
Topic: Xenoblade Series chat

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@SplooshDmg was that Ni No Kuni 2 or 1. I platinumed #1 around launch but don’t remember RNG hassles. Never got round to #2. It’s on the list.

Was definitely trying to get all the blades in XC2 and spent about an extra 20-50 hours grinding with no success. Definitely tainted my experience a little. But as I keep saying it was still a solid 9+

[Edited by themightyant]



Doesn't happen often, but im already hankerin for more xenoblade after just finishing 3 yesterday. The only other games that do that to me are zelda games, and especially botw. It's that odd feeling of, "what am I supposed to do with my life now that I just sink 70+ hours into a single game/story?" LOL πŸ˜†.

And it's not really for lack of anything to play bc my backlog is stacked a mile high right now. And I just started up splatoon3, which is amazing as I suspected it would be.

Not sure i want to jump into X right now though with Bayo3 and Sparks of Hope a month away. But the bright side is I have both future connected and torna untouched for the most part. With finished DE, 2, and 3, which would be a nice one to jump into? Or does it matter? Just want a small mess around story/game to pass the time with splatoon3 until sparks of hope.



@NintendoByNature Future Connected is probably a better choice if you don't want to make a commitment. Despite its smaller scope compared to mainline games in the series, Torna is still as long as a lot of full JRPGs.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


@Ralizah yea I was thinking that. Says it's about 10hrs compared to tornas 20ish. Perfect compliment to splatoon3. And I definitely will finish by the time sparks of hope rolls out.

How is the story and battle system? Battle mechanics the same as DE I presume?



@NintendoByNature i second Future Connected; I think I spent maybe fifteen hours on that addon, though I did a lot of the side content. Side content is why I'm still stuck in chapter 6 of XC3. XD I'm sure to hit 100 hours tonight or tomorrow.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx oh yea. Side content does me in too. I kinda passed on any side content once I got to ch 6. Not that I didn't enjoy it, I just felt it was time to finish up. Can't wait to hear how you end up liking the finale! You're getting close.



@NintendoByNature I'm starting to get that feeling a bit as well. I think I'm almost satisfied with my quest progression on a colony I'm working on, then I'd like to unlock another that I KNOW exists....I'm just not sure how. Might turn to the internet on that one lol.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx there ya go. I can't remember how many I unlocked, but I did a fair amount of hero quests.



Future Connected has some streamlining and a few tweaks to the XC1 battle system, most notably the Ponspectors, but they're mostly the same. The two new Nopon characters you get are basically Reyn and Sharla with different skins on.

I managed to replay it over the course of a weekend while I was waiting for XC3 to arrive; maybe eight hours in total, although you could spend longer doing all the side content. The record speed run for the game is around the half hour mark if you really want to push the pace.



NintendoByNature wrote:

It's that odd feeling of, "what am I supposed to do with my life now that I just sink 70+ hours into a single game/story?" LOL πŸ˜†.

I know it well. It's always proportional to how good the game/book/tv series is. It's like Holiday Blues, the better the holiday the more you're normal life feels a little emptier afterwards. It's always a sign that you've really been really embedded in something deeply.

Personally I usually either play something completely different like small fun indie games or delve into one of my other hobbies. Good luck scratching that itch pal.



@NintendoByNature I made only more quest progress last night. Good news is I did finally unlock that colony and bagged the last non DLC hero I was missing lol. Probably would've done a little more, but my pro controller needed charged and I didn't feel like playing handheld.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@SplooshDmg Honestly do not remember that. But it was over a decade ago and I have a notoriously fickle memory



@SplooshDmg Aw man dude, I cannot imagine trying to 100% Ni No Kuni. Even when I played the game normally, I never liked the way you had to catch familiars πŸ˜…

Add me on switch if you like Xenoblade :)

Switch Friend Code: SW-3720-5613-4522


@themightyant couldn't agree more. The same happened when I finished stranger things πŸ˜„. I ended up starting future connected and I'll continue to play through splatoon 3. Both are nice since future connected is a short one and splatoon3 I can just jump in and out.

@tyranexx good stuff! So where are you headed next?



@NintendoByNature I think I'll work on that unlocked colony's rank/quests a bit (Colony Iota, actually; turns out I found the back entrance, but never the front!), then skim the maps for any unaccounted for ?s before advancing the plot again.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx gotcha. Have fun! NGL, it's been a little jarring going back to XC combat after playing 3 for so long.



Keep at it, @Tyranexx ... You might finish that game this year!

Steam: Bruce_CM


@NintendoByNature I believe it; I bet even the DE feels different by comparison, though from what I understand they made a few QoL improvements from the original Wii release.

@BruceCM My original goal was to reach the end credits before October rolls around, but we'll see how that goes.... πŸ˜… Technically it's feasible if I don't continue getting sidetracked by quests, which is bound to happen.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx definitely. I'm playing the DE, but even going from XC3 back to DE combat takes some getting used to. And the fact that you only have (3) members in party makes for being picky and choosie your party. So performing the necessary arts isn't as easy as XC3, at least yet.



I finally started up Xenoblade 2 yesterday. Not far enough into it yet to make definitive statements (just got Pyra and washed up on some mysterious Titan), but it's pretty good so far. The combat seems easier just having to push a corresponding button rather than pick your Arte along the line. It's a little weird seeing Nopon being so normal and influential, and Nia's Scottish brogue does not seem to go with her character and design at all. I'm looking forward to diving into it more later.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083

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