OMG WII 2 WTF! Ahem.

Those of you lucky enough to get Nintendo Power magazine on a regular basis may have been shocked to see an image in the latest issue bearing the Wii 2 logo.

The photo of a Wii Remote - which was used to illustrate an item regarding Netflix - seemed to confirm the impending arrival of Nintendo's latest home console.

However, don't got calling your local video game store to place a reservation just yet. When Kotaku did some digging, the truth turned out to be far more mundane.

Nintendo Power editor Chris Slate explained that the Wii 2 image was simply a goof-up:

Someone (it may have been me, I don't remember) gathered a bunch of Nintendo-related images from wherever we could find them (such as the web) since we didn't have access to Nintendo's press site at that point, and I think we took the "Wii 2" one without noticing it had been altered. It was forgotten and left on our server, where it later got mixed in with our library of real assets once we started doing the magazine.

"D'oh" is the word you're looking for, Chris.
