
Topic: The Shadow People of Hell Valley

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I read the title and immediately assumed it was a fan thread about me.

(and yeah, seen these before. pretty weird, haha.)

There's also a tiny model train hidden behind some scenery in the toy galaxy in Galaxy 1, and the book at the bottom of the bottle in Sunshine. Nintendo seems to like adding these weird little things.

[Edited by Raylax]


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


I've also seen this before and maybe the shiverburn galaxy is 'beyond the hell valley' and the hell valley is where the shadow people come from. I wonder if the book in SMS has some sort of codename or if the model train from SMG has one.
EDIT: I just found out that the book in the bottle in Noki bay was originally the purpose of that level and that Mario had to bring it back to the old Noki at the beginning of the level but the book was replaced with the red coins as the objective and instead of taking it out of the game, they just hid it.
@Matillion Welcome to nl.

[Edited by FonistofCruxis]


Japanese versions of games always seem to have a darker concept...
For example, a level from SMG1 is called "Hell Prominence" Japan.

mariofanatic128 wrote:

@Matillion Welcome to nl.

I not smart what that is.

It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
3DS FC - 1719 3275 2374


Whoa. I never noticed that and likely never WOULD have noticed that if someone hadn't pointed that out. Seems pretty dark for a Mario game...

If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5283-4033-0929 | 3DS Friend Code: 2423-1923-3519 | Nintendo Network ID: TeeJay92


I hope they'll be used in a future game - That'd be cool. Tie the stories together.



mariofanatic128 wrote:

Did you see the the top 8 gaming urban legends that are actually true from cracked?

Yes, I think so.

[Edited by Matillion]

It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
3DS FC - 1719 3275 2374


That's deep. Creepy deep.

"I'm a heartbreaker...
My name... Charles." -The Greatest Man In Driftveil City


Robo-goose wrote:

That's deep. Creepy deep.

Yes indeed. Yes indeed.

It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
3DS FC - 1719 3275 2374

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