
Also Known As
Surinuke Anatōsu (Japanese title)
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date


  • US 18th Oct 2010, 800 points
  • EU 5th Nov 2010, 800 points
  • JP 7th Sep 2010
Controller Support


  • Review ThruSpace (WiiWare)

    A charming little hole in the wall

    WiiWare is no stranger to the puzzle genre, offering up classic experiences like Tetris Party and Dr. Mario alongside more unconventional titles like the Art Style series. Nintendo's latest title, ThruSpace, hopes to try something new to stand out in the sizable crowd. How does it do it? By combining the shape...

Screenshots 2

ThruSpace Screenshot
ThruSpace Screenshot

ThruSpace News


  • First Impressions Surinuke Anatōsu

    Thrill-seeking for puzzler fans

    One doesn't often think of thrills and puzzles as belonging in the same sentence. You can get a bit of excitement from kicking off a combo in a fast-paced game, but to actually get a rush in the same sense as riding a rollercoaster is something else entirely. Whilst it might be an exaggeration to say Surinuke Anatōsu...

About The Game

ThruSpace is an exciting puzzle game in which you move and rotate an object called a keydron through gaps in walls.

Putting your keydron through a gap earns you points, but mastering this ability allows you to perform combos (picking up pairs of crystals simultaneously) and tricks (rotating the keydron so that its shadow covers all of the gap before passing through it), which are key to achieving high scores. Refine your skills in multiple game modes (Normal, Endless and Trick Challenge), brush up on the rules in Keydron Tutorial, or watch replay data in Keydron Memories. As the game progresses, the number of available keydrons, backgrounds, stages and levels will increase. If you have a broadband Internet connection, you can register your high scores on the leaderboard via Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection and compare scores with other ThruSpace players. This game is easy to play but difficult to master. Do you have the skills and reflexes necessary to overcome the increasingly complex challenges of ThruSpace?