
Topic: Kid Icarus Uprising HD Remaster???

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Seriously... Who would not buy this? Utilize both sticks on the gamepad or retain the one stick/touch screen gameplay; the Light vs Dark online mode, add more maps to play on and maybe even tack on a couple extra cliffhanger levels to SPOILER draw out the apparent revival of Hades as heard during the game credits END OF SPOILER. Who wouldn't buy a 30-level remaster with new multiplayer levels and HD graphics?

[Edited by Zach777]

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Yeah, I'm not buying a port of a 3ds game for $60. 5 new levels and new multiplayer maps is not enough content to draw me in. That'd be an insult to KIU and the WiiU.

[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u


At this point anything on the Wii U is a nice change of pace Happy_Mask. Also, who said the HD version needed to be 60? Pretty sure TLOZ:WW HD is only 49.99.

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NNID: Zach777
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Switch Friend Code: SW-2533-4777-6888 | My Nintendo: Zach777


I want a squeal(zelda crossover with kid icarus maybe) to uprising not a remake.

Playing: Wargroove on Switch and Fire Emblem on GBA



Remasters usually come out like, 10 years after the game comes out? not just 10 months after it comes out.

[Edited by HankLangley]

real Italian meatballs are made by real Italian meatball men.

Used to be Doge



Resident Evil Revelations...

Switch Friend Code: 2533-4777-6888
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NNID: Zach777
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Pokémon GO Friend Code: 0296 8052 5792

Switch Friend Code: SW-2533-4777-6888 | My Nintendo: Zach777


Zach777 wrote:

At this point anything on the Wii U is a nice change of pace Happy_Mask. Also, who said the HD version needed to be 60? Pretty sure TLOZ:WW HD is only 49.99.

Retailers have WW HD listed at $59.99 right now. I would buy Kid Icarus for the WIi U since I don't have a 3DS.

To blessed to be stressed.
80's music makes me feel fabulous.
What Would Duane Do?


I'd prefer to see a KI:U spin-off featuring magnus' story.....

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery


I want a new Kid Icarus game on Wii U, not a port of 3DS. Nintendo would be sending the wrong message if they did this.



Well, if it features split-screen local multi-player, I'm all for it! Even for $60.



I'm the only one that would love to see a game about magnus and his story?(I mean it looks to be really deep and awesome! and was barely touched in KI:U!)

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery


A sequel,but no remake.

Nintendo Network ID: Da-Banker
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In 3000 years time,people will remember the name,Da-Banker,for being such a [Censored]


Zach777 wrote:

At this point anything on the Wii U is a nice change of pace Happy_Mask. Also, who said the HD version needed to be 60? Pretty sure TLOZ:WW HD is only 49.99.

Nah, that was an error on Amazon's part sadly, it's $60.



Whether I get a sequel or an expanded port/remake, either is fine by me. I just want more of this franchise.

If it's the latter though, I'd want a decent amount of new content, like hopefully at least double the multiplayer maps and bonus levels for Magnus's story (and co-op, dear god co-op)

This is a signature.
Link goes here now.
Screw you.


I really like Uprising, but Uprising had so much replayability, at this point, I played it too much to buy a remaster. Very similar to what I feel about Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D.

[Edited by Kyloctopus]




Zach777 wrote:


Resident Evil Revelations...

Exeptions, Exeptions.... What im trying to say is that we dont need a HD remaster... YET

real Italian meatballs are made by real Italian meatball men.

Used to be Doge


As others had said, no. I have it on 3DS. I'd get a sequel, but not a remake.


My Nintendo: Spagem


Take the multiplayer expanded it and take it free to play or charge $15.


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