Although the Pro Evolution Soccer games have lost major ground to EA Sport's juggernaut FIFA franchise in recent years, Konami's flagship sporting series has shown remarkable form when turning out for Nintendo's Wii, with 2008 and last year's 2009 release showing off some pretty moves. The only real downside has been the long wait between the game's release on HD consoles and its Wii appearance, but that's all about to change with PES 2010 set for release on Wii this Autumn.
Here's what Konami have to say about their upcoming jumpers-for-goalposts title:
A decisive addition to PES 2010 is an all-new game balance system that affects both attacking and defensive elements of the game. The player in possession now has ‘instantaneous stamina’ in addition to his overall stamina, which prevents unbeatable runs from being used as a constant tactic. Overuse of sprinting will have an adverse affect on the player’s body balance and their immediate control of the ball. As in a real match, excessive attempts of trying to gain possession will drain the player’s stamina, further demonstrating the Wii game’s realism.
Proper and timely controls within the context of match have also be given more importance. More fine and strategic controls have been given more significance, and an attacking player with the ball can perform various ‘AI feints’ to bypass the opposition defenders while dribbling – but is in accordance with the player’s abilities. Defenders will also have to think of which areas to close down from, and work with other players to reduce the space attackers have.
Greyhound has also worked hard on a new free kick system, wherein these set pieces are now viewed from the kicker’s perspective and targeted using a pointer system, allowing users to add swerve and additional pace to their kicks, dependent on the taker’s abilities. This level of control even allows players to move their keeper earlier in a in a match against human player.
New animations will see players signaling for passes, and the slickest animation in a PES title on Wii yet, while the Champions Road and Master League modes mark a welcome return again. “The stakes have been raised and PES 2010 for Wii shows that Konami can still innovate and surprise,” commented Akiyoshi ‘Greyhound’ Chosogabe. “Our control system for Wii is still regarded as the finest and most intuitive around, and we have once again reworked it to add a level of control and realism that can appeal to new and old PES fans alike.”
As with most sporting sequels, it seems a case of tiny tweaks and updates when this new title hits our shelves in a few months' time, but then when previous entries were among the best Nintendo sports games of all time, who's complaining?
Comments 11
Sounds interesting.
I just pray to God that the online mode works fine. I chose FIFA 09 because it came out first last year and had a good review from NOM over here, but the online play is so broken it's unplayable, and once you've beaten the computer on World Class with the Suwon Bluewings against AC Milan it gets somewhat boring. I know PES2010 will be awesome, let it have an awesome online mode too!
If I can see the ball in this version without having to press my eyes up to the screen, I'll be happy.
PES Wii is easily my favorite soccer game. Great controls, and while FIFA got a lot of attention I'm more impressed with the innovation and improvements that PES has brought to a stale genre.
Good news if they are releasing in a timely fashion this year. Waiting for months after the (better looking, but less innovative) 360/PS3 versions was disappointing... but does less development time mean less new features this year?
I loved PES 2009 for the wii! I hope this one will follow the tradition of the of the 2009 version, and not strip away features from it's console competitors.
I skipped PES09 because I was already well into FIFA (which nearly did it right for once) by the time it came out. I felt dirty for owning FIFA over PES and still do, yet was planning to buy FIFA10 as PES10 was probably miles away, but apparently not. FIFA, you're fired!
Although I will reeeally miss the licenses.
And ergh... UNITED!!!!
I must have missed PES '09, but I really enjoyed '08, and I thought the gamble taken in the innovative control system really paid off. It's easily my second favourite footie game (after Sensi, obviously). My only quibble was the lacklustre multiplayer; I miss the cooperative play of FIFA.
Just remembered why I didn't buy PES09, Messi looking ***!
I'll definitely be buying this, the only thing I dunno who to play as since my team were relegated to the Championship a few weeks ago.
I feel sorry for anyone who bought 2009 a couple of months ago, seeing as it will be out of date in record time!
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