
Number of Players
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Wii (Wii Shop)

  • US 30th Nov 2009, 800 points
Also Available On


  • Review The Combatribes (Virtual Console / Super Nintendo)

    A beat 'em up that packs very little punch

    There was a time when Technos ruled the beat-'em-up genre of fighting games during the 8-bit era with their Double Dragon and River City Ransom titles, but sadly the 16-bit generation wasn't as kind to the company. Once Capcom's Final Fight hit the scene, there was little room left for any other...

Screenshots 8

The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot
The Combatribes Screenshot

About The Game

A 2D side-scrolling brawler, The Combatribes puts you and a friend in the shoes of combat cyborgs Berzeker, Bullova and Blitz as they attempt to defeat the evil crime ring "Ground Zero", led by the cybernetically enhanced Martha Splatterhead and her minions.

The game is set around simple stages in which wave after wave of baddies attack you from all directions. Once you defeat enough of them with your basic attacks and special moves a boss character appears which you'll need to defeat before moving on to the next stage.

Besides the arcade mode, a Vs one-on-one mode is available with the inclusion of all boss characters as selectable fighters.