
Topic: Your Latest Switch Purchase

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Grounded: Fully Yoked Edition


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


I'm kind of on a break from buying games, but found a copy of Fantasy Life at my local games shop for £20 and couldn't resist



So as it turns out, there's another Picross game by Jupiter available, but this one has a bit of an interesting story behind it.

It was originally released on Steam on Early Access under the name Logiart Grimoire in 2023 (they couldn't use the Picross name as it's a Nintendo trademark). But on April 18th, 2024 it was released on the Switch as Picross -Logiart Grimoire-

Apparently, the puzzles are contained within the Grimoire and it lost its puzzles, so you need to combine solved puzzles to create new ones for a total of 280 puzzles.

Here in Mexico, I believe it's the most expensive Picross game so far (not counting Picross S+ and all its DLC), but thankfully it's on sale, 35% off. I'll probably get it on the last day of the sale.

[Edited by HammerGalladeBro]

Rusty's Real Deal Baseball is now a hidden gem of the Nintendo 3DS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-0197-9566-9983 | 3DS Friend Code: 2251-9732-5870 | My Nintendo: AlexHGB | Nintendo Network ID: AHammerGalladeB


@HammerGalladeBro I've been playing that game obsessively. Even though there is less variety of puzzle types than other recent Jupiter Picross games, the shallow pretense for a 'story' and the general vibe and graphics somehow makes it really addictive. The puzzles are the most basic multiple-of-5 width/height standard Picross, although they added a neat pseudo-hint feature if you want it. Note that there are also 139 puzzles outside the grimoire with some semi-story attached.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Daily Dadish

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@bixente Tell us how Daily Dadish is. I like the Dadish series but Daily Dadish sounded like you would miss most of the levels if you didn't play it literally every day so I never bought it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I picked up Coromon through Limited Run.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7613-6555-4505



Today's level is Strange Station, and I think for anyone who misses it, you can play it again next year on the same date. The game is worth a buy imo. Ok you don't have all 365 levels available to you, but the levels aren't going away either - they're just in rotation.

Friend code



@bixente hmm. I tend to play 10 or 20 levels in a row for games like that so I think one a day would just frustrate me. I wish they would just let you play all the levels: seems like a waste. I'll probably buy the new 3D Dadish game coming out this year even though it doesn't look quite as good as the 2D games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I had an expiring game voucher credit and wasn't able to use it for TTYD (which is disappointing), so I picked up my first ever Pikmin game, with Pikmin 4. I rented the original Pikmin years ago, it's fun jumping back into the world.



The newest games in the Switch collection.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7613-6555-4505


Kwaiden - Azuma Manor Story
Dead in Vinland
Floppy Knights
Princess Farmer

Switch Physical Collection - 1,275 games (as of July 23rd, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Today on Amazon I bought the Switch Game Another Code Recollection. Unless the status of the order changes it should be at my house by sometime on Friday May 3, 2024. I just briefly tryed the demo of it a while ago.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


@Lazz That sounds great! Pikmin 4 is my favorite Switch exclusive, it’s a blast.

That’s too bad about TTYD, you should still definitely get it, it’s a masterpiece to say the least.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@PikminMarioKirby I'm 100% going to pick up TTYD, and maybe it has worked out for the best... I probably would have never picked up Pikmin 4 had the pass not expired when it did. I've actually never beaten the N64 paper Mario, maybe I can get myself to go through that before picking it up. Regardless, I'm looking forward to experiencing it for the first time!



@Lazz I am so excited for you! That's really cool that you get to play it for the first time. I already played the original but it's so worth getting again. Hopefully you'll enjoy Pikmin 4 as well, I thought it was really good!

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@PikminMarioKirby I'm a few days into the game, and I am really enjoying it. I plan to put a significant amount of time into it over the next week or's tough, as I have been trying to work my way through the Metal Gear Solid Collection as well. I never played 1-3, and have been bouncing between 1 & 2, before moving on to 3. I've found that I probably should have started those games on the easy setting, as I more want to get through them to experience the story, but am too far along now to restart . Just need more time in the day...



I'd love to be able to pick up TTYD in the next few months, only going to grab it when I am ready to dedicate my gaming time to it.



@Lazz Yeah Pikmin games (especially the first 2) can get pretty hard. I can relate, I found Pikmin 2 really hard when I first played it!

Also (for the overall discussion) I got BoxBoy and Part Time UFO a couple months ago. Those are pretty good games, they were on a sale so I took the chance.

[Edited by PikminMarioKirby]

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


Rogue Legacy 2


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921

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