Charizard for sure. I love Charizard so much, I sat there and bred/hatched over 500 eggs just to obtain a shiny Charmander and turn it into a Charizard. After that, I would say Scolipede. Scolipede is just so cool and by far my favorite 5th Gen.....I also like Cinccino a lot...very cute
Shiny Charizard has to be the coolest looking shiny ever. The only shiny I ever got was a wild Heracross I found in Pokemon White.
not even red gyarados in gold/silve/hg/ss
This is my new account my old one is salty1264. I joined in juin 2010 on my other account so im not a new member. Steam: se' salty1264
Topic: Favorite Pokemon?
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