
Topic: Super Turrican: Difficulty Setting

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I'm currently playing Super Turrican on the VC. I have noticed that there are three modes of difficulty in the options "easy", "normal" and "hard". The only difference I have noticed between these three modes is the number of lives you have at the beginning. 1 life for hard, 3 for normal and 5 for easy.

I just startet the game and I'm not sure which difficulty mode is the best to play through. I haven't found any information in the manual except for the number-of-life thing. Has anybody noticed other differences like alternate endings, different levels, enemies or something like that? If there are none I play on easy because the 2 extra lifes are very welcome.



I'd go for easy myself - it's a pretty tough game but certainly beatable on easy. I've not yet managed to finish it in any other mode but I'd give that a go first then, if you're up to the challenge, go for normal the second play through. I doubt there's a different ending on the other modes.



Hello madgear. Thanks for your reply. I also doubt that there is a different ending on normal or hard difficulty. I even doubt that there are any differences at all. So I'll go for easy then. Thanks.



Go with easy. I still haven't managed to beat this game. Maybe I'm alone on this one, but I really struggle with it. I find it to be frustratingly hard. Especially that damn snow level where there's numerous pits to fall into that you can't even see.

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"


Hello vio. There are pits in world 3 that you can't see? Umm, sounds like many frustrating deaths. Fortunately I have found detailed level maps on the FACTOR 5 homepage.

This may help to get around those pits. And there are even all extra life locations listed on these maps. I'm still in world 1 (levels 1-3) and try to learn all extra life locations to be prepared for the harder stages. There are 11 extra lifes in world 1.

And there is also a level-skip cheat, so you can directly go to the desired level/world for practicing.

And don't ask me why. But even if this game gets pretty hard, I still like it very much. I always loved the Turrican series way back on the C64 and Amiga homecomputers. This was long before I ever heard of Contra or Metroid.



I also found that side scrolling snow level (and the train level) really difficult, and not very like classic Turrican. Mega Turrican seems to play more like the C64 game.

Edited on by Ristar42



Thanks for the maps Omega. Unfortunately I could not get the level skip cheat to work or the invincibility cheat to work either. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I entered the cheats while in the game since I assumed that's what you do, but absolutely nothing happened. Were you able to get them to work?

I definitely want to use that map, but I'll guess I'll just have to work my way back to the snow level all over again..

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"


Ristar42 wrote:

I also found that side scrolling snow level (and the train level) really difficult, and not very like classic Turrican. Mega Turrican seems to play more like the C64 game.

Personally, I'm holding out for C64 Turrican.
That's the definitive article as far as I'm concerned.

Monster Hunter Tri.
Badger SKR6R7


@Vio: Yes, the cheats work for me. But they are for some strange reason wrong on the FACTOR 5 homepage. They don't tell you that you have to pause the game and they confused L, R and Left, Right.
You can get them to work if you do the following:

1. Pause the game (by pressing Start in the game)
2. Press L, L, L, R, R, R, L, L, L (Not left and right on the D-Pad!)
3. Unpause the game
4. You are now invincible and have unlimited smart bombs.

1. Pause the game (by pressing Start in the game)
2. Press Right, Left, Down, Right, A (This time the directional-buttons on the D-Pad and NOT the L and R-Buttons!) *
3. Unpause the game
4. You hear immediately the level-end sound when done correctly and skip to the next.

* Note: You can enter them really slow while the game is paused. There's no reason to hurry.

Edited on by Omega



Awesome! That did the trick. The problem was indeed just because I didn't pause the game. Interesting how they fail to mention that minor, but extremely important aspect of the cheat codes.

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"


Ristar42 wrote:

I also found that side scrolling snow level (and the train level) really difficult, and not very like classic Turrican. Mega Turrican seems to play more like the C64 game.

Holy crap you weren't kidding. I just skipped to the train level and that is ridiculous. Even more difficult than the snow levels! I was falling down while trying to jump on those moving alien heads like crazy. I'm frankly surprised so many people don't consider this game super difficult. If you read Nintendo Life's review of it, there's no mention of how hard it is. It's relentlessly difficult as far I'm concerned. Super Turrican 2 and Mega Turrican are definitely a bit easier and more to my liking as a result. This is a good game for sure, but it's so f'ing hard it really ceases to be much fun.

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"

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