
Topic: Anybody else kinda regret purchasing a Wii U? (mixed feelings)

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Hello SofaKing, backwards compatibility is a great feature for sure, and yeah, I have used it on the Wii U (mostly to play House of the Dead 2/3/Overkill, but with that said, I already have a Wii in storage), but yeah, I don’t think that’s a great excuse to make up for the lack of third party support or games in general.

It’s an awesome perk, as is the Virtual Console (if they would kick it into high gear, although I realize they don’t want to burn through the Nintendo published library in three years like the Wii).

But people buy new consoles for new experiences………….Look at the Wii U release schedule in the next two or three months, so I have DKC: Tropical Freeze (which will be awesome no doubt)…………………….and I also have, err, umm, DKC: Tropical Freeze, and some indies.



@Ack, yeah, I’m not quite there yet in my life, but I can see it coming over the horizon (kids + marriage), and I do understand that Microsoft and Sony aren’t really the best options (well, I think Sony offers a bit more variety for kid friendly titles, but still, Nintendo is the way to go for sure)………… I totally understand that aspect of Nintendo’s marketing / user base. I guess I just think back to the SNES and N64 days, when Nintendo did a pretty awesome job of remaining kid friendly while also offering some of their best titles for the teen / adult demographics. I suppose they still do, but it’s nowhere near the same level. Wouldn’t it be kick donkey to have a console where you could throw in something like Super Mario 3D World, and then something like Forza or Gran Turismo……….

@Tophurion, I think you took the best possible route, as far as waiting until now to pick up the Wii U, there’s plenty on the table…….in my case, I picked it up at launch, and I usually beat between 2-4 games a month, so yeah, I really have nothing that interests me in the Eshop at this point (or until late Feb).

Edited on by LzWinky



We just got a Wii U and Im sooooo glad we did, theres so many awesome games. If I had bought an X box or Playstation Id bee board since theres nothing good out or announced

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After I saw the Xbox One I was GLAD I picked the Wii U


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no way i love the wii u. and it's only going to get better with the line up of games coming out in 2014

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It was a bit rough in the middle of last year but it has gotten better. Between 3D World now, Mario Kart and Smash Bros next year I'm happy. For me all they need to do is make a console with good versions of Kart, Mario and Zelda. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

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I would love a 2D Metroid on one of the systems, like the new zelda, but thats probably a 3DS game. Metroid on the Wii U would be good if the gameplay was like The Other M, but a story like the recent trilogy in my opinion.

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Can't say I am, as someone who is primarily a PC gamer it seemed pointless to purchase a PS4 or Xbox One considering most games will be coming to PC.

  • So I decided on getting a Wii U and have loved it so far with my first games being Super Mario Bro's U and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate which took a lot of my time
  • Then I jumped back into AC and replayed AC3 to remind myself before 4 came out
  • Played AC4
  • Black Friday Rolled around and snagged ZombiU for $15 (yet to beat it)
  • Got Super Mario 3D World and just beat the main game yesterday(still have star world)

I have been loving my Wii U, and with lots of good games this year I can't wait.

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@ Warruz, I can see the high-end PC gaming / Wii U combo making perfect sense.

I’ve always been mostly a console gamer outside of the late 90’s when I got hooked on Quake 2 and Half-life in my pre-teens / early-teens.

That being said, have you played AC4 on the Wii U? For sure some major frame rate issues, it got to the point where it was visibly affecting some of the aspects of gameplay (I’m sorry, but running around on rooftops is pretty cumbersome when everything is chugging at 25-20 frames)

Edited on by sub12



Not for a second. I love my Wii U. I don't regret buying any of my consoles, but if I did, it would probably be Vita and PS4. I bought all my consoles at launch, and droughts are to be expected. I haven't even touched my PS4 since I bought it, with the exception of an hour of Resogun and a few hours of Killzone, both of which were nothing spectacular.

Wii U is just like every other Nintendo console before it. It primarily consists of exclusives, with the occasional 3rd party exclusive gem. The 16 bit era is over. Nintendo doesn't get major 3rd party support, and Wii U is no different. Having said that, Wii U in just it's first year got a TON of top-rated AAA games. More than I've ever seen on a Nintendo console before. So that was a huge bonus.

Nintendo consoles never get as many games as Sony and MS consoles, but they get just as many GREAT games per generation. And since I only bother playing great games, for me Nintendo consoles have just as much to offer. Even more when you consider Nintendo games are typically much funner as well.

PS4 may have more "oomph" but it's got alot less of everything else. No free online, no backwards compatibility, no multiple controller options, no second screen or motion integration (except for mirroring games on Vita, which I can say from personal experience is a waste of time- if I'm gonna play a PS4 game I'm gonna play it on my TV, on a big screen without lag). It honestly feels like I bought a souped up PS3 with no games. And the release schedule isn't any better than the Wii U's was after launch. All I see coming is PS3 games that are being quickly ported over. Down the line, 2 years from now, PS4 will probably blossom quite nicely, but it will never be my console of choice. It's the same traditional gaming experience we've seen for almost 20 years. Same controller and all. That's great for playing 3rd party games- that's what I bought it for. But those games are a dime a dozen, and get monotonous real quick.

Idk, I like all consoles but the fact I play my Wii U every day while my other consoles sit neglected speaks volumes. The graphics aren't quite as good as PS4, but so what? They're good enough, especially with the artstyles used by Nintendo. The games look perfect tbh. I can't imagine the Wii U's graphics being an issue for a gamer. The games look so sharp, so crisp, and play so fluidly. And the 3rd party games are all right on par, give or take, with other consoles. Sure, one game might drop a couple frames below other versions, but not enough to notice. Besides, many games actually run better on Wii U, like Arkham Origins and Call of Duty Ghosts as recent examples. Call of Duty Ghosts reportedly looks and runs almost on par with the PS4 version. So there's really not as much disparity as people want us to believe.

I love the Gamepad. It makes games like Rayman Legends, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Batman Arkham City and Origins, Deus Ex Human Revolution and Darksiders 2 really stand out above the other versions. And exclusives like Lego City Undercover, ZombiU, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Wonderful 101 use it just as well, if not better. Then you've got Nintendo games like Wii Sports Club, Nintendoland, Pikmin 3 and Zelda Windwaker HD that benefit from the Gamepad as well. Then you've got games like Call of Duty BO2 and Ghosts, as well as Wii Sports Club and Pikmin 3, that use motion to create a unique experience as well, which is also something you can't experience on the other 8th consoles.

Idk, for me, the Wii U is the best console I've ever owned, and I've been gaming 20+ years. It's got quite an impressive library for only being out one year, and almost every game I'm excited for in 2014 is a Wii U game, not PS4, Vita or 3DS. That's how I feel about the Wii U, anyways.


New Super Mario Bros U
New Super Luigi U
The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker HD
Wii Sports Club
Pikmin 3
Wonderful 101
Lego City Undercover
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Sonic Racing Transformed
Super Mario 3D World
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Rayman Legends
Assassin's Creed 3 and 4
Batman Arkham City and Origins
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Ghosts
Darksiders 2
Mass Effect 3
Injustice Gods Among Us
Ninja Gaiden 3
Resident Evil Revelations HD

Dr Luigi
Nano Assault Neo
Super Metroid
Super Mario World
Mega Man 1-4
Mega Man X


Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8
Bayonetta 2
Super Smash Bros 4
Hyrule Warriors
Monolith Soft's X
Watch Dogs
Project CARS

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH, first up, nice forum post, and you make some very valid points.

Still, I don’t think Nintendo has had a “third-party” drought as drastic as the Wii U before……..not the N64, or the Gamecube, and the Wii did rather stellar for the first three or four years of its life.

While opinions will differ, for every good trait about Wii U, theirs something there to knock it down as well (IMO).

Take the gamepad for example, given it’s size, theirs no doubt that its rather comfortable and gets the job done. Off-TV play is pretty satisfactory, and I’ve used it quite a bit. Still, theirs quite a few times when playing on my Wii U that I wish I had a Dual Shock 4 or Xbox 360 controller, and not this huge controller streaming video of what I’m doing exactly on the TV screen. Now, I realize you have the Wiimotes and pro controllers as options, but it’s like a beautiful mess, you have a lot of possibilities, but you also wish Nintendo would have actually came up with something more cohesive, simpler.

As for power and performance, I’m sorry, but Arkham Origins is choppy, AC3 and AC4 are both choppy. If you ever read the digital foundry articles from Eurogamer, the Wii U has much more in common performance wise to the previous generation than the Xbox One and PS4. Nintendo can get away with this to a point, as the artistic focus of their games are naturally not aiming for realism, and still, it’s not a good sign for any substantial third party support. The Wii could get away with being substantially underpowered because everybody was enamored with the motion controls, it was the “thing to have” for a year or two. That’s not the case with the Wii U,………the gamepad is not a badly designed device at all, but for everybody who likes the idea, just as many are not buying the notion.

I do agree that Nintendo has had a solid 2013 release schedule if taken as a whole (the first part of the year was a major letdown, but the second half was pretty solid, concrete). Still, they need more games, and different types of games.



I'm glad I didn't purchase on cause I'd probably be regretting it like you are. There is close to nothing on the system that interests me, and even some of the more interesting games like the Wonderful 101 I heard was not good (though I'll have to try that one out for myself). Oh well, I'm getting it when Smash Bros comes out regardless lmao.

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Good response, points well taken.

As for wanting a traditional controller, I really can't emphasize the importance of the Pro Controller enough. It's not a mess at all actually. Almost every game on the Wii U has Pro Controller Support, and furthermore many games provide not just that, but Wiimote support and even Classic Controller Pro support. Almost any game (with a few exceptions) you buy for the console can be played with a Pro Controller. It's as easy as picking it up and pressing the A button. I use mine all the time for games that do not require a second screen or use it for anything particularly special.

As for the performance of multiplats, I feel like if people have to run tests just to tell the difference, then it's not that big of a deal. I haven't run across a single multiplat on Wii U that I thought wow, this looks horrible. It's all ballpark. The games run approximately as well as other versions. While some may run slightly worse, or a couple frames less, or have slightly worse lighting, that's seriously small potatoes in my eyes. Just like some Wii U multiplats looking slightly better isn't that big of a deal. Unless it's a 30fps to 60fps jump, it's not really noteworthy imo. The only people who care about that stuff are the tech-heads. The average gamer isn't going to care about a couple fps. In fact, most gamers would never even notice if you don't tell them. Besides, if someone cares about 3rd party game specs THAT much, they're probably the type of gamer that's going to buy a PS4 on the side to get the best looking version, in which case, the performance of the Wii U version is moot anyways.

Wii U is all about playing Nintendo games. That's what sells the console. Having a few 3rd party games is nice because it fills out the library. It's a little something extra to go along with those Nintendo games. If I buy a multiplat on Wii U, I'm not gonna care if it runs slightly better or worse than other consoles. All I'm gonna care about is that I can play the game on the Wii U, and most likely be able to use the gamepad in an interesting manner. In fact (and this is just personal preference), any multiplat that comes to Wii U, I buy INSTEAD of the other versions. Like AC4 and CoD Ghosts, for instance. I'd rather get Gamepad integration and Wiimote support than slightly sharper graphics. The reason I value that more, is that graphics don't make a game funner to me. They're prettier to look at, but after 10 minutes your eyes adjust and it just looks "normal". But using dual screeen and motion, that actually changes the way I play the game.

I like to own all consoles because I like the idea of not missing any great games. My intentions are always to just buy the very best games on each system. But what always ends up happening is I end up buying and playing mostly Nintendo games and stay busy with those. For instance, Final Fantasy X/X-2 is coming to Vita, and I've got it pre-ordered, but I already know it's most likely going to sit on the shelf unopened while I dig into Bravely Default. That's just how it always ends up working out for me. But I'm really going to give my best effort to squeeze in some PS4 and Vita games this year. It's just going to be really hard with the lineup Nintendo has, I mean, I'm so excited for DKC Tropical Freeze I've actually already scheduled 2 vacation days for when it releases lol...

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


turtlelink wrote:

Wonderful 101 I heard was not good (though I'll have to try that one out for myself)

You heard wrong. Straight up. Wonderful 101 is a seriously hardcore game, with so much complexity, depth, and extremely high learning curves (you'll probably have to play your first run-through on the easiest setting). Most people who actually bought the game and played it loved it. In fact, it actually scored higher on Metacritic than GTA5 for a while (though now I think it's like 0.3 under). Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda Windwaker HD, Wii Sports Club, New Super Mario Bros U, Rayman Legends, Lego City Undercover and Deus Ex Human Revolution are probably the top-ten games on the system right now. All of them are superb.

I haven't heard that many people say they regret buying a Wii U. Only the occasional drifter here and there. 99 out of 100 Wii U owners will probably tell you it's the best decision they made in their life. You'll always have 1 or 2 people here and there complain, but usually it's a case of A) they haven't played hardly any of the great games out for Wii U or B) they just prefer 3rd party games. I've heard MUCH more people say they regret buying other consoles.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Tophurion wrote:

JaxonH wrote:

turtlelink wrote:

Wonderful 101 I heard was not good (though I'll have to try that one out for myself)

You heard wrong. Straight up. Wonderful 101 is a seriously hardcore game, with so much complexity, depth, and extremely high learning curves (you'll probably have to play your first run-through on the easiest setting). Most people who actually bought the game and played it loved it. In fact, it actually scored higher on Metacritic than GTA5 for a while (though now I think it's like 0.3 under). Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda Windwaker HD, Wii Sports Club, New Super Mario Bros U, Rayman Legends, Lego City Undercover and Deus Ex Human Revolution are probably the top-ten games on the system right now. All of them are superb.

GTA 5 has a metacritic of 95 whereas The Wonderful 101 is at a 78. That is a significant difference. I have not played the game, but I just wanted to correct you there.

I'm talking about USER score. You can't depend on the critic scores. They're always skewed. Wondeful 101 is at 8.3 and GTA5 is at 8.2. So actually, W101 has a higher score even now.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH ,points well made, I don’t really have anything to argue against viewpoints, and yeah, Nintendo systems are mostly for Nintendo games……….but for those of us who like to play two or more games a month, the system is severely lacking IMO. As game development techniques proceed, due to the underpowered nature of the Wii U's hardware, I fear third party support may become even more of a rarity than it is today (outside of most indies). That’s cool and all if I can bust out my Wii U every couple of months to play that triple A Nintendo title,………….but at the end of the day, I don’t think it was worth the price.

BTW, I was really let down with AC4's performance on the Wii U, I don't know about you, but it was a choppy experience. To be honest, I put about 5 hours into the game and I said screw this, I'll buy it for the PS4 after I finish my current crop of games.

@turtlelink ,the Wonderful 101, it’s worth a play through for sure,……… buy a system over? Nah………

The first couples of levels were amazing in their detail, but towards the middle, the level design kinda took a hit (seriously?, your going to give me a fire and ice level after that beautifully crafted city). As far as the controls, I would recommend using the right joystick to drawn the patterns,'s not nearly as bad as many of the reviews would make you just takes some time.

But it’s a fun game and kinda slogs down in the middle, but the ending makes up for it.




Right. It's all personal opinion. To me, Wii U was worth the price the day Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate released. 600 hours I've put in that one game alone. It's hard to judge a console and say it's worth it or not worth it. If a person loves video games and that is their hobby, I don't see how any console would not be worth the price. Couple hundred bucks is a small price of entry to me. The question is, would I be willing to GIVE UP experiencing all the games that have come out for Wii U in order to gain $300? Not a chance. In fact, you couldn't pay me twice that to give up playing all these games. This is what I do. This is my passion- gaming. If you wanna game, you gotta pay the entry fee.

Even the PS4, which has literally sat on my floor neglected for a month and a half, and only played a total of 2 hours, was worth it. Because that's the price of entry if I want to play all the future games coming out for it. I never look at a console and quesion its' value. Because there is no way on earth the Wii U, or PS4, or Xbox One, or 3DS, or even Vita is not worth the price for all the games that will come to each system during their lifetime. Doesn't matter if it's worth it NOW, the bottom line is it will be, one way or another, whether now, next year or in 5 years. One way or another you're going to get your money's worth. So why wait? Better to buy one right away and start enjoying the games as they come along! That is why, I buy every console on launch day.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


sub12 wrote:

BTW, I was really let down with AC4's performance on the Wii U, I don't know about you, but it was a choppy experience. To be honest, I put about 5 hours into the game and I said screw this, I'll buy it for the PS4 after I finish my current crop of games.

Really, because I think the performance has been pretty great, genuinely a huge improvement from the Xbox versions of previous games at least.

Edited on by kkslider5552000

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Not disappointed in the slightest and i can't see how anyone who didn't impulse buy it would be. I've been a gamer for a long time and i knew exactly what i was getting into when i got my Wii U and its been great so far and as far as local co-op goes its flawless. I'm not a single console owner though as i have a varied palette that needs several platforms to satisfy.

For me its like this:
PC - MMOs, rpgs and Strategy games, random AAA titles in Steam or humble sales once in a while.
Nintendo consoles - Local play games and creative colourful feel good and have fun games.
Sony Consoles - Mostly JRGs, fighting and Japanese action games.
3DS - jrpgs and anything that looks fun.
Tablet - Mainly Kairosoft games and anything else that looks fun.

Local multiplayer is very important to me as gaming and movies are my main two hobbies and while my fiancee is happy to watch a few random obscure movies she gets bored quickly watching me play singleplayer or online games she doesn't like. I also bring my Wii U (love the size) to my parents house every other weekend and play games with my siblings, i often play online games with my bro but nothing beats local gaming sessions.



kkslider5552000 wrote:

sub12 wrote:

BTW, I was really let down with AC4's performance on the Wii U, I don't know about you, but it was a choppy experience. To be honest, I put about 5 hours into the game and I said screw this, I'll buy it for the PS4 after I finish my current crop of games.

Really, because I think the performance has been pretty great, genuinely a huge improvement from the Xbox versions of previous games at least.

Only time the game lagged for me is when sailing, and other rare occasions. The game has ran smoothly for me aside from this.

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