
Topic: Xenoblade Series chat

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1) She’s Welsh
2) How does it not fit her character?



@Xyphon22 Nia was probably my favorite after beating the game, trust me, she really grows on you.

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch


@Munchlax Sorry, ignorant American here who doesn't know the differences in dialects and accents and whatnot. And I don't know what it is about it. Maybe I just wasn't expecting it. Most if not all of the other voices in Xenoblade 1 and X and that I've heard so far in this one are the more common British accent that we hear over here. Probably also American stereotypes that usually all we see on TV and movies who sound like that are burly red-heads tossing cabers around. Rex's voice also threw me at first because it's a lot more kid-like I think than Shulk's was, but then I discovered he's also a lot more of a kid that Shulk was. I think I was just expecting a more kid-like voice for Nia, too, since even the running joke so far from Rex is that they are about the same age.

@FroZtedFlake But she is definitely the most interesting character so far, starting out as one of those Drivers and seemingly switching allegiances. She's currently lost and I'm trying to find her, but I like where it's going. And I'm sure I'll get more used to her voice assuming I'm going to hear it a lot more. She hasn't spoken THAT much yet, after all.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


@Xyphon22 Yeah, I remember being a little unsure of her at first, she grows a lot as a character, she's also definitely one of the better performing VA's in that game imo.
Rex's voice takes a lot of warming up to, I really like him though, he's so much of a goob compared to Shulk that I just found him pretty funny.

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch


The voice direction clearly doesn't fit a lot of the actual animation work in the game (something that was improved tremendously in XC3), but, nevertheless, I can't imagine Nia without a Welsh accent.

Her voice is much higher pitched in the Japanese dub, expectedly.

@Xyphon22 XC2 features a variety of dialects. For example, Ardanian characters speak with Scottish accents, Urayans sound Australian, Leftherians sound British, Blades have American accents, etc.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


I finally moved into Chapter 7 in XC3! I'm not on the home stretch just yet as I'm doing more side content - Yes, I'm hopeless lol - but I'm getting close! If I'm very lucky, I'll reach the end credits within the next week or so.

@NintendoByNature I think the hardest thing for me, if I were to go back to the previous games, would not being able to switch characters on the fly in combat. It's a small QoL improvement, but it's a change I've certainly appreciated. Same here with having more party members to slap enemies around. XD

@Xyphon22 I'll join the Nia bandwagon; she's one of my favorite characters in XC2. She can definitely be a bit of a scrappy brat at first, but she undergoes a lot of character development. Her backstory isn't anything to sniff at either. I'd love to say more, but you're early enough in the game that I'd start spoiling things if I did so.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx yep. That's a big struggle. I actually decided to shelve FC until a later date. Played a few hours and just wasn't feeling it after XC3. Very wierd too considering I always thought the original XC was my favorite. I might have to change my tune after going back to that world. Granted, it was only DLC and a few hrs into it, I just feel like 3 is the premium experience of 1, 2, and 3.



Ooh, maybe by the end of this month, after all, then, @Tyranexx ....

Steam: Bruce_CM


@NintendoByNature To be fair, while Future Connected is good - especially when it comes to a certain MC from XC:DE - the main game is definitely better. 3 is definitely a culmination of what Monolith learned from their previous games; I have very few complaints so far, all minor.

@BruceCM Hah....Maybe! We'll see how much my busy weekend ales me to play.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


A few humourous clips I've taken across the games (the only thing that might count as a spoiler is one of the XC:DE clips, but I'm going to tag them all anyways).

XC3: Big enemy gets drug under the geometry by quicksand after being toppled. If you notice, this actually negated the topple effect, and although not in the video, it also prevents you from using a chain attack (it'll engage, but the chain automatically ends after the first attack. Not the first round mind you, literally after the first character attacks).

XC:DE: Look at the flying telethia in the upper right hand of the screen near the end of the video.

XC:FC: Dumb nopon never engage enemy.

Anyone else capture some humorous clips?

[Edited by RR529]

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 I don't have a social media I use so I can't share them but my favorite one is from XC: DE
The party is standing still on a staircase because I looked away for a second, I kid you not no one was moving. Randomly, Reyn walks to the edge and goes "ALLEY-OOP" and just jumps off the cliff. I burst out laughing for quite a while and I still don't know why he moved when no one was moving.

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch


@FroZtedFlake, that does sound funny. Just in case you haven't seen my videos yet, I managed to embed then directly into my post, so you don't have to click the links.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 Oh my God LOL I had something similar happen to the first clip. I was doing a side quest in the cadensia region and an enemy that I was trying to kill fell into the water. Because it wasn't an enemy that usually swims it sunk all the way to the bottom but it didn't die. I was still able to attack it but it couldn't attack me πŸ˜‚

Also, your third clip happened to me in the base game before! It turns out that when I went to fight in the water, Riki was too short to stand in the water so he was swimming while everyone else was fighting πŸ˜‚ I'm glad this isn't an issue anymore in XC3 since you can fight in the water while swimming now.

@FroZtedFlake LOL I have a similar clip as well. Yours is definitely funnier though. In mine, I just completed a quest and after I accepted the rewards Duban just jumps off the bridge even though no one else was moving. I guess he really didn't like the rewards for the quest πŸ˜‚

I wish I could upload my clips directly to youtube but I have one where I was fighting a group of Tirkins in XC3. The musical Tirkins in particular have those giant sousaphones and when they use it they launch you pretty far back. Well one of them managed to launch me so far back that I fell off a ledge and fell REALLY far down into the water.

I have this other one where I did a break topple launch combo to an enemy on the ledge of a cliff and when I used the smash art they got sent straight down to the abyss and immediately died because of how far down they wentπŸ˜‚

Add me on switch if you like Xenoblade :)

Switch Friend Code: SW-3720-5613-4522


@Vortexeo, yeah, I had something similar happen to me when I was fighting one of those rock alligator things that appear in the area when you first arrive in the Fornis region. My team was actually losing, but then someone managed to inflict knockback, causing it to fall off into the void. At first I was glad as I'd assumed that it would count as a kill, but was soon dismayed as it immediately respawned with full health.

Also, in regards to those horn blowing Tirkins, one managed to knock me off a cliff but I didn't fall enough to die yet was close enough to still attack it, so that worked out in my favor (I stupidly ventured too far away & disengaged it though, when I was trying to work my way back up).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I've now rescued Nia and finished up chapter 2 of XC2. I definitely like the battle system better than those in XC1 and XCX. It's been a bit backwards, though, in that in most RPGs (including the previous Xenoblades) I do side quests to level up for the main progression. Here I tried to do some side quests and got my butt kicked. So I just went on and did the main story quest and I did that just fine and it got me strong enough to go back and complete those side quests. It was probably just the difference between having one Driver/Blade and now having three since I rescued Nia, though.

@FroZtedFlake Not as funny as that, but I did just have one where I was fighting some helicopter enemy and someone Toppled it so it fell down into the cloud sea but was just floating down there so it didn't die but none of us could attack each other. So naturally the naive Nopon Tora decided the only thing to do was to jump off the edge to go attack it down there. He died. At least his dead body magically transported back up to us so I could revive him.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


Graphics and an open world that are beautiful for a Switch game, a gripping story and more mature than previous series.



In XC2, do the dialogue choices you make actually affect anything? I just had a boy tell me he wants to become a driver in order to get revenge on those who killed his parents. I had to choose between dissuading him from getting revenge and letting him follow his own path. Does this choice (and others like it) end up mattering, or are they just for fun?


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


@Xyphon22 For XC2 I don't recall the dialogue options in side quests actually changing anything major. Most of the time you'll just get different dialogue depending on which answer you pick.

Add me on switch if you like Xenoblade :)

Switch Friend Code: SW-3720-5613-4522


Like @Vortexeo mentioned, dialogue choices don't matter in XC2. Some choices are funnier than others though, especially those of Heart-to-Hearts.

Yes, Eunie's the boss!

Switch Friend Code: SW-6743-9539-7390

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