@Zuljaras Yep. Same for other review bombed games.
Metacritic has been removing hundreds of troll reviews for big games during review bombing campaigns. It can pretty dramatically alter the user score afterward.
Sometimes it's defensible (the PC port of RDR2 was apparently poorly optimized at launch, and it kicked off a review bombing campaign for that game), but oftentimes it's literally just because people are salty about console exclusivity.
The user score average usually recovers after metacritic steps in, though, so the only way to tell if something was review bombed afterward is if you can find articles about it.
Been playing TLOU2 for a while and it's pretty amazing graphics and very panicky gameplay at times. Will have to take a break soon because this game is stressful....i'll need to play some Animal Crossing to calm down!!
How exactly can they detect "review bombing" when it's launch day? I read through some of those negative reviews and quite a lot of them are properly written out comments that sound sincere. So if it is review bombing, quite a lot of people tried very hard to conceal it.
Obviously detecting review bombing long after launch is way easier, because you get an unprompted flood of reviews at an unexpected time for no apparent reason. That's easy to detect and isolate. I'm not sure how to do it on launch though.
In theory? You could probably start by filtering out the massive influx of 0s the game received as soon as people were able to submit user reviews. Out of the 45 pages of negative reviews, 21.5 of them are 0s.
Afterward, you could probably sift through the other low-score reviews and filter out the short one or two sentence ones containing certain buzzwords like "SJW," "cuck," etc.
I'm not sure what metacritic's feelings are on foreign-language user reviews, but considering the paranoia about "Russian bots" on the internet, I could see a lot of those low-scoring Russian reviews being taken down.
And, you know, a lot of the reviews don't even try. A few examples:
"obsessive propaganda of body positive and homosexuality. both of these areas are mental disorder. You can watch a 1974 interview with professors who were forced to exclude homosexuality from the list of diseases."
"Neil Cuckman delivered the best Golf experience on PS4, Sponsored by Soyny, Blacked and Soylent"
There's a lot of this really blatant nonsense.
A smaller percentage of the troll reviewers adopt slightly higher review scores and post longer reviews so as not to get detected and removed. I'm not sure there's much to do about these, as it can be difficult to tell which are genuine and which are the product of more intelligent trolls.
In practice? I dunno. I don't work for whatever company manages Metacritic.
@Octane I take it you are playing TLOU 2. I think it was the guy from GameXplain who said he had to put the PS4 in another room with the cables running underneath the door so as not to be distracted 😂.
I swear to god, my 2014 PS4 has never, not once, bothered me with fan noises.
I guess that's the benefit of mostly playing non-AAA games on it. Although I also played HZD, which is as AAA as you can get, and I don't remember the hardware being noisy.
Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio (PC); Overboard! (PC)
@Spanjard I almost did lol. I thought God of War was pushing the system, but this game is pushing it beyond its limits for sure. Mind you, I have an OG PS4. But I should really invest in a good pair of noise cancelling headphones.
Anyway, a weird thing is that the game sound is quite low. Normally the volume of my TV is around 20-25 for games or watching films, but I had to crank it all the way up to 50 to get the same volume level.
Anyway, some first impressions. I've played a little over 4 hours so far. Nothing has triggered me yet!
The gameplay is surprisingly open. Think Lost Legacy, but even bigger. Almost like a miniature open world game, so there's a lot of freedom to explore. At the same time I feel like I'm missing stuff because of it lol. It's also definitely harder than the first game. I'm playing on normal, but I'm constantly out of ammo and resources. Clickers are absolutely brutal. I swear one of them noticed me even though I wasn't moving. It seems that staying quiet doesn't guarantee you won't be seen anymore.
I did also encounter a puzzle. Not the 'move a ladder' kind, but it definitely had me thinking for a moment. The game does some clever things and it utilises all of its mechanics quite well, and it isn't afraid to experiment. So far so good!
I'm also enjoying it and played for about four hours so far. There was one incredible bit near the beginning where you're running from a horde for about five or more minutes and then desperately trying to fight them off so you can escape on horses and it was incredibly tense and panicky. I don't think i've ever played another game where it was that stressful and feeling how the character would have felt and I died there quite a few times before just about getting away. I agree with @Octane that it's harder than the first game with less resources and those clickers are damn scary!
The graphics are amazing, i'd say even better than God of War and the acting is really good in the cutscenes. I'm really enjoying Seattle where there's a pretty large open space to explore and it's great finding little secrets and wandering around
@Dezzy Can someone please explain to me what the issue is? I haven't heard anything but 'They SJWed it', but also the only evidence I've seen anyone provide of that is that the main character has a girlfriend. Nothing about y'know, them actually pushing an agenda.
Think of the dislike people had for the Last Jedi. It's kinda similar to that. Mostly just based on certain story choices they've made that seem very different than what people were expecting (especially in how some of the main characters are used).
The "SJW" stuff is mostly just minor things where people are inferring a kind of agenda, that may or may not be there. One thing that's annoyed a lot of people is the fact that Sony have repeatedly censored any kind of female nudity in games for the last couple of years, and yet in this game they warned there would be nudity, and then it turns out it's the most unattractive masculine woman you could possibly imagine who gets naked for no particular reason. People have combined that with various comments Druckmann has made in the past in supporting Anita Sarkeesian, to infer that there was a deliberate attempt to try and annoy straight male gamers who like attractive female characters. That does seem kinda likely to me that it was deliberate. But no way of knowing really.
@Dezzy Hm, okay then. I'd say The Last Jedi's biggest weakness was not letting it's characters interact, and telling three separate stories that were only vaguely intertwined, and just spread itself too thin compared to the next most similar movie, Empire. But the character actions themselves didn't bother me. I liked Rose, found Kylo's arc in that movie fascinating, and enjoyed what they'd done with Luke, albeit with some flops in execution. Still better than the rough attempt to revert them did in RoS. So I'd probably be fine with this game.
And good to know the SJW agenda talk is all BS then. So sick of the existence of gay characters being considered political, on both sides.
@link3710 I think the only game that's annoyed me with politics is Life is Strange 2. And that's not because I disagreed with the message. It's because they sacrificed character depth, in order to make political points.
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