
Topic: What happened to the GBA games announced for VC?

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Hopefully Nintendo didn't forget them...



They're supposed to come this year alongside the N64 titles, presumably after the upcoming update.



I don't get it, Nintendo promised (long, long ago) Turbografx-16 for 3DS and GBA for Wii U. Shouldn't it be the opposite? I'd much rather play GBA on an actual handheld than on a home console, anyway. As for Turbo, it would be great on both platforms as it as great on Wii Virtual Console already.



You'd have to ask Konami why there's no 3DS TG16 games (and somehow I don't see you getting an answer ).
I guess it was included because of the TurboExpress (a console that was effectively a fat GameBoy that played TG card games).



I never understood why GBA games would be on the Wii U virtual console and not the 3DS one. Instead of GBA games on the Wii U VC why not have Gamecube games? It makes so much more sense that the 3DS get's GBA games and Gamecube for Wii U.


3DS Friend Code: 4811-7203-6983


I honestly think they should put GBA games on Wii U and N64 games on 3DS.

Just to keep things interesting.

I'm gonna assume the lack of 3DS GBA games is that 3DS doesn't need any help in any way at this point.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


stop rushing me. i will release the gba games on the wii u when i am ready. the more people that ask the longer ill put it off, the more people that would rather see them on 3ds gives me more ambition to do the opposite.

the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)


Yes we need GBA games. Unfortunately only nintendo knows when theyll be coming(i assume).

Friend code: 1934-1399-5355


One of my concerns when considering upgrading from Wii to Wii U was no longer having a platform for my GCN games. I took the plunge after a representative of NoA said that GCN games would be available on Wii U via VC. Alas, I have been bamboozled.

But yes please, GBA games on 3DS, GCN games on Wii U would be optimal, but I'll take GBA games on Wii U if that's all Nintendo's willing to give me.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


I want Virtual Boy games on 3DS, this is a logic step for the system.

Me gusta jugar videojuegos. Soy de México. Sorry my english grammar. I love the Virtual Console, party and fighting games too.

Nintendo Network ID: edi_tena


N64 on 3DS!!!



Nintendo probably won't put any more GBA games on the 3DS, so that they won't piss off all of the ambassador people.
Besides, with the way that Nintendo have been handling the VC on both the WiiU and 3DS, I wouldn't put my hopes for anything worth while for a long time yet.
And another thing, I just think that with the crap 3rd party support aswell, the VC will never reach the potential that it really deserves.




@dizzy_boy: I highly doubt they'd care that much about ambassadors at this point

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


ScroogeMcLz wrote:

@dizzy_boy: I highly doubt they'd care that much about ambassadors at this point

I doubt even the ambassadors would care at this point.... it's been almost 2 whole years already it's fair to have so much time before everyone else PLUS not exactly paying for them as a compensation for having paid more for a 3DS at the time...

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
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3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


I know I wouldn't care

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


I don't care either. They'll show up when they show up.

BTW, I bought an ambassador 3DS in June 2011 for $130 online, then I transferred to my XL. That was before all of the games I knew were gonna come out, came out.

EDIT: That mainly happened because I didn't have enough cash for it at launch.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


why don't they just put the GBA and N64 games on both wii u and 3ds. wider selection = more buyers.

tumblr's better...

-Kurt Cobain
X&Y safari: Fire; Charmeleon; Ninetales; Growlithe

3DS Friend Code: 4441-9172-6626 | Nintendo Network ID: BigBoyChubs


I think their mixing up the portable and home console VC games on both platforms so that they can be tied eventually. By the time you buy a GBA game on Wii U, you'll probably be able to share it with your 3DS. That's just what I think...

I don't see any reason why Nintendo wouldn't let the systems allow game sharing when they obviously can. That's why I think they're working on it. They aren't trying to keep features from customers as much as making sure it works appropriately.


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children

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