GoldenEye 007 for Wii: exciting, scary and slightly out of focus.

According to Kotaku late yesterday, IGN put the video up and ever so swiftly removed it. Someone got a hold of it and uploaded it to YouTube, but it wasn't long before Activision removed it for copyright violation. At E3 we will know for sure, but for now we can only hope that the footage is authentic: GoldenEye is returning to Wii. And Daniel Craig is playing the part.

EDIT - The trailer has been taken down but we will bring you the authentic trailer as soon as it arrives.

We've been fooled by technology before, and certainly some of the visuals here are wanting, but we can hope that we're not being deceived by a MovieMaker mastermind and that when it comes to the connection between our dreams and our real lives, it's a bond that won't be broken.

However, this looks real. Even "" is registered to "Activision Publishing, Inc". Only a few hours until we should see confirmation from Activision.
