During Nintendo Conference 2010, CEO Satoru Iwata announced the Japanese launch date and price for the upcoming 3DS handheld.
The portable will release on Feb 26, 2011 and retail for 25,000 yen. The two launch colours are Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black. Prices vary by market and it's tough to say that the price will be exactly the same in other territories, but that amount is equivalent to approximately $300USD/€220/£190.
Iwata also said that North America and Europe will get ahold of the new hardware sometime in March of next year, with details to come from their respective Nintendo branches.
[source ds.ign.com]
Comments 49
....Figures, so much for Christmas. T_T
dang.... there goes most my excitement..... How did you guys know that it comes out in March to other territories? They never officially announced that.... yet...
What, no red color at launch? Boo! Oh well, black was my second choice and it still looks pretty sexy.
Well that sucks. Well at least they are giving it to us. Time to sell some stuff on Ebay!
Where's my purple 3DS? And the redesign?
€220 is rather steep too. I might hold off until there's some awesome games that make it a necessity.
So......much.......disappointment.........I WAS SO PLANNING ON HAVING A 3DS IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! I thought FOR SURE Japan would at least get it in 2010 and then I would just import. DOn't get me wrong, I'm really happy about all the new features anounced but damn.......that release date was just a total blow to the gut.......
It's worth noting that DSi was 18,900 yen at launch, which equates to $225 US, but the actual US launch price was $170.
I honestly don't expect 3DS to be over $249.99.
Yay, black.
I had my fingers crossed for Christmas 2010 too, but in a way, if Europe is going to wait until March 2011 then I have more time to save for it (conveniently, my birthday is in February).
If there is only one month difference between Europe and Japan, it is not worth while impoting, either. For the sake of having it a month early, the possible complications that connecting to DSiWare could bring up are not worth the trouble, (unless you actually want to access the content on the Japanese DSiWare's store, that is).
The dollar sucks right now, converting Yen prices to Dollars aren't going to give you an answer that makes sense. I'm guessing $250.
The Aussie dollar is doing awesome... almost parity with the US$, but I bet it is still $50 more expensive than the US$ price.
I also have a birthday late february... muahahaha
Much later and more expensive than I thought. Maybe those rumored specs aren't quite accurate? Regardless... Just Black and Blue? No, thank you. I can wait.
Well, hopefully Christmas cash can get me a 3DS in March. T.T
(That, or a job.)
Well Nintendo never said anything about a Christmas release and I'm perfectly happy with a March release.
Also it's definitely going to be cheaper than that in the US. You all have crazy electronics prices. Can't say about elsewhere though. :/
If it really is gonna be € 220,- I'd say that's very reasonable.
Oh cool, I was right about the 300 dollar price tag.
Cool, so It'll be my birthday present then. Nice.
I don't like the $300 dollar price tag.
Well, at least I'll have time to save up money for it and more games now.
YES! Day 1 purchase for me
So muich for the November rumors. Oh well. That gives me more time to enjoy the games coming out this year!
I think $300 is a bit too much. I guess I will go on ebay or wait for a sale or something...
$300? **whistles** Not bad, particularly because I was epxecting it.
Kind of a heafty price tag, but since it also controls a doomsday rocket laser device, I think it's fine. =P
@timp29: Yeah, if we're lucky. =(
The exchange rate is as close as it's ever been, yet we're still being charged $80-$100 for first party Wii games while they're selling for beans ($40-$50) in the states. Disgraceful. =(
Just because it's the equivalent of $300 doesn't mean it's going to be $300
US price will probably be $249.99 (except at WalMart where it will be $249.97). $300 seems like alot for a handheld game console that's going to get lost on mass transit, destroyed in a school bag, or stolen. Plus it's 6 SIX months from now so who knows.
The release date seems reasonable since they just lowered the DSi prices and will want those holiday sales - which will still be huge if that $300 3DS price point is out there. Plus, they are actually releasing games for the Wii this holiday - Wii Party, Kirby, DK and Epic Mickey.
I for one am actually happy for this. I'm just about done paying for the 12 games I preordered till the end of this year.....X_X 3DS can wait till next year since I'll be busy until then. Next year is going to start with LittleBigPlanet 2, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Nintendo 3DS!
Jeez, the dollar sucks right now.
Well, one out of two isn't bad. I got the release date right, but there is NO WAY it'll sell for less than $200 now. I highly doubt it'll be the full $300 for various reasons (larger market in the US, Japan traditionally subsidizing exports, etc.), but there's no way it'll be less than $200.
I'm not paying more than that for it though, I'm just not. The iTouch's specs are so much better, and it only costs $230. Nice to know I will be able to move my DSiWare and sell the DSi, if I can't force myself to wait, I'll probably just wait for the 3DS Lite now. The only thing that's really making me jump for it is the Virtual Handheld. Grrr...
Hopefully I'll get this for my birthday since it's a month later than the eu launch, my birthday is 11th April.
Hooray, I'll have time to save up. My b-day's in February, but oh well.
Gosh! if i calculate the taxes it might get to 345$ where i live! Thats way too much!
there better be that red one for march over here .
Better start saving money up!
Darn, knew it was coming in March.
300 bucks? I wouldn't have enough.
well was dissapointed in $300 price until i learned about the stuff bundled in with it.
I'm guessing the US will get it in March 2011, then. Oh, well. The Wii and DS goodies this year are just as sweet.
$300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still be gettingz it thought
Good, I was hoping it wouldn't come out this year. All that April 2011, then September 2010, then March 2011, then November 2010, then March 2011 again nonsense can be put to rest. Let the DS line go out with a bang Nintendo and give the Wii a spectacular Christmas without the need in our minds to find half a grand for a new portable. Besides my next birthday is May of 2011 so I can wait.
I am not sad at all. Now I have more time to save.
I am with Dodger on this one. I know a lot of people wanted a Holiday release, but I really don't have the cash right now to buy the 3DS with. By March, I can easily save enough for the portable as well as a plethora of launch titles and VC titles. We have enough great games until then to keep us busy.
as excites as I am for all the news, QUIT POSTING 3DS STUFF! or, maybe post more good news. Either way, I win somehow
maybe they will do release it for xmas and are just faking these dates for it to be a surprise //keeps dreaming
300$? Really Nintendo? D:. But hey, still awesome.
$300 IN JAPAN. There's still hope for a lesser price here.
But even so, it might be a while before I can afford it. I was looking forward to a pre-Christmas release too
I doubt it will be $300. Nintendo always makes their hardware cheaper than other companies do, but maybe they are taking a risk this time. It IS an incredible piece of hardware...
It launches in Japan on my birthday. How awesome is that! Can't wait to get me one of these things in March.
WAH $300?!?!?!?
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