
Topic: One Virtual Console Game Day.... AGAIN!!! (WTF Nintendo!)

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I heard the virtual console came back today but NOA just released ONE GAME AGAIN!! THis is bull crap and the game is...
Tecmo Bowl (VCA). Still NO SSB or SMK... THIS IS BULL CRAP!



You're complaining?! You should be happy we're getting anything! And on top of that, we get a VCA game no other region (not even Japan!) has received yet! This is just getting ridiculous...

[Edited by KnucklesSonic8]



KnucklesSonic8 wrote:

You're complaining?! You should be happy we're getting anything! And on top of that, we get a VCA game no other region (not even Japan!) has received yet! This is just getting ridiculous...

I feel the same about the situation.

Everyone who thinks this was a bad update is just dumb.



I'm really dissapointed too, but at LEAST we got one, and not a bad one at that.

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Well I agree they should have done some make-up titles for the VC. But at least they picked a good game to release in Tecmo Bowl Arcade.

I am changing my prediction I think that Smash Bros. will arrive 9/7/09 on Labor day with another NES title. This would be similar to last year. As for the rest of the month I think we will get
8/10- Impossible Mission
8/17- Revenge of Shinobi
8/24- Shangai 2
8/31- Final Fight 2

[Edited by blackknight77]

Reopen the Wii Shop Channel


this sux, i want ssb or smk! but ATLEAST we now know nintendo still suports the VC!
p.s. im typing with my Dsi!

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Awesome! So what? The VC is only half dead now? I don't get it!



I demand a petition!



Aenaida wrote:


I agree with this guy.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Machu wrote:

Awesome! So what? The VC is only half dead now? I don't get it!

Machu wrote:

I demand a petition!

I was told that I preached for nothing.

SAVE the VC from premature death! ===>


KnucklesSonic8 wrote:

You're complaining?! You should be happy we're getting anything! And on top of that, we get a VCA game no other region (not even Japan!) has received yet! This is just getting ridiculous...

What you said.

Much I like to get the new VC game, I already have Tecmo Bowl on the DS and I am content with that. With that said; maybe I might pick up something that I wanted to get from the past.

[Edited by Atlantis1982]



Waahh! We got an amazing arcade title exclusive to this region! Waahh! And the VC isn't dead after all! Waahh!

And while you continue your bellyaching, I am going to go try and track down some old GameBoy cartridges at my local Retro Game store. Enjoy your complaining!

Oh yeah, and don't even think of trying out Tecmo Bowl. It might actually be good, and that'd ruin your day wouldn't it?

[Edited by retired_account]



@Aquatenn510-You should be glad that we recieved ANY VC game. We will recieve SSB eventually. I'm just glad the VC is not dead. I have never played Tecmo Bowl, so I might buy the arcade version. I'm also glad to see another VCA game.



pixelman wrote:

Waahh! We got an amazing arcade title exclusive to this region! Waahh! And the VC isn't dead after all! Waahh!
And while you continue your bellyaching, I am going to go try and track down some old GameBoy cartridges at my local Retro Game store. Enjoy your complaining!
Oh yeah, and don't even think of trying out Tecmo Bowl. It might actually be good, and that'd ruin your day wouldn't it?

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Aquateen510 wrote:

I heard the virtual console came back today but NOA just released ONE GAME AGAIN!! THis is bull crap and the game is...
Tecmo Bowl (VCA). Still NO SSB or SMK... THIS IS BULL CRAP!

You spoiled little... no. I'm not going that low.

I agree with KS8 and pixelman. This is just ridiculous.

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this is why at times i hate american gamers after 2 weeks of no games then we get a arcade copy of one of the top football games made and just because its not a out of date poorly programmed fighter ira kart racer that everyone owns the better copys made people still complain we should be happy to get anything even after that scare email from the so called nintendo rep. i just don't get it

[Edited by Egg_miester]

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TwilightV wrote:

weirdadam wrote:

Aenaida wrote:


I agree with this guy.



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Be happy its something.

[Edited by slambert215]

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