
Topic: Nintendo Life gaming quiz

Posts 61 to 80 of 1,140


@Mr_Horizon Had a lot of fun with this one! Probably because I knew most of these ones as opposed to previous months


Switch Friend Code: SW-7938-1793-3581 | My Nintendo: Scrummer


I think I got most of the cute games but none of the horror ones, which gives you an idea of what kind of games I play haha

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online


@Scrummer: Glad to hear that! At first glance it looks like Dogorilla and Ignatius are at about the same score as you, maybe the clues (later this month) will help you to get ahead.

@Dogorilla: That's good, so the mods don't have to call your parents about your gore intake. There are many absolute classics among the horror games, I'm sure you've heard of most of them.



June Quiz - Clues #1

So, who of you is too distracted by E3 or world cup to join the gaming quiz? So far we are 25 people in total, three of which are from this community.

I think it's time for some clues, maybe that will inspire more people!

1) The numbers 6, 12, 14 and 20 are games by Nintendo.

2) Game 2 is a 2D platformer that was released this year.

3) Title 9 is a game over screen from a well known survival horror series.

4) The entire quiz is very "new", most entries (14!) are from the current decade, eight are from the 2000s, just two from the 90s and only a single one from the late 80s.

5) Games 1, 5, 15 and 21 have you run around in large space stations where something went terribly wrong. Looking closer, nr 21 is the forgotten grandfather of the genre, and game 15 tries really hard (and fails...) to match the class of the famous games one and five.

Deadline is Saturday the 30th of June - please participate via

here is the quiz again... good luck!

[Edited by Mr_Horizon]




June Quiz - Clues #2

I just watched the 2:1 Germany vs Sweden football game, and now I am writing this final quiz update over a cold beer.
So, there's four people from this community already participating, and 37 users in total... Actually, this time we have something that didn't happen in a while - there's one entry that every single person has gotten right. Cheers to that! Do you have a guess which one it is?

These are the final clues:

1) Of all those scary games with the bloody messages, only number 11 has you run around without weapons.

2) Only one title in this quiz was released for a Commodore computer... the 21 is a C64 game.

3) Game 24 is not as cutesy as it appears!

4) The creature on picture 20 lives alone in a little house.

5) Game 18 was first released on the Sega Dreamcast.

So, you got exactly one week left!

Deadline is Saturday the 30th of June - please participate via

Here is the quiz one last time:



castlevania the bloodletting. the canceled game for the 32x is the answer. heres proof.
the answer is always castlevania

the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)


@ogo79: I'm not sure I can follow, but sure - Castlevania it is.



the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)



June Quiz - Answers & Score

The "bloody messages" are over, and looks like you had fun - 60 people joined, four more than last time. Average score is at 14.5, making this the easiest quiz of the year so far. Was it because of the many classics, the wild mix, few retro titles or just simpler screenshots?

Almost everybody got the Nr.4 right, but in the end there were three users who couldn't recognise the character as someone from the Sonic series.

Now we first have the names of the games as text, then as images, and the high score table comes at the end of this post.

1) System Shock 2
solved by: 76%
other suggestions: Dead Space 2, Half Life 2, Mass Effect, Prey

2) Celeste
solved by: 64%
other suggestions: Cibelle

3) Silent Hill 2
solved by: 73%
other suggestions: Condemned

4) Sonic Adventure
solved by: 95%
other suggestions: -

5) Dead Space
solved by: 85%
other suggestions: -

6) Animal Crossing
solved by: 86%
other suggestions: Harvest Moon

7) Bioshock
solved by: 66%
other suggestions: Skyrim, Silent Hill

8.) Hamtaro
solved by: 80%
other suggestions: Pokemon

9) Resident Evil Code Veronica
solved by: 64%
other suggestions: Dark Souls, Zombi U

10) Moss
solved by: 68%
other suggestions: Feivel der Mauswanderer, Stuart Little

11) Outlast
solved by: 66%
other suggestions: Deus Ex, The Darkness

12) Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
solved by: 81%
other suggestions: Super Mario, Mario Sunshine, Mario Odyssey

13) Clive Barkers Undying
solved by: 64%
other suggestions: -

14) Kirby Star Allies
solved by: 58%
other suggestions: Pikmin, Smash Brothers

15) Hollow
solved by: 10%
other suggestions: Alien Isolation, Dying Light, Far Cry 5, Prey, Run like Hell, Soma, Stanley Parable

16) Gal Gun 2
solved by: 59%
other suggestions: Gal Panic

17) Evil within 2
solved by: 54%
other suggestions: Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Layers of Fear, Prey

18.) Skies of Arcadia
solved by: 51%
other suggestions: Ocarina of Time, Tomodachi Life, Xenosaga, Skyward Sword

19) Warframe
solved by: 63%
other suggestions: -

20) Nintendo Labo
solved by: 19%
other suggestions: Animal Crossing, Chibi Robo, Ever Oasis, Kirby, Pokemon, Shaun the Sheep, Spore, Yoshies Wooly Word

21) Project Firestart
solved by: 39%
other suggestions: Aliens, Manhunter, Space Quest

22) Noby Noby Boy
solved by: 47%
other suggestions: Katamari, Katamari Damacy, We love Katamari

23) Saw 2
solved by: 31%
other suggestions: Deep Fear, Fear, Man Hunt, Riddick

24) Doki Doki Literature Club
solved by: 51%
other suggestions: Atelier Iris, Corpse Party, Criminal Girls, Ni no kuni, Persona 5

25) Dead Rising 2 case west
solved by: 34%
other suggestions: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal

quiz image:

answer image:
full resolution:


01 - 25 points - guf - Wizdom
02 - 25 points - mmx - Knuckles
03 - 25 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
04 - 25 points - pop - Barbarian
05 - 25 points - mmx - J.R.
06 - 24 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
07 - 23 points - gpo - MadMoxxi
08 - 22 points - mnc - Deadly Engineer
09 - 22 points - spl - fl0rian
10 - 22 points - eab - Nobby_UK

11 - 21 points - vpf - cebix
12 - 21 points - gpo - j1m
13 - 21 points - mmx - Shades
14 - 21 points - rta - Wibblewozzer
15 - 20 points - mnc - Quix
16 - 20 points - mmx - Klunky
17 - 19 points - m!g - geohound
18 - 19 points - pcx - Splunge
19 - 19 points - mnc - elementalMaster
20 - 18 points - ntl - JoakimZ
21 - 18 points - hcg - Woody Alien
22 - 17 points - pop - Sascha
23 - 17 points - hcg - Moran
24 - 16 points - hcg - mainpatr
25 - 16 points - guf - Z.Carmine
26 - 16 points - mmx - Caro
27 - 16 points - gpo - kataka
28 - 15 points - spl - Abalone
29 - 15 points - mnc - Mitschel
30 - 15 points - m!g - Red XIII
31 - 15 points - pop - Don Cosmo
32 - 15 points - gms - hellermarie
33 - 14 points - vgz - Walti
34 - 14 points - mnc - PaulBearer
35 - 14 points - mmx - LittleChoco
36 - 14 points - hcg - cacao
37 - 13 points - 4py - Crimson Idol
38 - 13 points - rta - Xavien
39 - 12 points - gms - NeM
40 - 12 points - m!g - Rudi Ratlos
41 - 12 points - m!g - SonicFanNerd
42 - 11 points - mnc - Lukulus
43 - 11 points - 4py - DancingDan
44 - 11 points - rta - Ys45
45 - 11 points - ntl - Ignatius_Cheese
46 - 11 points - gpo - Jin-Roh
47 - 09 points - ntl - Dogorilla
48 - 09 points - guf - Yoshi
49 - 09 points - hcg - windfisch
50 - 08 points - ntl - Scrummer

51 - 8 points - 4py - Scorplian190
52 - 8 points - vgz - Herr-Semmelknoedel
53 - 7 points - mnc - Klees
54 - 7 points - mnc - Yeboah17
55 - 6 points - mmx - fedprod
56 - 5 points - pop - PUH
57 - 5 points - guf - Ike
58 - 4 points - 4py - Akabei
59 - 2 points - pop - Daiyama
60 - 2 points - pcx - Pascal Parvex

4py = 4Players Forum
eab = English Amiga Board
gpo = Gamepro Forum
gms = Gamestar Forum
guf = Gaming Universe Forum
hcg = hardcore gaming 101
m!g = M!Games Forum
mmx = Multimediaxis Forum
ntl = NintendoLife Forum
mnc = altes maniac Forum
pcx = PCX Forum
pop = PowerPlay Forum
rta = ResetEra Forum
spl = Superlevel Forum
vgz = Videogameszone Forum
vpf = Vierpfeile Forum

Here is the NintendoLife-local-list:

1 - 18 points - JoakimZ
2 - 11 points - Ignatius_Cheese
3 - 09 points - Dogorilla
4 - 08 points - Scrummer

Congrats to JoakimZ for the local lead.

Thank you all for joining and see you next time!




July Quiz - Commodore

The highest selling home computer model in the world? That's the Commodore 64 from the early 80s, around 20 million were in use worldwide (even made its way into the guiness book of records). Commodore also made several more affordable entry models like the C16, which came with a delightfully retro cassette deck called the "Datasette". From the late 80s to the 90s things continued with the Amiga series, from the succesful Commodore A500 to the A1200 and the early 32bit console CD32... you notice something? This is a real RETRO quiz.

Where the last round had almost exclusively new games, this time most entries take us back far into the 1980s, with one half being C16 & C64 titles, and the other half being games for the Amiga Computers.

Don't worry if you were a PC or console gamer - there are many multiplatform titles in this quiz.

Deadline is Tuesday the 31st of July - please participate via

Here is the quiz... good luck!
full resolution:

[Edited by Mr_Horizon]



@Mr_Horizon I...I know them all! Hmm...If I remember I better enter this one

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@GrailUK That’s awesome! I only know 11 of these, so I’ll wait for some clues.

[Edited by JoakimZ]


3DS Friend Code: 0259-0335-6096 | Nintendo Network ID: JoakimZ


@Binary Solo: You entered name and forum, but left everything else empty! Did you mean to do that?




July Quiz- Clues #1

1980s and early 90s Games for Commodore home computers are not that well known anymore despite their many excellent titles. Due to their age you have to be well over 30 yourself to have come in touch with them naturally.
So I am quite happy that even with a niche topic like this, we already have 30 participants after the first week (one of which are from this community).

I believe it's time for some clues:

1) here is a graphic that shows when the individual games have been released. The 16 and 64 stand for the C16 and C64, and the red/white ball is the symbol for an Amiga game.

2) Number 13 has the same name as an old German (later international) TV-show, but it's not a license game.

3) Game 18 is a horizontally scrolling shooter, very similar to a legendary japanese shmup game.

4) On picture 14 you can see a computer virus, which you have to hunt in this action game. To do so you are using a small yellow robot with lots of different weapons.

5) Game number 1 has a few wannabe 3D sequences with static backgrounds, but number 16 and number 24 are first person shooters with real 3D graphics.

6) Before I forget... the games 1, 2, 3, 4, 19 and 20 are also PC titles, and the games 1, 2, 6 and 9 were also released for at least one console.
All others were either exclusives for that Commodore computer, or have only been ported to other home computers of that time (Spectrum, Atari) or iphones/ipads.

Deadline is Tuesday the 31st of July - please participate via



Will try and do this tonight as i grew up with a C64 and cant click on the link at work as the site is blocked


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


I'm afraid I'm a bit of a youngling so I don't know any of these...

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online


July Quiz - Clues #2

Ladies and gentlemen, there are now 9 days left to participate in this quiz! We are almost 40 people now, and I hope some more will join despite this being a niche topic. The lowest score right now is zero, so you won't be an embarassment.

There is currently one person from this forum.

I think it's time for the last few clues:

1) There are action figures and a cartoon show to go along with game 21.

2) Number 19 serves as an inspiration for the fallout series.

3) The games 11, 13, 15 and the 23 Are titles for the C16.

4) Title 22 took the wrong lessons from "rise of the robots" - also a 2D beat'em'up with render graphics and bad gameplay, but this time not even the graphics are pretty... rightfully getting it scores way below 50%.

5) Game 25 has a killer soundtrack!

Deadline is Tuesday the 31st of July - participate via



July Quiz - Commodore - round ending soon

Hey, only THREE days left to join the july quiz!

We are 45 people in total, and one from here.

@Dogorilla: you will lose your participation streak if you skip this riddle, after so far eight rounds in succession. If you keep it up, there's extra awards for that at the end of the year.

Oh, and who is the joker who entered a lot of bogus stuff under my own name? Maybe I sleepwalked, but I'm afraid I had to disqualify myself.

Deadline is Tuesday the 31st of July - participate via



I've managed to find out two of the answers for sure (I think) and taken a guess at one of the others, but this is not my round, I'm afraid. If it were classic Nintendo games I'm sure I'd ace it

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online



July Quiz - answers & score

Now look at that, I thought the niche topic would reduce participants, but actually we even got more than last time - 63 people in total!
So it seems that the 80s Home Computer topic didn't take away as much fun as I feared... but regardless, the next riddle will be more varied again.

And the results? FOUR people won this round by getting every last game correct... you can see more when you scroll down.

Now we first have the names of the games as text, then as images, and the scoretable comes at the end of this post.

1) It came from the Desert
solved by: 82%
other suggestions: -

2) California Games
solved by: 81%
other suggestions: Summer Games, The Surfing Game

3) Super Stardust
solved by: 58%
other suggestions: -

4) Barbarian
solved by: 83%
other suggestions: Conan

5) Walker
solved by: 66%
other suggestions: -

6) Shadow of the Beast
solved by: 61%
other suggestions: Altered Beast

7) Aztech Challenge
solved by: 63%
other suggestions: Montezumas Revenge, Zak McKracken, Custers Revenge

8.) Fightin' Spirit
solved by: 48%
other suggestions: Body Blows, Fatal Fury, Street Fighter 2, Shaq Fu

9) Paradroid
solved by: 60%
other suggestions: Giant Bomb, Paranoid

10) The Chaos Engine 2
solved by: 66%
other suggestions: Speedball

11) Finders Keepers
solved by: 32%
other suggestions: Spellbound, Treasure Island, Kings Quest

12) Banshee
solved by: 55%
other suggestions: 1941, 1942, 1943

13) Tutti Frutti
solved by: 52%
other suggestions: Mr.Do, Q-Bert

14) Virocop
solved by: 37%
other suggestions: Smash TV, Ghostbusters

15) Trailblazer
solved by: 63%
other suggestions: Ball Blazer, Cosmic Causeway

16) Alien Breed 3D
solved by: 50%
other suggestions: Maya, Microcosm

17) forbidden forest
solved by: 53%
other suggestions: Granny's garden

18.) Katakis
solved by: 32%
other suggestions: Missile Command, Uridium, Wizball, Dropzone, Moon Patrol

19) Wasteland
solved by: 47%
other suggestions: Ultima V, Commando, Who dares wins

20) Slamtilt
solved by: 34%
other suggestions: OnEscapee, Pinball Illusions

21) MASK
solved by: 27%
other suggestions: GI Joe, X-Fighter, Gemini Wings, Star Wars, Wasteland, Ikari Warriors

22) Olofight
solved by: 24%
other suggestions: Metal: A Robot Combat Simulation, Another World, Flashback, Space Ace

23) Tom Thumb
solved by: 35%
other suggestions: Vampire's Empire, Miner, Hunchback

24) Genetic Species
solved by: 44%
other suggestions: Breathless, Gloom, Fears

25) not even human
solved by: 11%
other suggestions: Space Invaders, Jumping Jack, Alienator, Classic Invaders, One Man and his Droid

quiz image:

answer image:


01 - 25 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
01 - 25 points - m!g - MontyRunner
01 - 25 points - mmx - J.R.
01 - 25 points - pcx - Splunge

05 - 24 points - spl - fl0rian
06 - 24 points - m!g - geohound
07 - 24 points - pop - a_gentle_breeze
08 - 24 points - rtg - Antiriad2097
09 - 23 points - m!g - Kong
10 - 22 points - eab - Nobby_UK

11 - 22 points - eab - CodyJarrett
12 - 21 points - eab - Havie
13 - 21 points - vpf - cebix
14 - 20 points - mnc - Superfrog
15 - 20 points - mnc - Deadly Engineer
16 - 19 points - pop - Barbarian
17 - 18 points - mmx - fedprod
18 - 17 points - ntl - JoakimZ
19 - 17 points - mnc - PaulBearer
20 - 17 points - m!g - zweiblooom
21 - 16 points - mnc - MH
22 - 16 points - eab - Predseda
23 - 15 points - mmx - Whiz-zarD
24 - 15 points - gpo - j1m
25 - 15 points - gms - kopyright
26 - 15 points - pcx - Singler
27 - 15 points - pcx - Triggerhappy
28 - 14 points - guf - Wizdom
29 - 14 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
30 - 14 points - 4py - Akabei
31 - 13 points - pcx - Aurelio
32 - 13 points - m!g - SonicFanNerd
33 - 13 points - 4py - LouisLoiselle
34 - 13 points - eab - Z3k
35 - 13 points - rtg - Hiro
36 - 12 points - mnc - elementalMaster
37 - 12 points - eab - Cobe
38 - 11 points - gpo - MadMoxxi
39 - 10 points - eab - lilalurl
40 - 09 points - mmx - Knuckles
41 - 08 points - pop - Sascha
42 - 08 points - pop - PUH
43 - 08 points - pcx - Pascal Parvex
44 - 07 points - hcg - Woody Alien
45 - 07 points - spl - Abalone
46 - 07 points - mnc - euph
47 - 06 points - pop - Don Como
48 - 05 points - m!g - Rudi Ratlos
49 - 05 points - mnc - HomiSite
50 - 04 points - mmx - Shades
51 - 04 points - mnc - millimil
52 - 03 points - m!g - Red XIII
53 - 02 points - 4py - Crimson Idol

54 - 2 points - ntl - Dogorilla
55 - 2 points - mnc - Yeboah17
56 - 2 points - gpo - kataka
57 - 1 points - guf - Yoshi
58 - 1 points - mmx - Klunky
59 - 1 points - mnc - Mitschel
60 - 1 points - vgz - Walti
61 - 1 points - vgz - Revolvermeister
62 - 0 points - vgz - LOX-TT
63 - 0 points - ntl - Binary Solo

4py = 4Players Forum
eab = English Amiga Board
gpo = Gamepro Forum
gms = Gamestar Forum
guf = Gaming Universe Forum
hcg = hardcore gaming 101
m!g = M!Games Forum
mmx = Multimediaxis Forum
ntl = NintendoLife Forum
mnc = old maniac Forum
pcx = pcx Forum
pop = PowerPlay Forum
rtg = RetroGamer Forum
spl = Superlevel Forum
vgz = Videogameszone Forum
vpf = Vierpfeile Forum

Here is the nintendo-life-local-list:

1 - 17 Punkte - JoakimZ
2 - 02 Punkte - Dogorilla
3 - 00 Punkte - Binary Solo

Congrats to JoakimZ for the local lead.

Thank you all for joining and see you next time!

[Edited by Mr_Horizon]


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