
Topic: The depressing state of the WiiU release schedule

Posts 341 to 356 of 356


DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

I bought a Wii U at launch for Zombi U. Potential normally doesn't make big sales like the PS4 is doing. This is why I asked earlier "why did people buy their PS4s?" Sony's track record is to have horrible service in the beginning of the console lifespan then get gradually better, so why is PS4 doing so well early on? They don't have as many exclusives as Wii U and they have the same 3rd Party as last gen or Xbox One and PC is more powerful for around the same price. (Maybe a little more but you can do a lot more with a PC) These are the reasons I am confused by PS4's sales.

Scroll back a few pages. We already answered your confusion

You mean InFamous? A game that didn't have too impressive of sales on PS3

Hype, good price for powerful tech, great marketing, more hype, impressive quantity of titles including both indie and major releases, etc.

So hype... I addressed your other reasons already.

So it boils down to the fact you're blind to reality and would rather stay ignorant, cool I think we're done here guys.

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
My YouTube
The Jazzloggery
Once you see you can never unsee


The point is that there is criticism for all consoles, and PS4 continues to sell well, despite said criticism.



Jazzer94 wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

I bought a Wii U at launch for Zombi U. Potential normally doesn't make big sales like the PS4 is doing. This is why I asked earlier "why did people buy their PS4s?" Sony's track record is to have horrible service in the beginning of the console lifespan then get gradually better, so why is PS4 doing so well early on? They don't have as many exclusives as Wii U and they have the same 3rd Party as last gen or Xbox One and PC is more powerful for around the same price. (Maybe a little more but you can do a lot more with a PC) These are the reasons I am confused by PS4's sales.

Scroll back a few pages. We already answered your confusion

You mean InFamous? A game that didn't have too impressive of sales on PS3

Hype, good price for powerful tech, great marketing, more hype, impressive quantity of titles including both indie and major releases, etc.

So hype... I addressed your other reasons already.

So it boils down to the fact you're blind to reality and would rather stay ignorant, cool I think we're done here guys.

If that makes you feel better about yourself then feel free to think that.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


@DefHalan How would me posting about your incomprehension when it comes to the PS4 selling well make feel better, its not our fault that when someone answers your question you ignorantly reply "so its just hype" when almost everyone has said that is only one factor of many I mean jeez how many times does it need to said.

[Edited by Jazzer94]

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
My YouTube
The Jazzloggery
Once you see you can never unsee


DefHalan wrote:

Jazzer94 wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

I bought a Wii U at launch for Zombi U. Potential normally doesn't make big sales like the PS4 is doing. This is why I asked earlier "why did people buy their PS4s?" Sony's track record is to have horrible service in the beginning of the console lifespan then get gradually better, so why is PS4 doing so well early on? They don't have as many exclusives as Wii U and they have the same 3rd Party as last gen or Xbox One and PC is more powerful for around the same price. (Maybe a little more but you can do a lot more with a PC) These are the reasons I am confused by PS4's sales.

Scroll back a few pages. We already answered your confusion

You mean InFamous? A game that didn't have too impressive of sales on PS3

Hype, good price for powerful tech, great marketing, more hype, impressive quantity of titles including both indie and major releases, etc.

So hype... I addressed your other reasons already.

So it boils down to the fact you're blind to reality and would rather stay ignorant, cool I think we're done here guys.

If that makes you feel better about yourself then feel free to think that.

pssst "I think it was biased on yet to be fulfilled promises."

[email protected]
friend code: 0103-9004-2456


DefHalan wrote:

Sony's track record is to have horrible service in the beginning of the console lifespan then get gradually better, so why is PS4 doing so well early on?

I think you should do a little more research. PS1 right off the bat was creaming the Sega Saturn. PS2 had a very successful launch as well. PS3 is the only Playstation system that struggled at launch.

[Edited by brooks83]



DefHalan wrote:

So why do you drag me into this? I haven't been in this conversation for awhile. I can't find reasons people are buying PS4s outside of HYPE. If PS3 is such a good console then why get a PS4 currently (outside of being a InFamous fan)? You can't play any of those great PS3 titles and most of the biggest PS3 series don't have sequels yet (Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Little Big Planet). So outside of hype, why are so many people buying PS4s?

For the same reason people buy any console at launch. Why did people buy A Wii U at launch, after all it didn't have a big 3D Mario or Zelda? They bought it because they trust the company and know the games are coming. Sony has actually kept their momentum going pretty consistently since they started. The only real stumble was the PS3's early-years. Nintendo had two of the best, then two "flops", then one of their best ever, now what? Granted, even Nintendo's flops are still great, but I get the feeling people don't know where to stand with Nintendo. Doesn't help that they're sending mixed messages with the Wii U, one moment its about "hardcore" gamers, the next they're advertising at Pottery Barn. Then they're not focusing on children or their parents enough, whichever it was.



Jazzer94 wrote:

@DefHalan How would me posting about your incomprehension when it comes to the PS4 selling well make feel better, its not our fault that when someone answers your question you ignorantly reply "so its just hype" when almost everyone has said that is only on factor of many I mean jeez how many times does it need to said.

I left this conversation the first time because of personal attacks. I have countered most reasons people claim others got a PS4 and even agreed on some other reasons. For over 6 million sales I expect more than hype but nothing else has explained it yet. If you disagree and think it has been answered then that is fine, I do not think it has been answered.

I should have been more clear, the recent track record. I do think PS1 and PS2 were lucky to go against Sega systems, Sega was in trouble around then. But this is a different conversation for a different time.

I am fine with this returning to topic if no one wants to drag me into this conversation again. (Feel free to reply to this, it isn't me trying to have "the last word" I am just tired of this)

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


brooks83 wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Sony's track record is to have horrible service in the beginning of the console lifespan then get gradually better, so why is PS4 doing so well early on?

I think you should do a little more research. PS1 right off the bat was creaming the Sega Saturn. PS2 had a very successful launch as well. PS3 is the only Playstation system that struggled at launch.

Exactly. Plus, the mass populous has a pretty short memory span. Most people have probably forgotten those first couple barren years in the PS3's life since: a.) that was several years ago, and b.) it has gone on to have a pretty robust library of great games that are still literally coming out as we speak. People probably do remember the rather sad petering out of the Wii's support well before U dropped, as that was just a couple years ago.

Also, do you guys that keep asking "Why would someone buy a PS4, when all the good games are still coming out on PS3?" realize that that question basically answers itself.




Sorry dude, my intent with dropping your name was mostly just a bit of a joke. Not meant to be a personal attack.



Zombie_Barioth wrote:

Nintendo had two of the best, then two "flops", then one of their best ever, now what?

I wouldn't exactly call the N64 a flop. It didn't have monumental sales, but it did well.

New PS4 owner
Yeah, guitars are cool.

My musical project Comet Tail made a couple of recordings.


Oragami wrote:

Zombie_Barioth wrote:

Nintendo had two of the best, then two "flops", then one of their best ever, now what?

I wouldn't exactly call the N64 a flop. It didn't have monumental sales, but it did well.

It did well in North America not so much elsewhere.

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
My YouTube
The Jazzloggery
Once you see you can never unsee


DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

I bought a Wii U at launch for Zombi U. Potential normally doesn't make big sales like the PS4 is doing. This is why I asked earlier "why did people buy their PS4s?" Sony's track record is to have horrible service in the beginning of the console lifespan then get gradually better, so why is PS4 doing so well early on? They don't have as many exclusives as Wii U and they have the same 3rd Party as last gen or Xbox One and PC is more powerful for around the same price. (Maybe a little more but you can do a lot more with a PC) These are the reasons I am confused by PS4's sales.

Scroll back a few pages. We already answered your confusion

You mean InFamous? A game that didn't have too impressive of sales on PS3

Hype, good price for powerful tech, great marketing, more hype, impressive quantity of titles including both indie and major releases, etc.

So hype... I addressed your other reasons already.

Yet you continue to pretend that they amount to nothing. Do you not remember the Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 and how they were the top selling platforms of their generation? Or how the PS3 recovered from its flopped launch with raving reviews?

You can continue to misunderstand the PS4's success if you wish, but the reasons are present.

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky


DefHalan wrote:

So outside of hype, why are so many people buying PS4s?

Does this question keep you up at night or something, I mean who cares? You know, a lot of things become more apparent when you own a particular console and are part of that company's fandom. Here it's acceptable to be a stubborn Nintendo zealot because it comes with the territory; on some other (Sony) forum you may just look like an ignoramus. Sorry to be so direct, I just find these topics extremely counterproductive. Better to sit down and play some good (Wii U) games than bother yourself about something so trite as human buying habits.

[Edited by OptometristLime]

You are what you eat from your head to your feet.


OptometristLime wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

So outside of hype, why are so many people buying PS4s?

Does this question keep you up at night or something, I mean who cares? You know, a lot of things become more apparent when you own a particular console and are part of that company's fandom. Here it's acceptable to be a stubborn Nintendo zealot because it comes with the territory; on some other (Sony) forum you may just look like an ignoramus. Sorry to be so direct, I just find these topics extremely counterproductive. Better to sit down and play some good (Wii U) games than bother yourself about something so trite as human buying habits.

Just to let you know, I am wondering this because I want to know what PS4 owners are wanting out of a game. Is the an audience worth targeting? Just because of their numbers doesn't make it worth it if they aren't interested in what is being sold. If they are interested in games like InFamous and Killzone then they probably won't be as interested in platformers. Also through watching the most popular console and the reason why it is popular developers can add or subtract features based on that popularity. Does it affect me as a consumer, not really. Does it affect me as a Game Designer? Yes.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


Oragami wrote:

Zombie_Barioth wrote:

Nintendo had two of the best, then two "flops", then one of their best ever, now what?

I wouldn't exactly call the N64 a flop. It didn't have monumental sales, but it did well.

Thats what the quotation marks are there for. commercially they kinda are, they were profitable, but they definitely lost momentum after their previous two consoles. Like I said though even Nintendo's less successful ventures are still great. They just sorta dropped the ball and Sony scooped it up since then.


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