
Topic: Zelda Timeline Fans

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Reading comments on the latest article about Breath of the Wilds timeline placement, it's obvious that not many people actually like the idea of a timeline. I for one love it and really want to know further about if or if not botw merges the timelines back together. Does anyone else even like the timeline?

Well excuuuse me princess

My Nintendo: MasterJay | Nintendo Network ID: SuperSnapshot1.5


I'm so incredibly indifferent personally. I see positives in both approaches so it's hard for me to get worked up in either direction.

Personally though, it's a legend, meaning the little details and such all leave it up to interpretation. So make that as you will.

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@EvilLucario I agree with how it's a legend and the tiny details don't matter and how the timeline changes as we learn more about hyrule as the devs are saying. I'm just saying that I enjoy the timeline and how it increases the lore of the games, and don't see why everyone acting like Nintendo should just scrap it, when multiple games are obviously chronological

Well excuuuse me princess

My Nintendo: MasterJay | Nintendo Network ID: SuperSnapshot1.5


I honestly don't believe in the timelines. It's something that the as created by fans for who knows what reason I guess to make them feel complete or something. Zelda was created without timelines in mind and honest I believe the only reason Nintendo said yeah there was one was to shut fans up.

[Edited by Tasuki]

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@Tsurii I came here to say this. Since the first Zelda, each sequel was either a prequel or sequel in some way. The only games that were kinda iffy if they were even part of a canon were the ones developed by Capcom.

Link dying though is the original timeline since since A Link to the Past it said that there was no hero worthy to use the Master Sword. So many died in that war already so it wasn't impossible that Link had died and history had forgotten him.

[Edited by KaiserGX]

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I think BoTW doesn't merge the timelines by combining all of them. What really happens is that only one timeline can be true (the hero of time can't die and succeed at the same time). It's up to the player to choose which timeline to follow but no matter what really happened, they will all end the same way. BoTW and the games before OoT (in the timeline) are the only 100% canon games for me, the rest being interpretations about what happened when the hero of time arrived, therefore being called legends.

[Edited by Alber-san]

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I'm indifferent about the Zelda timeline, I've never cared about the canonical order of the story.

However, I respect the one offered by the Zelda encyclopedia.

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I guess it's quite cool that folk can discuss the timeline in the same way folk discuss who Robin Hood was or where he came from. I tend just go with what the NPCs tell me in each game. I get the impression Link is in the dark too lol.

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@GrailUK Yeah, imagine if some npc said to link in botw, btw there have been hundreds of people named link, that look just like you, and are just as powerful as you, but aren't you

Well excuuuse me princess

My Nintendo: MasterJay | Nintendo Network ID: SuperSnapshot1.5


I think the timeline is a lot of fun to speculate about, and think it's cool Nintendo decided to jump in. Since Nintendo did not make anything official, I personally like to think BotW is a convergence of all the timelines and that the next game should be a direct sequel with the world recovering from the calamity. BotW Link or a future Link should play a direct role in rebuilding civilization.

[Edited by judaspete]


My Nintendo: judaspete | Nintendo Network ID: judaspete


I've seen one interesting theory that BOTW is the endgame for the Link Died timeline created by dying in OoT. One piece of evidence was that several enemies that are only seen in the "failed timeline" game are in it, and the iconic Hero hat has a yellow band on it, which apparently also only happens in the Failed Timeline games. The fact the main badguy is called Ganon also was cited, since he's called Ganondorf in other two timelines.


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@MasterJay I agree with you, I’m a big fan of the timeline and how it adds a lot of meaningful context and background to each of the games. Here’s what I wrote in an NintendoLife article in December 2017 that applies here:

I'm probably in the minority, but I liked the timeline because it offered a more cohesive path for Zelda lore. The references to Ocarina from Wind Waker and especially Twilight Princess really strengthened those games, and goes to show that tying into Zelda lore and the events of previous games helps strengthen the current game's story. It's a shame they're moving away from the timeline, since one of my favorite parts of TP is how it tied into OoT and how those references can be explained by understanding the position of TP in the child timeline.



I think the official timeline is fun to talk/debate about despite some continuity errors. I also like seeing alternative interpretations of that material from fans. The only games where it truly gets weird is where the multiplayer games are involved; I daresay the Four Swords games are almost in their own continuity, and I'd almost call Tri Force Heroes more of a spinoff.

[Edited by Tyranexx]

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I think the timelines are fun to think about here and there, but it's supposed to be a "legend," and legends are very fluid, changing things. People add their own stories to the legend, sometimes accurate, sometimes not. Zelda has always kind of been like that, and it's pretty cool. Especially in an era where it seems every video game is obsessed with creating insanely huge canon as priority rather than engaging gameplay. (Except Warcraft... Warcraft has earned the right to have robust lore lol)



I loved Zelda timeline theorizing. Remember the days when The Legend of Zelda grand narrative was free for player interpretation? It was a time when dozens of people made thousands of contributions to a series of discussion threads proposing intricate theories or overarching storylines for the entire Zelda series, critiquing other people’s proposals, providing evidence, counter-evidence, and developing new timelines as new games were released. While the fans engaged in this enriching meta-game puzzle that embedded serious intellectual practices, Nintendo and Aonuma could focus on creating their unique fairy tale stories without a need to worry about the linear history too much. What a time to be alive.

[Edited by Aurumonado]

Switch Friend Code: SW-7763-4930-1410 | Nintendo Network ID: Aurumonado | Twitter:


Tyranexx wrote:

I think the official timeline is fun to talk/debate about despite some continuity errors. I also like seeing alternative interpretations of that material from fans. The only games where it truly gets weird is where the multiplayer games are involved; I daresay the Four Swords games are almost in their own continuity, and I'd almost call Tri Force Heroes more of a spinoff.

They should have put triforce heroes in all the timelines. One link from each line. Missed opportunity.



@Tsurii What if the game you're playing is just a legend told by some unseen narrator?



@Tsurii Well Eiji Aonuma literally said the exact opposite, soooooo....

Well excuuuse me princess

My Nintendo: MasterJay | Nintendo Network ID: SuperSnapshot1.5


Dude there's literally VERY LITTLE in the actual games to link them together. It's only been people like you and the pleas to Nintendo that have produced any kind of "timeline." The first timeline book they put out even states, up front, that the timeline presented is pretty much just based on whimsy and out of love for the fans who wanted to at least hear something about it.

When you look at the GAMES (which, hey, I'm a nobody, but they seem pretty important), there are little tidbits here and there of connection, especially in the more modern ones, but there is not and never has been anything concrete aside from the reuse of character names/places/etc., exactly like Final Fantasy also does (which is another "connected" franchise with no actual timeline).


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