Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales and Marketing, is to leave the company on October 1st to take up a new role elsewhere. Although her new job is not known, it's not another games industry position.
Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's president, paid his tribute to the departing Dunaway.
We appreciate Cammie's contributions to Nintendo and the role she played in bringing the Wii and Nintendo DS experiences to millions of people. Her team and the rest of Nintendo of America remain focused on our goal of maintaining the incredible momentum Nintendo enjoys heading into the busy holiday season.
Dunaway is most fondly remembered by Nintendo fans for her appearance at E3 2008, of course.
[source uk.wii.ign.com]
Comments 76
My Mom's name is Cammie!
Well, not sure how that helps, but goodbye, and let's all hope Ninty hires Kevin Butler instead.
EDIT: Joking here, by the way.
Oh, Cammie. I will love you forever.
Meh, I'm a Reggie fan anyway.
Good riddance. But seriously, i couldn't care less about the marketing people, they are not the ones who makes our games.
No! The horror! Why Must the world be so cruel!?
...Who is she again?
I bet she's going to work with Sony, traitor!
Oh, how sad! I was just settling in with Mrs. Dunaway. Cammie Dunaway was such a breath of fresh air from Reggie Fills Aime. I can't believe she is leaving. It breaks my heart. Oh, well at lest I've got Christine O'Donnell now.
thank god shes gone*happy dances*
If I recall correctly she blueberried up Nintendo's 2009 E3, sooo ho cares.
Watch the language - mod team
Nintendo should release some new Club Nintendo items as a farewell as I remember her saying they were going to be updating the prizes.
Well that was a fast article, I just made a thread about it.
Thank you! Cammie was so annoying!
I'm sure she'll make 'camio' apperances... c'mon its funny... her name is Cammie and... ahh forget it.
Ah well, bye bye. I only know you from 2008 E3 anyways...
@labrat7: NO.
I wonder if Nintendo's marketing will improve any now that she's gone...probably not.
Meh. She doesn't kick a** and take names like Reggie does.
Good riddance to the annoying soccer mom. This only good memory she'll be leaving me besides not showing her face at this year's E3. Hopefully someone who can actually bridge the gap between the core gamer and the current casual crowd will take her place.
Meh, I never really liked her anyway. Hope she finds another job.
Im with PunnyGuy on this one... as well as everyone else
I bet she's gonna say the 3DS shovelWare is gonna be good
Aw man...
Good luck to her, 'n all that, but I will never forgive her for that performance on-stage, omg.
Man you guys are cruel...
E308 press conderence was completely blueberried thanks to her. So this is fine with me.
I'm gonna sound like a jerk, but my response to this is good. She was annoying and not charismatic or interesting at all during her E3 appearences. I hope she finds another job, though. Everyone has their purpose, but I don't think this job was hers...
Atleast Nintendo would probably stopped obsessivelly trying to make Wii "kid friendly".
love her!
First post seconded.
Geez, why is Nintendo letting her go!? They're so sexist!
I do give her my best wishes.
I'm pretty sure all the E3s she spoke for had terrible presentations.
Thanks goodness. I won't say it could get any worse, but they could bring in Kaz from Sony.
Reggie is a bro, but Cammie clearly didn't have the faintest interest in games at all
NOOOOOOOOOOO! Who will tell us about her skiing trip with her kids now!? And who will ruin Nintendo's E3s!?
Thank God she's gone. Maybe she can get a job marketing Kinect for Microsoft.
Hat's off to you, Cammie! Wish you luck wherever you go.
@Joe hmmm thatll be awesome to have her a E3 11 for kinect.
Cammie Presents Kinectimals 2 even more Happy Pilled Animals
Bye, bye,
MissMrs. [Nintendo of] AmericanPieexecutive vice president of sales & marketing.hey, has a nice ring to it!
....Who? lol
And here I thought I've never seen such ignorant responses. Apparently someone's presentations at some conference determines how good they are. Pitiful
Wait she's the boring lady at those E3s?! lol
whos gonna play shaun whites games now?,always sad to hear that people leave, but finaly no more shaun white games during E3 nintendo conferences
E3 need people like Regginator not Gamer Mom like Cammie
At first I didn't like her, but now I'm gonna miss her...
Good by Cammie, NoA will never be the same without you!
@sonic_brawler95 "they're so sexist!" That was a joke, right?
I just randomly thought what if Charles Matinete (however you spell his last name, lol) replaced her conferences? xD
Now we can listen to "boring" stuff...but with Mario's voice! xD
Yessssssssssssss. That would be perfect.
She freaked me out this year for E3...
I finish watching the e3 presser on Nintendo's site
Wow, awesome! I don't know how it can get any better than this!
Cammie comes on
Hiiii, I'm Cammie Dunaway...
I jump out of my chair
I feel kinda bad that the first thing I did when I saw this was cheer and scream "YES!" but it's how I really feel. She didn't fit in, left a bad image, and doesn't truly care about vidya games.
@Robo-goose- lol, yes, it was a huge joke. Its poking fun at the X-Play's Other M review. I would never call Nintendo, my favorite company ever, sexist if it wasn't in a joking tone.
I'm glad she's finally been Dunaway with.
Can't say I am going to miss her.
I met Cammie at E3 and she was really nice. Kinda reminded me of an Aunt. She will be missed.
Meh, found her to be quite annoying.
How can you hate on someone you have never met? Kids these days. No manners at all.
@53.47drift: 1 out of 3457 found this review helpful.
Nintendo has lost the hottest girl they will ever get.
@58 I don't need to sleep with a pack of lions to know that's a bad idea.
Nintendo should hire someone with character, who also loves to game.
Hell yes.
She probably did good things for the company (or they would have fired her) but I'm glad she won't be showing up at E3 anymore, trying to appeal to an audience that isn't watching the show.
I'm sure she'll find something else quickly, her credentials are pretty impressive as a marketer.
#53 wins the trophy for best comment.
@47drift: well done.
and say what you will about her E3 presence, but in her 3 years on the job the Wii and DS have completely dominated. And she was exec. v.p. of Sales and Marketing. So, um, yeah I think she's probably pretty good at her job.
I certainly won't miss her. But give the woman some credit, yeah?
Erm... was she the one at the beginning of the web presentation of this year's E3 before it actually started? Or was that someone else...
@5 Without the marketing people you would never have bought any Nintendo games.
She seemed really nice, I wish her the best.
Thinks about it
I wonder how hard it is to get a job at Nintendo.
Jesus Christ, you guys are cruel beyond words. I never cared much for her, but my god, do you REALLY have to say that you hope she remains unemployed? What the hell is wrong with you?!
@YoshiSage: I wouldn't go as far as not wanting her to get employed somewhere else, but I'm glad she won't be doing her stupid thing at Nintendo anymore.
...And nothing of value was lost.
Sorry, I know I've commented already but I just felt someone had to say it...
Btw, you all do realize someone far worse than her can take her place
@Iz No, you can't have her job!
The only thing I remember about Cammie was, "Puppies are cute"
Now THAT puts a smile on my face ;-P
@lz: I suppose they COULD, but given Nintendo's apparent re-focusing more towards the "core" side of things, I don't think that's overly probable. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if part of why she's leaving is that her usefulness to the company is expended.
What did she do at e3 08? I didn't see it.
@mariofanatic128: She was the women who made the announcements along with Reggie.
Thank goodness. She helped make 2008 Nintendo's worst E3.
I know that, maybe I wasn't specific enough. How did she help to make it nintendo's worst e3.
She was on the stage thats enought(but i think it was her palying shaun white snowboarding on the balance board and talking about crapy games that ruined everything)
so the spot is open then! =D hire me! i can compete with Marcus Rivers! we need someone "hardcore" to show nintendo has hardcore gamers too.
"3DS, Step yo' visuals up!" XD
Hm....by most of you guys comments I guess I'm glad I that 2010's E3 my first then.
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