late March.
i'll follow this for a good portion of the afternoon, then
Guessing between $200 and 250USD for NA, with a mid to late March release. Launch lineup will be 8 games or (likely) less and there will only be 1 or 2 games even worth considering picking up lol.
My guess: 11th March, 249€
$250 and March 19th
News flash: Two men spend a night in Amsterdam.
EDIT: Misread it. One man spends a night in Amsterdam.
so it begins
I'm guessing $200-$250 and March 20th.
i bought the 3DS off that chinese guy that takes them. so as far as im concerned, its out already _
@ArmoredGoomba My Birthday!
Don't care what date but sub-£200 would be excellent
i r excite
Well there are only 4 dates it could possiblly be: March 6, 13, 20, or 27. I really REALLY hope for March 6th but would settle for March 13th I know that Black and White are coming on the 6th but I actually think 3DS still has a chance to come out that day. Black and White obviously don't need any help selling but they could still get a boost from all the people that will be in the store getting their new 3DS systems. I try to convince myself that it must be coming in early March but I just know its gonna be March 27th
An Englishman in Amsterdam is worrying combination. We wouldn't want him waking up naked strapped to a lampost or anything like that. We need 3DS news!
Soooo excited!!!!
I'm guessing $1,000 and released on Smarch 11th.
$299.99 March 20th
Release July, £220.
I'm not getting one at launch anyway, so xP
I'm guessing £190, 24th March for eu.
My guess: March 25th 20XX and two kazillion dollars.
€239,99 on March 25th, Europe.
I predict deep discounts for the entire month of trucktober!
Nintendo likes to release it's stuff on Sunday so I predict March 27th for North America. I also think that it will cost $299.
Too bad we don't have live video or something like that.
$250 or less, March 27th.
Is it sad that I'm more excited for the conference than I was for my birthday yesterday? I'm probably not even getting a 3DS at launch, yet I can't wait for the live stream and twitter updates about it.
Consider this page bookmarked!
March 15th at $250 for North America
Finally, after weeks of speculation and rumour, a message from the Mother-Ship draws near.
March 27th, $250. Though I can always hope for less...
$249.99 / March 20th for North America
I believe the max amount gamestop is taking is 250 for pre orders; but then again they said lozss was coming out this feburary.
March 14th, and $249.99 because the wii in america at launch was $50 less then at the Japanese Launch.
Just realized I never made a price prediction. Guess I just don't really care how much its gonna be. Nintendo could make a really oddball move and price it at 400 and I know that I would still buy on launch! Anyway, I'm pretty sure its gonna be 250 dollars.
I say the Nintendo DS will release on March 20th at a price of $249.99 in America with OoT as a launch game for us,
Lol I just saw Corbie has the same idea I did before I type this so throw me on his bet
Ooh, tension!
Isn't GMT + 6 from CST?
Wouldn't that mean 8am CST (6am PCT)?
(at least right now while we are not observing Daylight Savings)
I'm not certain, but I believe it should be 8am CST.
Yep, sorry for the mix-up! The times should be correct now
£209.99 , last Friday of March for the EU...
Launch games will include: Super Monkey Ball 3DS, Prof Layton Mask of Miracle, PES 2011 3D (we already know), Pilotwings Resort, Asphalt 3DS, Steel Diver 3DS, Rabbids in Time 3DS, Puzzle Bobble 3DS, Nintencats and dogs and Animal Crossing etc.
At least $199.99 CDN
March 31st (My B-Day)
today it was to cold for me to walk to school (-42) so my mom drove me cause her back hert so she didnt go to work but she is going tommorow to work so if its to cold i can read this live at home
29th March for sure. There was a leak at nintendo-europe web (specifically at Paper Mario's profile; then it was removed and changed into a "TBA" message).
Come on, Nintendo! Please February or early March for 250!
March 21st, $275. Reason for date: 3rd month of the year, DS was released on the 21st. Put it together and ya get 3DS.
I think it's safe to say 21st but $250 and the launch titles will be
Rabbids Travel in Time
My Garden Sims 3
Kid Icarus
Super Monkey Ball
Super Street Fighter
Hmmm.....I'm betting 249.99 is the price for America....though I've got my fingers crossed for less. I hope I hope I hope....
I just hope that the release date is either before March 23rd or after the 26th because I don't want to miss out on the launch while I'm on vacation. I preordered the 3DS at a gamestop. The 21st would be perfect. PLEASE!!!
Dang. Gonna asleep for the whole lot. Hopefully there will be good stuff to wake up to.
I reckon it'll be $350 in Australia, as that's what's been the price on the online sites. But I will probably get it when it gets to around $300 (or can get a good deal with some games).
I'd be really annoyed if it was $250US and $400AU. That made sense when $1AU got you $0.6US but our currency is almost constantly hovering above and bellow parity with the US now, there is no need for it. There is no way it costs $150 per unit to ship, advertise and distribute a $250US device here in Aus.
I think it will be AUD$350 and released on the 24th March. But one thing I've totally forgotten about until that picture reminded me is when the red 3DS is coming out? I'm not getting one until red is released (which is fine as I have to save up for it)
With that 3-8 hour battery life it better be 250$ or less.
See you in Amsterdam. ;P
£229.99 and March 11th.
Ugh, I hate having to go to class tomorrow...why couldn't this be on Thursday? What's so special about Wednesday? xD
Hmm I think Nintendo knows about the huge hype on the 3DS so I'm thinking maybe 200 - 250 dollars or if the world wants to hat on me it will be around 300
$280, March 15th is my guess.
It's $300 in yen though. aussies always get screwed. Rumored prices for EU are around the $300 USD mark too. Hopefully it won't be $300. The only people happy about that. Then it's pretty much guaranteed most kid's next portable electronic devices will be the significantly cheaper iTouches.
Prediction, United States: Wednesday, March 30th, $299.99. Said something else at first, then I thought of it. 30 doesn't look too different from 3D. In commercials they could morph the zero in 30 to a D to make 3D...S.
You should work in advertising.
Anything higher than $250 is robbery. W/ this economy, especially. Don't have a clue/guess as to when it will come out. Maybe mid-March, I suppose.
the australian release date is supposed to be some where in march and price around 300 - 350 dollars but i guess we will find out tommorow!
Thanks. In my previous life, I was Don Draper. Actually, I've seen so much "Mad Men", I just think like an ad exec. I wish I were Don Draper. I'd have a ladyfriend right now. Or several.
@Chibi Link
Good thinking! I hope you're right. I'd rather be wrong and get it 27 days earlier than be right and get it 27 days later!
it it true that "bloody" has the same weight as an f-bomb in euroland? When we moderate UK content at work, we're told to treat "bloody" as profanity and reject reviews that contain it...are we making too big a deal about that word?
I'm quite optimistic that i can leave work early today (since i almost never do that) so i can watch the event live. I really like these events somehow. When i miss them i want to watch all of the videos and screenshots as quickly as possible. And man how long it feels until they are uploaded on some sites (for good reasons though which just doesn't make the waiting any easier).
I'm going for a 250 € pricetag and a March 25th release in Europe.
@Chibi Link
So why cant Nintendo Australia release the 3DS for $350? Its higher than when the DSi and DSiXL launched and cheaper than when the Wii launched because who would buy it for $400? Especially if people knew thats how much a Wii used to cost (and is now $100 less than that) Although it is hard to believe the DS launched at $199, everything nowadays is much more expensive for no reason. I'm starting to believe they might release it for $300 because they don't want it to cost more than a Wii or people would buy a Wii instead.
My prediction is as follows:
Release date: 25 March 2011
Price: $299 (US)
Can't believe I missed it earlier. Could also be March 5th. 305=3DS. Put a slash in there to make it 3/05 or March 5th!
I guess the price would be: 229.99 - 249.99 €
Pro Evo Soccer, Nintendogs, SSF IV, Star Fox, other useless 3rd party software (Cartoon Network, Spongebob, etc.) and a LOT of virtual console titles. Release date late March or beginning of April.
2 colors but not the same as Japan (I do hope for Red and Grey)
Not guessing. I want the FACTS. And maybe a li'l action. I do hope Nintendo doesn't disappoint us. I don't want to get second thoughts on the console.
It's ok GameLord08, they don't want that either.
I bet Mario can put away an enormous amount of lunch into that belly of his.
in b4 lame 'lotsa spaghetti' jokes
For lunch... I hope they made lotsa spaghetti!
Man after school I'm going to have to read this.
Huh? The live webstream (here: ) hasn't started yet? Maybe my time changing calculations are incorrect but shouldn't it have started ~20mins ago? I WANTZ TEH 3DS!!!111!!1!
EDIT: Heh. Nevermind. My time changing calculations were WAYYYY off. See you in just under a couple of hours
Tingle 3DS
Mind blowing
March 27, $269.99, US.
March 20, 245 pounds, Europe.
December 31, 2011, 599 aUS DOLLARS, Australia.
€300,- and around the same in US dollars across the pond.
If anyone thinks that in the EUSSR it's going to cost less than £250 with the weak pound against the yen and VAT at 20% they are dreaming.
£180 to 230 or I'm waiting for a price drop. Or even a decent bundle.
OK! Lets start im gonna watch the live feed and this at the same time~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great pictures, DaddyNewts
Yee haa
My guess is March 15 at $229.99 for the US.
At 8:52 did Jon say he was fiddling with his unit?
i think ill wait for better colors
Hope that's something like the line-up on lauch day (the demos there)
I'm watching the live stream right now. This is going to be awesome.
Ross and Fischer, the dynamic duo - the 3DS looks pretty
Fischer seems really nervous.
$350 is inexcusable let alone $400?! o.O You people are berzerk. Yet, Lord knows that people in this country are stupid enough to pay that much for it. Heck, the DSi XL is still retailing for $300 locally. $130 more than the full price in the U.S. Even the DS Lite is retailing for $30 more than a DSi XL in the states.
Considering the current state of the economy, and the ridiculous prices that we'll be forking over for games throughout the span of the 3DS's life, I'm not willing to pay more than $300 for the 3DS. Nintendo has gouged us enough.
Wow, the EU speaker is really nervous and hard to understand.
I really like the Start, Select and Home button placement!
Yeah, Laurent Fischer is a little nervous there haha. Probably because this isn't his native language. This is interesting stuff anyway.
Is there a way to watch the US show streamed online?
...make that - the 3DS is VERY pretty
Shaun the Sheep 3D? Yipeee!
I got an appointment with the accountant now, gotta go. Prob need to make sure my finances are in order so that I can buy this fracker. Pls be a lowish price, please
ONLY ONE FRIEND CODE!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, and you can see who's online and what they're playing. Joining games with friends is supposed to be much easier too. Exciting stuff.
I love that guy's accent... LOL. Not bad from what I'm seeing so far in EU, but I really want to see the games. Street Pass seems great too.
lol George Clooney
US stream here:
Only one friend code
OMG... I want Pilotwings Now!!!
What? I can afford it and it's only 2 months away!!!!
lol, Reggie said GamePlaystations.
@UNC.... I caught that too.
Rayman 3D is Rayman 2 AGAIN.
I hope it's a better port than Rayman DS.
@slappy: hahaha no prob -- thank GamesX99, he's the one who gave us the heads-up in chat. the NA stream was way less lame than the EU one :3
Seriously, I was happy to see ole Reggie at the forefront when that stream loaded up Lol.
Thanks, GamesX99
Great day for Nintendo!
@slappy: hahaha, Reggie gave us the goods right off the bat... no piddling around like the EU conference :3
I got to the live stream of the US event just in time to see Reggie turn and walk off of the stage...
The EU conference is lame. When does it end?
$249.99 for America? £209 for EU? God, this thing is bloody expensive. D:
I could buy a netbook for that price for gawds sake. D:
Hm, will Gamestop call you to ask what color you want or should I call them within the next two days? I want that awesome Blue one.
And I knew it was going to be $250 ($230-$250) and some people kept saying "No, it's $300". Ah, feels good to be right.
I like how Yves Guillemot said you'd be fighting dragons in Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D.
I WANT TO BUY IT RIGHT NOW!but I can not...
No price for EU? Wow wth, it comes out 2 days earlier here than America xD
I like how they were using a black eyed peas song whenever someone would walk on stage
"Retail price decided by retailer..."
I forsee massive profiteering.
Also, YES! We get the system 2 days before the US!!
@edhe: I bet we get it a lot cheaper though
25th march...GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But how mach will the 3ds and the games will cost?
Of course the EU show couldn't announce a price. Every country will have a different price for the system. Ah well.
"HMV selling them for 250 apparently"
...Please tell me that's Euros.
Oh well, this makes it considerably easier to not buy.
I died a little inside. I'm not paying over £100 more than the US equivalent
___Is that a little "3D" light near the top screen nexr to the slider? That could be annoying at night and stuff
I wonder how much GAME will charge for this
Check out a live stream of the game demos.
EDIT: I'm the 150th commenter!
@Yai: Knowing GAME, about £2million. And packaged with Carnival Games and a BAJILLION bits of plastic tat you don't need :3
Even though it says the page will update automatically, I still find myself pushing the refresh button repeatedly.
@Robo-goose I refresh for the classy comments.
Launch titles for US?
For US:
$249.99 = Good!
March 27 = Unforgivable!
I wasn't going to get it at day-one anyway, especially knowing that the shop won't even be open a launch!
Wow the AR looks pretty cool from the video I saw. 3D AR archery... nice
About where does the grapical power of the 3DS lie, now that you have seen it up close?
I find it odd that the eShop won't be open at launch. Other than that, though, sounds like it's really packed with content!
@Kid_A: It will probably be activated after the first system update, like the DSi shop was. (I experienced this at the launch of the DSi)
Geez, was closer on release date before I over-thought things. Come on, March 27! Thank you for all the updates, James and Jonathan!
"US: Just froze a unit when switching to game notes through home button while watching a movie. Whoops! "
Great, Jon, you broke it. Now you have to buy it.
Wow it's cheaper.
And no wow for 25th march.
£220 pre-oder price from Amazon UK.
Save 4% of the RRP apparently...
Still have not decide whether that's too expensive for me.
I am so glad that it is going to be $249 and not $299! It comes out two days before my birthday so I know what I'm getting myself as a present!
Hey, don't tease us about Nintendo vs Capcom D:
(Even though the director of TvC and MvC said he would like a crossover like Smash Bros. to happen and wanting Mario in a Vs. game in an interview....)
"US: 3D slider is really just a focal adjuster and not "more" or "less" 3D. Sorta like fitting binoculars to your eyes."
wait, what? i thought you could turn the 3D effect off altogether? if that's not possible, there's no way i'll be able to get this later as planned... i get headaches enough during 3D movies and stuff
Power bomb?
Here's the Samus in Dead or Alive video they mentioned:
A real Metroid would have been better =(
Nintendo's website has a lot of new videos on this. Check it out:
Amazon Confirms 229.99 rrp. Selling it currently at 219.99
DoA metroid video was awesome! Haven't played any other than DoA3.
For everyone complaining about the price comparisons, you have to remember the US price is WITHOUT tax. And the difference is caused by a weak dollar currently, not much you can do about that. Would you be whinging if the dollar was so strong that it caused our price to go up down the line? Of course you would. So it works both ways...
@the black dragon
It changes the range and at the very bottom of the slider it says off. So now worries man.
@armoredghor: haha, thanks -- after staring at my DSi all morning, my eyes aren't having the greatest of days :3
DOA Dimmensions looks amazing! - Asda doing the best deals so far for preorders. Wondering right now whether it would be a good idea.... :Z
I had some rewards I used up on a website I use. Used them on my p#gging 3DS order. NoE can k#ss my posterior.
@WaveBoy Fuzzy as in "how they probably originally looked on GameBoy Color"
@DaddyNewts - What did you get... Champaign and gum..? Hehe...
Nice updates by the way! I got the important notes I needed!
@armoredghor - Thanks for the info about the new info at Nintendo´s website!
They never mentioned anything about PictoChat!! Does anyone know if the 3DS will come with it?
I'm getting one on day 1!
Nintendo Vs Capcom?! hopefully it happens. And if its by Sakurai, i will preorder it first day i can, because sakurai is my #1 fav game creator, tied with Miyamoto
e-store comes in a future update, ok I can understand the browser but the e-store Lame nintendo
The Imagine and Petz series? I thought we were told there would be no crap that plagued the DS and Wii!
so was links awakening given 3d effects, like they said they might give vc games 3 effects?
Nice @36.
How do your eyes feel. Jame/Jon?
Whoa! Nintendo's US homepage, you are correct: There are only two things that matter now... one is blue, the other is black. Check out the back-and-forth between the two by clicking the arrow. Neato.
I can't believe they gave you a mini moet in the goodie bag. That's pretty damn decent of them! haha and a red bull shot.
So guys... which is more ace... SSFIV or DoA? Which would you buy if you could only have one?
but what do you guys mean ask mr sakurai for nintendo vs capcom?
lol, goodie bag with gum that champagne? Well, glad you had fun, guys, can't wait to get me hands on this machine.
Oh, also, anyone have Sakurai's email?
Is there anything game related in that goody bag? Looks like it's just wine and munchies (not that I would be complaining about that though )
Hehe, forget about the champagne and other stuff, I want that BAG!!! D:
For anyone who is interested, the Nintendo Channel on Wii (US) has been updated with several videos about the 3DS.
By the way, great job NL.
Glad you guys enjoyed the coverage! Here's some answers for you:
Goodie bag contained nothing game related, sadly.
For me, SSFIV has the edge but DoA is very impressive. I'm a big SF fan though, people who aren't may not get it. DoA is still a great fighter though. I'll have impressions of both on the site soon.
I did see PictoChat on the in-game menu - Jon used the OS more than me so he may be able to shed some light on things.
Virtual Console games were just as they would be on original hardware - no 3D effect.
Mario Kart 3DS only visible in rolling footage behind glass, sadly.
Thanks for the coverage
@James and/or Jonathan
How did your eyes feel after using the systems over the course of the event? Did the 3D seem to cause more eyestrain than a typical LCD?
@Ecto-1 Because you're moving from station to station it's tough to say whether it's more or less tiring than using normal LCD, to be honest. For me, as a glasses-wearer, I found it less straining when I took my glasses off but plenty of other people said the opposite. I certainly didn't feel optically exhausted at any point, though
Thanks, James.
is this the end of this live text..?
The event ended 48 hours ago so yep, no more live text updates
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