
Topic: Is Miiverse really that bad?

Posts 21 to 40 of 73


ogo79 wrote:

yeah its really bad

Like Power Glove bad?

To blessed to be stressed.
80's music makes me feel fabulous.
What Would Duane Do?


I have warmed to Miiverse slightly in recent times in an attempt to give it more of a chance, but I'm still not really a fan. I'm generally against things like Twitter (and a lot of the post mid-2000s internet) where we have a relentless, overwhelming, exhausting blizzard of information overload, of everyone shouting at once, where everyone's every tiny waking thought has to be broadcast and published. So, if there's one thing the world probably didn't need it was another social network. Also, while I acknowledge that Miiverse is not the place for deep, interesting discussion like here, so much of it is so banal and so inane, I just don't ever see the point of reading any of it: "This game is fun" "Nintendo rocks" "I just beat level 8", etc. Plus if I ever do want to express myself when playing a game, it may very well be because something's annoyed me, but as Miiverse posts are so overwhelmingly sycophantic, I don't think the community would take kindly to any criticism of the "BEST GAME EVER!!!" (which, according to Miiverse is... all of them).

However, having said all that, I think Miiverse could really work in Nintendo's ideal world, where the Wii U is more popular and all (or at least some) of my friends have one. Because I think I would genuinely enjoy interacting with actual real friends on Miiverse and would genuinely be interested in what they were up to in their games, even if it was just menial stuff. So I guess its heart is in the right place. But as it is, it's just all random people, so I don't really care if they just beat level 8 because I don't know who they are and equally I don't know why they'd care if I just did.

One thing that does amuse me about Miiverse though is that having the constant distraction of a social network intruding on a game is obviously completely immersion-breaking. And yet a lot of Nintendo fanboys these days are obsessed with using and hijacking the term "immersive"; "the Wii Remote adds a new layer of immersion" "3D adds a new layer of immersion" "the Wii U Gamepad adds a new layer of immersion" (make your mind up...) But if they love Miiverse, which, as fanboys, they surely do, then that means that a) they don't actually understand what immersion is and how it's achieved in games or b) they don't actually care about it nearly as much as they drone on about, or c) (most likely) both. Ha, I knew it!



Miiverse is really good. Much better than what Sony or Microsoft offer in that sense (which is nothing).

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".


dumedum wrote:

Miiverse is really good. Much better than what Sony or Microsoft offer in that sense (which is nothing).

Microsoft has upload where you can upload and comment in Video clips.

They've even had developers have Q&As with it.

As well as contests

And showing off new releases


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


In other words, they don't have something like Miiverse. I kid, I never heard of this Upload. What an interesting name... Couldn't care less about it though. I just thought they had share to facebook only like Sony. EDIT: Is this basically upload to youtube lol? Not independent like Miiverse then.

(LOL, I knew that comment will make the likes of you jump to defend them.)

[Edited by dumedum]

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".


When you consider the amount of absolutely AMAZING artwork on Miiverse, which is something NO other console will really be able to expose, not at the volumes and talents seen on Miiverse, it becomes kind of an amazing place

Check out my entertainment gaming channel!




Only problems I got is that they post spoilers without an spoiler tags sometimes.

Umm… Care to have some gravy?


Miiverse bad? As far as social media goes its totally fine. Anyone who says it bad is using it wrong or expecting something its not trying to be.



dumedum wrote:

In other words, they don't have something like Miiverse. I kid, I never heard of this Upload. What an interesting name... Couldn't care less about it though. I just thought they had share to facebook only like Sony. EDIT: Is this basically upload to youtube lol? Not independent like Miiverse then.

(LOL, I knew that comment will make the likes of you jump to defend them.)

Because Microsoft is actually smart about this by having something people already use and won't have to self-moderate as much. All these social network things exist for is to advertise. Why overpay for such a scam with your own thing when you can use something that your customers are probably already preconditioned to?

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt



The show with the cute girl is uploaded to youtube, but the service itself is an enteral thing, but you can also share your video clips to other services and outlets through skydrive.

Its sort of like the aoo I have on my phone that allows me to post to Facebook, Twitter, and G+ at the same time.

Edit: plus miiverse doing its own thing is cool it doesn't help the problem bontendo has which is it and its fans are pretty much in their own little bubble.

[Edited by shingi_70]


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


Haywired wrote:

Also, while I acknowledge that Miiverse is not the place for deep, interesting discussion like here, so much of it is so banal and so inane, I just don't ever see the point of reading any of it: "This game is fun" "Nintendo rocks" "I just beat level 8", etc. Plus if I ever do want to express myself when playing a game, it may very well be because something's annoyed me, but as Miiverse posts are so overwhelmingly sycophantic, I don't think the community would take kindly to any criticism of the "BEST GAME EVER!!!" (which, according to Miiverse is... all of them).

From what I've experienced of Miiverse, it's basically Twitter for 12 year old Nintendo fans.

There's really nothing about the service that I can get excited about. I don't think I'm its target audience though.



Miiverse is pretty great actually. It's all about Nintendo and gamers. It's essentially a place every Wii U (and now 3DS) owner can get together and talk about their games. You can share screenshots, talk to your friends privately (on the Wii U), and even ask for/offer assistance in games.

The system is perfect (in my opinion) excluding no messaging on the 3DS version and occasional slow loads. I don't need every aspect of my lift shoehorned into it like some people want. And I'd rather the mods be strict than completely lax and have the community break down to PSN/XBL levels.

I own a PS1, GBA, GBA SP, Wii (GCN), 360, 3DS, PC (Laptop), Wii U, and PS4.
I used to own a GBC, PS2, and DS Lite

I'm on YouTube.

I promise to not derail threads. Request from theblackdragon

I pro...


I dont use it much but I do enjoy it when I'm do.

Four more months until Bayonetta 2.


I think it's pretty neat. I really like to look at drawings, so I enjoy looking through MiiVerse here and there.

MiiverseBackloggeryColors! Gallery
Peach Pink 2DS FC: 3110 - 6005 - 7552 // NNID: Emilyssa
AC:NL Dream Address: 5...



The best part is actually looking at the drawings, I love to just scroll through them sometimes. The contests are fun, but I never understood the purpose, but then again I never read the guidelines since I know I can't draw . I honestly wish they'd do an update for it that made it similar to Flipnote, wouldn't animation be awesome!!

Boss Conquest and Epic Gamers on YouTube: Also Majora's Mask is the best game ever! Search your feelings you know it to be true!


Moorpheel wrote:

I think the mods arent strict enough, every single comunity is plagued by posts like...



(Empty drawing)


(Completely black drawing)

(Drawing of the name of the game)


And so on.

Use Miiverse, not Miiworse.



I like it. There are some nice things on there and not much offensive.
I don't fit in very well online (or offline actually) so it's good for me.

[Edited by May_Nyan]



nope it's not bad. and there are some communities that aren't as bad as some people said(the MH3U one is pretty good, in my opinion and most of the others I have the game for I almost only use to post screenshots for my own personal fun, only cared about yeahs in the beginning before too many people started just begging for yeahs instead of making cool/funny posts)

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery

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