Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: How To Defeat Dark Samus (All Fights) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Welcome to Dark Samus. We'll be looking at taking down this cheap ripoff in all three of her fights.

First Fight

The first time you genuinely fight Dark Samus is in the Pirate Headquarters. You'd best strap in because this boss fight could be the longest you'll experience so far.

Dark Samus will float around the area, making it hard to keep exact track of her movements. There are plenty of objects to hide behind in the room, so keep moving around, strafing the shots, and know when to pop your head out of cover to blast Dark Samus away.

With all that said, Dark Samus is just Samus with an early Shadow the Hedgehog complex, so she knows all your moves and will also use the environment to her advantage. Occasionally, she zips out of view at lightning-fast speeds making you lose track of her. Try your best to keep Dark Samus in your line of sight while dodging her attacks.

Remember that Dark Samus is pretty much just an evil version of Samus with all the weapons she'd ever need. With missiles, shields, and a dive bomb attack (oh my!), Dark Samus is no joke and has a large enough health pool to back up that claim. Our biggest piece of advice: keep your beam charged as often as possible so it's ready to fire whenever you see Dark Samus.

Also, maintain some distance between you and Dark Samus because she'll attempt to hit you with close-range dark energy burst fire, as well as a jump attack that will throw you across the room. We advise carefully getting in close while she charges her attacks and using your charged energy beam attack rather than missiles or regular fire.

Winning your first bout against Dark Samus won't reward you with anything initially, except Samus barely escaping with her life in the traditional post-bad guy dying explosion. But continue onwards in the area, and you'll find the Dark Beam Suit Upgrade for your troubles.

Second Fight

In the second fight Dark Samus will take us for a ride up an elevator in the Sanctuary Fortress, but that’s as much of a ride we’ll allow her to take us.

Dark Samus has a few new tricks up her sleeve this time; possessing the boost ball ability, she’ll dash around bouncing off objects like a pinball. This can damage you, so jump over her when she comes rolling. Dark Samus can also turn invisible, so whip out that Dark Visor and deal with this shadowy imitator.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: How To Defeat Dark Samus (All Fights) 4
Image: Nintendo Life

Very little can be said about Dark Samus’s second boss fight, as it’s very similar to the original outside of her new abilities. Manage your space around the arena and strafe behind the environment to block her shots. Just keep an eye out for her attacks and take her down with some well-aimed attacks.

Dark Samus will break a window and fall down a seemingly fatal drop. Samus will try to save her to no avail; such a shame. Time to move on!

Final Fight

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: How To Defeat Dark Samus (All Fights) 6
Image: Nintendo Life

It's time to take on the final boss of our Metroid Prime 2: Echoes boss fight guides and, ultimately, the final step in our full walkthrough.

We thought we saw the last of Dark Samus in the Sanctuary Fortress; never trust a bottomless pit to do a good blaster’s job. Did we mention this boss has a deadly countdown while fighting it? We’d better get started then.

Dark Samus will start the fight by firing a large energy beam you can strafe sideways to avoid. From here, Dark Samus will turn invisible at points so we can only see her with the Echo Scanner. Keep shooting at her to cause any form of damage you can. The clock is still ticking!

Keep up the damage until Dark Samus coats herself in a large orb of blue Phazon energy. At this stage, you’ll need to dodge all the attacks until she fires a small energy barrage from above. You can absorb this energy by holding your charge beam attack, and when it turns blue, fire at Dark Samus to damage her.

This is the only way to cause damage at this point in the fight, so keep your energy beam charged, dodge her attacks, and don’t let the countdown get to you. You’ll have plenty of time to take down this dark copycat. Be patient, and you’ll take down Dark Samus with time to spare.

If you need any more help concerning the Planet Aether, check out the hub for our full walkthrough of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.