Tri Crescendo's promising adventure title Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon was recently confirmed for US release thanks to publisher XSeed and now European gamers can rest easy as Rising Star Games has announced it will be doing the same in that part of the world, too.
The game is expected in 2010, with the US release happening at the end of this year.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 20
I might get this when it comes out in the U.S.
that is, depending on how good the gameplay is
Cool, been following this one closely. More the RPGs the better I say.
Ah sweet, I was worried it might not make it here. Yay!
I got an email from them last week saying this. And I tweeted it! Nintendo Life, you clearly don't pay enough attention to me. [cries]
Finally,a RPG for the Wii possibly worth buying!
Awesome, thanks Rising Star!
Anyone else notice they've got Ju On down for a "Winter 2009" release?
the generation is getting better and better
Other then Crystal Bearers, this is my most anticipated game coming for the Wii. I want this SOOOO bad.
I'm an exploration junkie and this fits the bill beautifully!
one of the most anticipated games and its good to see it will be a world wide release
Hardy, I quite agree. (Really wanna hear a release date for FF:CB) Except I'll hopefully get to play Fragile around Christmas.
@Kadunta: I think Dawn of the New World is hitting Europe in autumn. So with any luck we'll only have a couple more months to wait. It is also coming with some extra stuff (galleries and accessories and the like), that might make up for the fact that its release will be almost a year after NA's :S
This is awesome news. I was really impressed by all the things I saw and was pretty disappointed when they said it wouldn't come to Europe. So I'm really glad that it will still come to Europe.
@Rum Rapture: Who's doing Tales in Europe, any clue? It's an action RPG, so a bit of a turn-off, but the ability to add monsters to your party may trump that for me.
Think it's about time we had a giant party just for XSeed and all its subordinate companies.
@Sean Aaron: I'm not sure, there is a press release (link) on Namco Bandai's website about Dawn of the New World being released here but whether or not that means it's them publishing it, I don't know!
I really liked Tales of Symphonia, the real-time battles were really good in that you didn't really feel like you were grinding away as much as you do in turn-based ones.
@beastman93....I agree completely. XSEED bringing anything over from Japan will now be bought day one by me. Retro Game Challenge is one of the best games Ive ever played so XSEED now has me sold.
I just saw Fragile featured in the August issue of Nintendo Power Magazine and it looks amazing! I simply can't wait for this game to come out! I'm so glad that we are getting a fantastic RPG like this; all thanks to XSEED!
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