
Topic: Metroid: Other M Hype/Discussion Thread (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS SO BE CAREFUL)

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I'm sure you've already heard/read the news—that's right, folks, we finally have a concrete release date (NA) for Metroid: Other M! Mark your calendars, because we'll once again be able to take control of Nintendo's femme fatale, Samus Aran, come June 27th when the game hits the shelves! So, if you need to a thread to gush and salivate and/or discuss and speculate on the next entry in the superb Metroid series, this is the place to do it!

Metroid: Other M—June 27th, 2010


Edit - Changed the topic to more realistically reflect the content. Here be monsters, you have been warned!

[Edited by James]

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


I am very glad to hear that after you play this game, you'll feel like you know Samus Aran. She's always been a very intriguing character personally (at least, when she gets to talk). You can thank Metroid Fusion (my first Metroid game) for that. :3

Now I just have to make sure I have around $100 for June, since i'll be snagging this and Sin and Punishment 2... D:

Lieutenant Commander of the Lesbian Love Brigade
There can only be one, like in that foreign movie where there could only be one, and in the end there is only one dude left, because that was the point.


I just wish there were anything to discuss. Despite this being one of Nintendo's longest running big franchises, and despite its imminent release in less than half a year, we still know next to nothing, and I saw no mention of a new trailer in IGN's blog. I'm hoping they're saving one for the afternoon, or at least some tiny details. ...please?

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


According to the Summit, there will be a private demo for the media, so (hopefully) we'll be getting some new, juicy details soon...

@Feenie: Indeed, she is; I can't wait to delve a bit deeper into her psyche...

@zez: I need to scrounge up some cash so I can place my pre-order...

[Edited by Deviant_Mugen]

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


I definitely prefer Samus silent and the Metroid story to be minor -- hard to impose a linear story on a non-linear game. However, there's no denying the Fusion took the series in a very different direction, and while I like it less, it still makes for a wonderful action game. Hopefully Other M will be a bit more open, but even if it does turn out to be primarily a story-driven action game, I'm sure it'll be stellar after I get over the initial disappointment that it's not a Metroid/Super Metroid-esque sequel.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


From GameSpot:

[10:18] She [Dunaway] said it [Other M] will combine new Wii Remote gameplay with expansive exploration, seamless transitions from action to cinematics, and a melding of the series' original vision with that of Team Ninja.

Definitely looking forward to the footage. I'm also interested in the control scheme. IR aiming, anyone?



The way it looks to me right now it will be just like a ninja gaiden game, cheesy story, lots of action, cool moves. I just wanna explore a strange and mysterious planet, being all alone, and discovering new parts of it little by little, that's what a metroid game to me is all about.

[Edited by retrobuttons]



Delving deeper into Samus's story is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. While Team Ninja were the ones developing the game, this is still Nintendo's franchise, so I doubt they let them stray too far from the formula that's made all the past Metroid games so invigorating...

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


Well my impression is based on that very short trailer, the graphics and camera setting look a lot like ninja gaiden, and it mostly has a lot of over the top action and cut scenes in it, action games are far more popular and they sell better. Let's hope that trailer is misleading and it will remain true to the metroid series. I preffer metroid games with minimum story like super metroid. Just experiencing and exploring a mysterious planet is more than enough story for me.

[Edited by retrobuttons]



Well, there was a playable demo at the Media Summit, so hopefully we'll get some more in-depth details soon (though, the demo will probably be action-packed as well)...

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


weirdadam wrote:

I just wish there were anything to discuss. Despite this being one of Nintendo's longest running big franchises, and despite its imminent release in less than half a year, we still know next to nothing, and I saw no mention of a new trailer in IGN's blog. I'm hoping they're saving one for the afternoon, or at least some tiny details. ...please?

Adam, by tomorrow you will KNOW what to expect from this game. Gottta wait for the media restrictions to expire after they demo this game tonight. Read that again bro, because I still can't believe it... people will be "DEMOING" this game TONIGHT! So, by tomorrow we'll know if it plays well.

[Edited by Bigdog]

"Maybe you're MY puppet"


I envy those people that get to demo this game SO bad... >___<

Also, a snippet from Corbie's article here on the site regarding the gameplay of Other M:

"Metroid™: Other M, the incredible new Metroid game developed for Wii through a collaboration by Nintendo and the world-renowned Team Ninja, launches June 27. The game looks at the classic franchise from a new perspective: While much of the game is reminiscent of 2-D side-scrollers, players can switch the perspective into 3-D at any time as they explore the twisting passages of a derelict space station and delve deep into a cinematic, never-before-told story of bounty hunter Samus Aran’s past. This new approach uses a new control scheme in which players use the Wii Remote™ controller held sideways to battle enemies and navigate the expansive, gorgeous environments in classic Metroid fashion, then aim at the screen with the Wii Remote pointer to blast foes in first-person and hunt the world for clues and hidden passages."

To read the article in full, just head to the home page...

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


Likewise, zez, I'm awaiting more detailed news/footage with bated breath...

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


seems like when you're in 3rd person mode the game will be entirely 2.5D (almost like new super mario bros.), straight left to right action. that sounds awesome, but i wonder how you'll control samus with only two buttons; will you have to tilt the remote up and down to aim diagonally? that might be cool, actually. also, i'm surprised we've seen no morph ball action yet.

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


im excited

Currently playing: Mario Tennis! Also playing, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and F-Zero X.


This is gonna be my game of 2010, I think. That or Sonic 4. Or Galaxy 2. Or Pokémon HG/SS. ...2010 officially rocks.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Romulux, why do you assume it'll only use two buttons? There are six buttons other than the D-pad. Down can be used for the maru mari as usual in the side-scrollers. Holding B should be convenient enough for diagonal shots. 1 to jump, 2 to shoot. A to change weapons. Double-tap to dash. Plus to pause. Minus to switch perspective. Sounds like they've got enough to work with. That's all just a hypothetical control scheme, of course.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I'm expecting it to suck until I can be proven wrong. I dislike the graphics. It looks like it lacks the atmosphere of Metroid Prime or Super Metroid. I don't like Team Ninja though DOA 4 was ok I guess. It might surprise me but I haven't seen anything that has me interested yet other than the fact I love Metroid.


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