
Topic: "Wii is not in a healthy state" - Satoru Iwata on Wii's momentum

Posts 1 to 20 of 62


Well, bring out the big guns Iwata-san! And you do realize almost everyone has a Wii laying around....

This can mean many things:

  • The 8th generation may start early if Wii sales don't pick up.....
  • The big guns (NSMB Wii, Galaxy 2 and Other M) are taking some time in getting out of the gate (except NSMB Wii of course).
  • Uhh..... I dunno, more Wii Channels (plz Wii no Ma....) or Wii-exclusive games? (Epic Mickey, that's your cue...)

What do you think?

[Edited by Sylverstone]

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The Wii is doing fine and well.

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cheetahman91 wrote:

The Wii is doing fine and well.

If the president of Nintendo says that the Wii isn't doing well, it is true.

Maybe now they know, gamers will make you money the entire gen, not just halfway through.

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


It's software that sells hardware.

I blame Wii Music and Animal Crossing with Wii speak. Those games killed Wii's momentum, from which it still hasn't recovered.

I also don't truly believe that people are that excited about Wii Fit Plus and and New Super Mario Bros.



I'm sure the increased sales of the Playstation 3 have made Nintendo a bit nervous, especially with Uncharted 2 garnering so much attention in the media, but with Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, and a new Wii Zelda title in the works, I wouldn't too worried just yet.

Plain old gamer :)


I think a lot of people are excited about NSMB Wii, I certainly am. Wii Fit Plus also... it's just that I can't really afford it right now .



Read the last two paragraphs in this article:

It describes my feelings perfectly on this topic.

[Edited by V8_Ninja]

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I think that having more Wiis than PS3 and X360 combined is not exactly a bad state.

You cant sell bazillions of Wiis every time. Relax and keep bringing new cool games. Sales will skyrocket again.

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The best way to sell more Wiis is to make them free. Though maybe that technically isn't "selling."


The only real reason to make comments like this I believe is fear of the PS3, which in Japan is a legitimate fear. But there's really no way to combat that with the Wii. The traditional "gamers' games" will still be most attractive on the system that can play them best, so third parties are going to want to make their games there, on the system with the best graphics and most powerful hardware. You just can't make a game like MGS4 on Wii, and gamers want these games. Little brother and sister and granny and Aunt Jemima may not, but they aren't the ones buying a game or two a month... mostly just syrup.

I highly doubt PS3 will ever surpass Wii or come close to holding the same stature that the PS2 held, but Nintendo doesn't want the behemoth to make even a dent in their sales, and that's quickly becoming unavoidable.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Corbie wrote:

I'm sure the increased sales of the Playstation 3 have made Nintendo a bit nervous, especially with Uncharted 2 garnering so much attention in the media, but with Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, and a new Wii Zelda title in the works, I wouldn't too worried just yet.

PS3 sales are skyrocketing of course, and sometimes I'd enjoy those funny commercials on TV but the slogan is a bit of a hyperbole: "It only does everything." Did the Wii have a slogan (a new one other than "Experience a new way to play.")? We all know about the 360's "Jump in." slogan and when Natal comes along, those two words are gonna have a definite meaning. So Nintendo has better pick up the slack and try to re-market the Wii to the people they lost to Sony and Microsoft.

Thanks for reminding about Zelda Wii, Corbie! Almost forgot! (adds ammo to the big guns)

The only thing I'm so dismayed about is that no new info has been released on Other M yet and sure 2010 is a solid 2 months away but a lil' teaser wouldn't hurt. Same for Galaxy 2.

The way I see for them to re-build momentum is to keep the charge flowing from NSMB Wii's release and further appeal to hardcore and casual gamers alike.

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3DS Friend Code: 1160-9715-1818 | Nintendo Network ID: Sylverstone14 | Twitter:


Luigi-La-Bouncy wrote:

It's software that sells hardware.

I blame Wii Music and Animal Crossing with Wii speak. Those games killed Wii's momentum, from which it still hasn't recovered.

I also don't truly believe that people are that excited about Wii Fit Plus and and New Super Mario Bros.

truly, this is wii musics fault. Well, some of it, at least. The game 4 softies. more hardcore!!

velcome to ma place!


zeldaismine wrote:

Luigi-La-Bouncy wrote:

It's software that sells hardware.

I blame Wii Music and Animal Crossing with Wii speak. Those games killed Wii's momentum, from which it still hasn't recovered.

I also don't truly believe that people are that excited about Wii Fit Plus and and New Super Mario Bros.

truly, this is wii musics fault. Well, some of it, at least. The game 4 softies. more hardcore!!

Weird how on Day 1 Wii Music was raved on by us, then it led the Wii casual craze that would stab all of the core fans in the backs.

I have nothing against Wii Music, or Animal Crossing for that matter, but all the cheap casual cash-ins are ruining Wii's relative connectivity to the loyal fanboys.

I'm just sayin'!

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3DS Friend Code: 1160-9715-1818 | Nintendo Network ID: Sylverstone14 | Twitter:


Sylverstone wrote:

Thanks for reminding about Zelda Wii, Corbie! Almost forgot! (adds ammo to the big guns)

Heh, I wouldn't load that gun just yet. We know next to nothing on Zelda Wii. People were loading their guns for Twilight Princess one year... and then the next... and then the next... and so on... and it finally came, and some of us shrugged our shoulders while the others looked around like bewildered gazelles. Not only do we not have a release date, but we don't have a single screenshot, and every time Miyamoto talks about it, it sounds like it is still in preliminary stages before actual development, which will take a long time.

But I digress... 2010 looks positive for both systems, with or without Zelda. Other M, S&P2, Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia, etc; MAG, Heavy Rain, SSFIV, Mod Nation Racers, FFXIII, etc.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


weirdadam wrote:

Sylverstone wrote:

Thanks for reminding about Zelda Wii, Corbie! Almost forgot! (adds ammo to the big guns)

Heh, I wouldn't load that gun just yet. We know next to nothing on Zelda Wii. People were loading their guns for Twilight Princess one year... and then the next... and then the next... and so on... and it finally came, and some of us shrugged our shoulders while the others looked around like bewildered gazelles. Not only do we not have a release date, but we don't have a single screenshot, and every time Miyamoto talks about it, it sounds like it is still in preliminary stages before actual development, which will take a long time.

But I digress... 2010 looks positive for both systems, with or without Zelda. Other M, S&P2, Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia, etc; MAG, Heavy Rain, SSFIV, Mod Nation Racers, FFXIII, etc.

Aw.... I was just about to load...

Anyways, the only thing that we have of the existence of the game wasn't a demo, nor a trailer, not even a screenshot. Nope, a nice-looking poster with Link without his Master Sword and a Zora girl, I assume. Most people who have "decoded" the poster's meaning is that the same girl next to link is the Master Sword.

And of course, the fact that they're talking about the game within the company and talking about various ideas for it!

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3DS Friend Code: 1160-9715-1818 | Nintendo Network ID: Sylverstone14 | Twitter:


I want Nintendo to do well, but I'm kinda of the state of mind, "What will happen will happen."
I do hope Nintendo is able to do what they need in order to be satisfied with sales again, but I do know that as long as Nintendo's in business, I'll be playing their games and buying their systems. (As long as I have the money). =)

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Nintendo will do fine as they always do. Everyone I know that plays it is instantly sold.

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Well, the sales are going to stop going crazy, it all makes sense now.

The Wii is half Gamecube. I forgot about that.

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


RandomWiiPlayer wrote:

Well, the sales are going to stop going crazy, it all makes sense now.

The Wii is half Gamecube. I forgot about that.

Hmm... So if Wii decides to go full-out Wii next generation, they'll be able to sell more and do more without the GC weighing it down. Thank God I skipped the sixth generation with my trusty N64. The GameCube was a success but not so out-there.... I felt bad for the old indigo lunchbox back then, I only played Smash Bros. on it over my cousin's house.

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3DS Friend Code: 1160-9715-1818 | Nintendo Network ID: Sylverstone14 | Twitter:


I hope this means that they're taking some of the competition out there seriously.

NSMB is going to be a huge hit this christmas. After that there's a bit of a wait......., but it just may be worth it?

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