You're simply the chest! Better than all the rest...

It's one thing to own what is surely going to be one of the top games of 2010, but it's quite another to buy it in a limited edition bundle that comes with every peripheral you'll need to get the most out of the game. If you are not familiar with the upcoming Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~), be sure to check out our first impressions when Luke Westaway headed down to the Monster Hunter University event in London last month.

When the game launches next month, you'll be able to buy the game in an Ultimate Hunter Pack that includes a copy of the game, a black Classic Controller Pro, and the Wii Speak if you preorder it on the GAME website. There's also a fourth mystery item that appears to be Lagicrus-related: a figurine perhaps? You can also preorder this at your local bricks and mortar GAME store, if you're still distrustful of the Internet for whatever reason.

At the recent Nintendo Media Summit, Capcom revealed further details on the highly anticipated action adventure game. North American gamers that preorder the game or the Classic Controller Pro bundle from GameStop will also get a playable demo and free Nintendo Points. The demo will be available from 8th March onwards across GameStop stores.

Thanks to reader Rhys Elliott for sending this one in.

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