
Topic: My favorite youtubers.

Posts 1 to 20 of 27


I just wanted to introduce you guys to some of my favorite Youtubers.

Nintendolife - news, questions and thoughts. Very personal actually, espically the ones with Alex.

Haedox - new in town, but gives great reviews and makes awesome videos.

EWNetwork - the dude who tells his opinions about stuff like Directs, E3s. and rumors. He's great.

NihongoGamer - born in Britain but living in Japan, showing Nintendo hardware (and sometimes software)

Balrog - An fun and interesting meme, making very different reviews. Seriusly, check this guy out.

The Game Theorists - You probably already know this guy, but he makes theories about games, mostly Nintendo games!

Chadtronic - He's like that friend you always wish you had. Great videos.

Edited on by JakobMB

I'm a Danish gamer, but I mostly play on Nintendo hardware. I love gaming local co-op, and playing Mario Kart with my cousin (she's owning me btw!)
My favourite game franchises are Super Smash Bros. & Sly Cooper.

Nintendo Network ID: Amiibro | Twitter:


...Well this was random...why is this on the Wii U forum?

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Keep it PG-13-ish.



The only one that doesn't annoy the hell out of me is Total Biscuit. Even then I normally just listen not watch.

The rest fit the South Park stereotype perfectly. (There is a recent one where Cartman becomes one).

“30fps Is Not a Good Artistic Decision, It's a Failure”
Freedom of the press is for those who happen to own one.


I second @unrandomsam with TotalBiscuit!

But to add a bit to it, I'm calling up for:

  • chuggaaconroy (great LP'er, and one who doesn't crave cheap clicks)
  • Johnny Atma (top-quality metal artist!)
  • Raocow (non-sequitur LP'er, mainly ROMhacks)
  • Retsupurae (the last ones to uphold standards on the internet)
  • Gaming Brit (speaking the painful truth against all whiners!)

I'll leave it at that, since I'm not that interested in sharing my YouTube interests (a good number of them are NSFW, anyway).

Edited on by Kaze_Memaryu

<insert title of hyped game here>

Check some instrumental Metal: CROW'SCLAW | IRON ATTACK! | warinside/BLANKFIELD |

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6640-0089 | Nintendo Network ID: KazeMemaryu


I tend to like Youtubers that are more down to Earth, rather than the ones that feel the need to scream and shout at every little moment in a game. Projared, Peanutbuttergamer and Brutalmoose are probably my favourite Youtubers, but I do like Continue and Caddicarus quite a lot as well.

Yes, I like bears.


Angry Video Game Nerd (though I do like James and Mike Modays as well)
Roham Mythril
The Game Theorist
Pat the NES Punk
Clan of the Grey Wolf
Danger Dolan

I use to watch Smosh but I just got tired of them it seemed like it was the same old stuff over and over again.

Also shouldn't this be in the general discussion section?

Edited on by Tasuki

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


....No Markiplier? :c

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

Discord server:
Keep it PG-13-ish.



Game Grumps
The Sw1tcher
And i have more but i don't want to make a long list.

The Harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

I'm currently playing Watch Dogs 2 & Manhunt

Switch Friend Code: SW-5827-3728-4676 | 3DS Friend Code: 3738-0822-0742


@Squid finally someone else who watches Game Sack!


3DS Friend Code: 0688-5519-2711 | My Nintendo: pokefraker | Nintendo Network ID: pokefraker


In terms of gaming related youtube channels? Well the only active "gaming" channels I'm subbed to are:

  • Nintendo
  • HAWP
  • Smooth McGroove
  • Brentalfloss
  • Cinemassacre

and that's literally it for gaming. I tend to go over to IGN a bit just to see if there's news, I listen to the NVC podcast every week and have done since it started. I'm not subscribed to the IGN feed though because there are just too many videos and it'll flood my feed. I've also been watching a few Pat the NES Punk videos lately but, not convinced about subscribing yet. Even less so after the most recent rant against Wii games on the eShop.

Mostly though the channels I am subscribed to are a mix of tech and science stuff with a bit of music and comedy in there. Sometimes gaming crosses over into that. Outside of the James & Mike Monday's thing on Cinemassacre I don't watch any Lets Plays at all

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
"Don't stir the pot" is a nice way of saying "they're too dumb to reason with"


Game Theory
and I do really like packattack04082 (fantastic 100% walkthroughs)

Currently playing: Bayonetta 2

My Nintendo: DillPickle | Nintendo Network ID: Czechmate1129


Eldergeek- criminally undersubscribed as they do some of the highest quality video reviews out there.
Totalbiscuit- just love that voice.
Gamexplain- for some reason, the lisp becomes very likeable. Possibly the most nintendo content of any youtube channel.
stanburdman- weird guy, very raw. A 30 year old man who has the comedy style of a 15 year old. I've been subscribed for years and still haven't figured out if it's supposed to be ironic or not.

One day, someone needs to explain to me why PewDiePie is so popular.

Edited on by Dezzy

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


I don't really like GameXplain. Most of his videos are long, drawn out rants about nothing in particular. The only thing good about that channel is the fact that they tend to be very, very early getting stuff. Lots of gameplay footage of games that aren't quite out yet. Though even then while that's cool for Mario Kart or Smash, lots of spoilers. Insane amounts of spoilers.

For that reason I tend to avoid the channel as much as I can......

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
"Don't stir the pot" is a nice way of saying "they're too dumb to reason with"


unrandomsam wrote:

The only one that doesn't annoy the hell out of me is Total Biscuit. Even then I normally just listen not watch.

Is that the guy who's always playing fun games that have next to nothing to do with what he's talking about? Because I always mute his videos and just watch the game. Don't want his stupid rants distracting me from these killer jumps he's making in Castlevania!

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
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