Every fan of Doctor Who (or, simply, The Doctor) knows that he'd have a lot more trouble fighting Cybermen and Daleks without his trusty Sonic Screwdriver. It seems that no matter what the problem is, it can be solved by him pointing the device at it and acting like he's concentrating really hard as the Time Lord tool shines a light and makes a noise. Voila! Machine fixed, non-wooden door unlocked – and now, Nintendo Wii or DS manipulated.
Even if the upcoming release of Doctor Who: Return to Earth for the Wii and of Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth for the DS are as lifeless as Gallifrey (the Doctor's home planet which was destroyed in the Time War), you can bet that this amazing Sonic Screwdriver-themed Wii Remote and DS stylus will still be as cool as bow ties and fezzes. They'll be zooming to store shelves courtesy of Koch Media – presumably only to the U.K., other parts of Europe and Australia, however, as those are the only territories so far scheduled to receive the upcoming titles.
You can pick up yours before London is destroyed this Christmas.
[source reghardware.com]
Comments 38
Seriously? That's the nerdiest thing I've seen in a very long time.
It looks... uncomfortable...
Awesome, i might just have to import these.
@grenworthshero - And being a member on a Nintendo news site isn't just as nerdy? Everyones a nerd here, and just like "normal people" we all have personal tastes.
Then go for it, no one's stopping you. I didn't say it was bad. I just said it was nerdy. I think buying one of those things is definitely nerdier than being on a Nintendo news site, but there's no denying everyone here is a nerd.
@grenworthshero & @zen Don't worry, my reference filled article guarantees that I'm the nerdiest one here.
bring it
' It seems that no matter what the problem is, it can be solved by him pointing the device at it and acting like he's concentrating really hard as the Time Lord tool shines a light and makes a noise. Viola!'
Most tie-in peripherals are recolours (like the Goldeneye Classic pad) or cheap plastic that slots onto the wii remote. I can only imagine they'll cost a packet.
But I can't stand Doctor Who.
@Bobpie Ahahahaha. Fixed. Loved it.
More Toys for your Wii mote.....
That looks... really uncomfortable. And they moved the buttons around... why... WHHHHHYYYY?!?
@xDemon720x The buttons look like they haven't moved to me...
I hate to say this, but since I spent part of my day at the office yesterday debating "Darth Vader Vs. Magneto: who would win in a fight?", I've not a leg to stand-on.... Yeah, if I lived in a region these games were being released in, I would buy two of those Wiimotes.
One to use, one to sell to some fan boy on eBay 6 months after it was released.
Hahaha, that's pretty cool
Lab experiment gone bad? Or gift sent from heaven?
should be David Tennant's sonic screw driver not the new doctors...
@zkaplan Hmm... it looks changed to me... I'm not sure if that's because its bigger or something... it just doesn't seem right...
@xDemon720x It's longer on both ends and it's got that grip thing in the middle, but I think that those are the biggest changes that would affect this sort of thing. And I don't see a strap, but they probably just edited it out of the picture.
How would that stylus even work?
Looks a mite too big.
God I can't believe how much of a geek I am! I wasn't too excited about the Dr. Who games themselves but I want these Sonic accessories.
When I read the title I thought this had something to do with Sonic, not Dr. Who.
Are you saying that to get back at the jocks who gave you a swirly?
'Cause I can tell that you wouldn't survive twenty seconds of physical activities as strenuous as football. God forbid you try competitive swimming!
I do, however, agree that movies and videogames can be amazing forms of entertainment. (Me having an account on here is perfect proof of that statement.)
Dr Who himself has always been this cool "nerdy" style character anyway. The sonic-mote looks brilliant, but will prob cost too much
No worries.
It looks pretty useless to me...
Being released separately, or only bundled? If separate, then i'll definitely import it.
LOL @ the "...before London is destroyed this Christmas" bit. XD
Does it make that sound?
Baaahahahahaha, that last line made me lol irl. The game will suck without David Tennant though.
Looks awesome!
"You can pick up yours before London is destroyed this Christmas". Lol.
Great article, Zach. I would never get this, but it does look awesome. I just wish the Who writers would stop overusing the Daleks and Cybermen. Make up some new monsters FGS! I get so tired of the same old unfrightening monsters. And get rid of Karen Gillan.
Get rid of Karen Gillan?! HERESY!!
(though i agree on the overuse of Daleks and Cybermen, particularly the Daleks, awesome though they may be)
@LuWiiGi & others who liked the article: Thanks!
@the shpydar I bet you only like her cos she's fit. She's really loud and shouty, and annoying.
Dear God, please send these to America. I don't care if that game end's up being shovelware. I want that stylus!
I'm more excited by this wiimote than I am by the rather dull looking bit of shovelware. I've got the free PC games from the BBC, unless the Wii game is much better than those, why on earth would I pay for it?
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