
Topic: To buy Spikey Walls or not to buy? (Updated thread)

Posts 41 to 60 of 111


Anyone interested in bringing this back?




Octane wrote:

Anyone interested in bringing this back?




Switch code: SW-0397-5211-6428
PlayStation: genetic-eternal

Nintendo Network ID: genet1c


I enjoyed Blok Drop U (went through it once and then again when the update was released)!

The Letter (even if complete) isn't my type of game so I wouldn't buy that. The other games by this dev, Poker Dice Solitaire Future and Shut the Box do not interest me either.

But I could see myself possibly getting Spikey Walls because I don't have a version of Flappy Bird anywhere and I like endless runner type games (ie: Birdmania).


[Edited by bezerker99]


Dezzy wrote:

The Wii U isn't a smart phone.

The eShop becomes just like the smartphone market if users rather spend money on 10 cheap-but-not-so-good games, rather than spending it on one quality title costing 10 times more.
(FWIW, I read that Teslagrad took 27,000 man-hours to create, as a reference to the costs involved in an indie games made with an effort.)



With the Announcement of Rock Zombie for WiiU, I'm afraid That's what the eShop is destined to be. A Glorified App Store Reject Cesspool. At least There are a few Gems in there like Cubemen 2 and Giana Sisters.



DefHalan wrote:

might want to add:

Kung Fu Rabbit (I spent so much time in that game lol)

Good to see Kung Fu Rabbit listed. What awesome eShop platforming!! I am hoping one day for a sequel because I honestly couldn't get enough of that game.


I could care less if this game was just some simple game, with no real thought put into it. If there are people who would like to buy it, and enjoy it, good for them, they should be allowed. It wouldn't be my cup of tea, but if it's another person's, how can I say that their way of thinking is wrong.

But what I do care about is that this game is an obvious rip-off of Flappy birds. Where is the originality? Where is the creativity? The fact that it's a blatant rip-off actually makes me mad. What ever happened to having pride in one's work, knowing that it's something you created from start to finish? How have we gotten to a place where game developers take someone else's idea and just reskin it and call it their own? I see it with so many games anymore and it disgusts me. Would I be able to create an original game? No, because I don't have the knowledge to make my own game. But does that stop me from using logical skills to know when someone is being completely lazy and calling them out on it? No. And that's all this game is, it's pure laziness.

[Edited by Volendral]

“People are stupid. They will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.”
― Terry Goodkind, Wizard's First Rule

3DS Friend Code: 5370-0406-4785 | Nintendo Network ID: Davidaw


@RCMADIAX That's a fair enough point to make. The responsibility is very much on the buyer and you have every right to continue making these types of games. That said, I have little respect for that kind of attitude and I hope at some point Nintendo decide there should be a minimum barrier of entry. If this trend continues, it could be quite damaging for the higher quality indie games out there. It won't affect the mainline nintendo series because they'll always create special viewing space for them. But what about games like Steamworld Dig? Would we have discovered such gems if there were 10x as many shovelware games surrounding them? That will probably depend on how well Nintendo's future eShop is structured. But I dread what will happen if it's left to that. The 3DS eShop is already quite poor and the only way to find a game like Fallblox is if you specifically search for it.

[Edited by Dezzy]

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


You do realise that this campaign is going to improve sales of Spikey Walls by a considerable margin.?

I think it's a bit misguided to try to stop developers being successful on Wii U. The eShop needs as many games as it can get and this sort of game will not do anyone any harm. When other devs hear that Wii U owners campaign against games, why would they want to bring their games to Wii U? It's one thing to have developers avoid a console due to sales concerns but if they then think the fanbase are c*nts, Wii U will be even more lacking in support.

I hope there's not this much hate for my text based 'choose you own adventure' which I am going to aim at 6-11 year olds.

I only posted this to get my avatar as the forum's thumbnail.


Unfortunately, I think it is more likely to attract people trying to recreate what 'The Letter' has done. People just like to do the opposite of what they're being told to do.

I will buy it if they include Miiverse integration in the form of ghost races and messages like the Resident Evil ones.

I only posted this to get my avatar as the forum's thumbnail.


Buy games you think are fun and here is the hard part, don't wait for a sale. I understand people love waiting for a cheaper price, who doesn't want to save money, but waiting for a sale tells developers their game should have been cheaper to start with. If you want better games, buy them at full price the week they come out if you can. I understand not having a lot of money but developers count on selling their game early. Anyone against developers releasing smaller games for cheap needs to be vocal about what they want, not what they don't want. So if you are against this game, tell them the type of game they could make to get your money.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


gage_wolf wrote:

I'm not much into videogame activism or whatever you wanna call it such as the Bayonetta movement thing... Videogames are entertainment and that's that. But I really do not wanna see the eShop get overrun with crappy cheap mobile games. This Spikey Walls thing is just gross. The dev is trying to play it off like it's all a joke - haha what fun! It's a clone of a terrible game! What's the big deal!?

Don't support this dude or this lazy kind of game development. If this thing makes decent money it will incentivize developers to bring more garbage like this to the eShop instead of trying to take the time to make good games with you know... depth or originality. Home consoles are not mobile devices, let's not let them slide into that territory. Let's say you're bored and you happen to have a dollar to spend... Instead of buying this game go buy a deck of cards and play solitaire. It will be more satisfying. Seriously.

Just don't buy it folks.

I am glad that this wasn't the attitude shown when games like Stampede, Asteroids, Lunar Lander, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong, Jr., Mario Bros., Pole Position, Centipede, Pong, Missle Command or Combat came out. Because they are little more than a simplistic game that exploits a single gameplay concept while steadily increasing the difficulty. A lot of great classic games that went on to spawn even greater sequels and spin-offs would never have existed with an attitude like this.


Nintendo Network ID: DarKnyht


gage_wolf wrote:

Nintenjoe64 wrote:

You do realise that this campaign is going to improve sales of Spikey Walls by a considerable margin.?

I think it's a bit misguided to try to stop developers being successful on Wii U. The eShop needs as many games as it can get and this sort of game will not do anyone any harm. When other devs hear that Wii U owners campaign against games, why would they want to bring their games to Wii U?

If this scares other lazy devs from bringing crappy iOS ports over to the Wii U, I am perfectly fine with that (though I highly doubt it will). That said, this was not really a "campaign", it was me on my lunchbreak hoping to possibly sway a few fellow gamers to not buy this crap game through a very niche forum.

I didn't even know this game existed before reading this thread, and now I plan on buying it. I think several other people here will be doing the same as well by the sounds of it.

This thread was reverse psychology at it's best.



BTW guys!!

There was a leak recently of nude celebrity photos that a hacker stole!! How terrible!!!

Don't Google them!!! It's such an invasion of privacy!! We should start a petition to prevent people from learning about these photos and looking at them!!

Who is with me on this?!



Darknyht wrote:

gage_wolf wrote:

I'm not much into videogame activism or whatever you wanna call it such as the Bayonetta movement thing... Videogames are entertainment and that's that. But I really do not wanna see the eShop get overrun with crappy cheap mobile games. This Spikey Walls thing is just gross. The dev is trying to play it off like it's all a joke - haha what fun! It's a clone of a terrible game! What's the big deal!?

Don't support this dude or this lazy kind of game development. If this thing makes decent money it will incentivize developers to bring more garbage like this to the eShop instead of trying to take the time to make good games with you know... depth or originality. Home consoles are not mobile devices, let's not let them slide into that territory. Let's say you're bored and you happen to have a dollar to spend... Instead of buying this game go buy a deck of cards and play solitaire. It will be more satisfying. Seriously.

Just don't buy it folks.

I am glad that this wasn't the attitude shown when games like Stampede, Asteroids, Lunar Lander, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong, Jr., Mario Bros., Pole Position, Centipede, Pong, Missle Command or Combat came out. Because they are little more than a simplistic game that exploits a single gameplay concept while steadily increasing the difficulty. A lot of great classic games that went on to spawn even greater sequels and spin-offs would never have existed with an attitude like this.

Except for the fact that the games you mentioned weren't cheap copies of a knock off crappy game. They weren't the $1 games you bought on your NES, they were revolutionairy. They were the best the game system and the technology could offer and would allow for back in the day. They were the games everybody was excited for. They were everything that Spikey Walls is not.



gage_wolf wrote:

Beetlejuice wrote:

I didn't even know this game existed before reading this thread, and now I plan on buying it. I think several other people here will be doing the same as well by the sounds of it.

This thread was reverse psychology at it's best.

Just because you're going to buy it doesn't mean everyone who read it (or more likely the NL article about it) will be doing the same. You take me as the type of person that just likes to watch the world burn anyway, so that can't be helped. Listen man, I have no delusion over some forum thread CHANGING the minds of gamers everywhere. I just thought it was worth bringing up, and the result has been pretty interesting - the dev basically admitted to cashing in out of bitterness. People that bought and enjoyed BLOCK DROP U or SHUT THE BOX, may think twice about picking up SPIKEY WALLS, and that's cool with me.

Nahhhhh, pretty sure several other people here are buying the game just to see how bad it is, they have said so themselves in this thread and on the comments for the article Tom stole from you. The same thing happened when someone made a thread about the game The Letter on here. Far more people became aware of it, and thus bought it to see what it was like themselves.

I don't know if the developer has direct access to sales numbers, but it would be interesting to see if he could comment on if there was any sort of boost in the games sales due to your unintentional advertising.

All this thread did was expose whiny crybabies and alert curious gamers that there is a new "bad" game out to try.

[Edited by MikeLove]



BinaryFragger wrote:

Darknyht wrote:

I am glad that this wasn't the attitude shown when games like Stampede, Asteroids, Lunar Lander, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong, Jr., Mario Bros., Pole Position, Centipede, Pong, Missle Command or Combat came out. Because they are little more than a simplistic game that exploits a single gameplay concept while steadily increasing the difficulty. A lot of great classic games that went on to spawn even greater sequels and spin-offs would never have existed with an attitude like this.

The difference is, those games you mentioned were innovative for the time. After all, Pac Mac, Donkey Kong and so on were the big triple-A titles of the era.
Now, you have developers who spend a day or two making a game then putting it on the eShop trying to make a quick buck. Who cares about quality as long as the game is cheap, right?

Little did we know that in 30 years we will have games like The Legend of Spikey Walls, Super Spikey Bros., Call of Spikey Wall, and Spikey Walls Kart 13. We're witnessing the birth of a new gaming era.

[Edited by Octane]



gage_wolf wrote:

Beetlejuice wrote:

All this thread did was expose whiny crybabies and alert curious gamers that there is a new "bad" game out to try.

You're just trollin. The Letter was a different case. It was a strange new, albeit terrible game that reminded people of unintentional bad movies like "The Room." This isn't new. It's flappy bird... Who hasn't played that already?

I haven't played Flappy Bird before and The Letter was also a rip off of the Slender Man PC game. Also, I'd be willing to bet that less than 3% of the users of this website know what "The Room"* is, so that didn't factor at all into people buying The Letter.

This thread backfired, and you only helped to publicize the game and boost it's sales.

*Guess what? Us mentioning the movie "The Room" will now lead to someone who previously didn't know it existed to Google it to find out more, and potentially go to Youtube to watch clips or maybe even torrent the whole movie.

[Edited by MikeLove]


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