
Topic: Xenoblade Chronicles 3

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@jedgamesguy Exactly; the characters in 3 are still very expressive without going over the top. Glad you brought up the fan service; it's gotten to where I almost expect this in some games/franchises, but it was an odd change in direction for me after playing XC:DE.

@Jhena Some of the understandable detriments aside, I don't dislike XC2's visual style. Some of my bigger issues with it have nothing to do with the graphics. I consider Torna to be the best representation of 2. Namely its narrowed focus and a cast I preferred overall. I thought cokvar was easier too, though I didn't play it long after completing the base game. So I was familiar with the combat by then. I was 3/4 the way through XC2 before some of the more advanced systems mentally clicked since the game isn't great at explaining outside of the basics IMO.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Yeah I went back and watched some XC3 cutscenes again and was blown away by the quality of the cutscenes, character models and expressions. The change in art style to resemble anime was definitely mixed in Definitive Edition but while I loved the old style too, the expressions are so much easier to decipher in the new style. As for 2’s style, I dislike it mainly because of the game’s poor graphics and uninspired UI, and the anime tropes really took coalescence in the facial expressions, like the fact blushes are a texture layered on top of faces. The animations are also really stiff in dialogue heavy cutscenes, 1 and 3 feel much more fluid.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


@jedgamesguy I'm due to revisit XC3 soon for the DLC and post-game; I keep postponing it for other games lol. From footage I've seen of the first game on the Wii, it was good for the time but definitely hasn't aged the best. I visually prefer the newer style in XC:DE. As for 2, I do like the look of the world overall, though it's been well over two years since I've played it and Torna. So I'll have to take your word for it. But I can even attest the UI is atrocious just from memory lol.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Hard to believe you haven’t gotten around to Future Redeemed yet, it was one of my favourite parts of the entire series. I’m sure you’ll love it when you do tackle that, the endgame quests, and some of the extra content from the expansion pass like the extra heroes. Don’t be surprised if I end up going to XC3 again after I’m through with 2 😉, the game looks, runs and plays so much better. 3’s hotkey system is really useful for checking quest objectives, the map, etc. Lazily I also like the fact that 3 has an auto advance dialogue system during side quests, which makes them less annoying.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


@jedgamesguy The plan was to revisit XC3's post-game and the DLC before Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door launches, but as that's only a little over a month away...I don't think it's happening lol. Originally I thought TTYD would launch later in the summer. Hard to complain since it's coming sooner than later though. I'm sure it'll be well worth the long wait! It wouldn't surprise me at all if you revisit XC3 very soon; not only because it's a natural progression from XC2 to 3, but also because I find it to be the best Xenoblade when it comes to intuitive gameplay buttons.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Matt_Barber XC3 is possibly one of the best-looking games on Switch. Whatever upscaling they're doing looks awesome, as unlike the muddy image quality of previous releases (especially XC2, ugh), it's sharp and vibrant throughout.

Breaks my heart the game didn't end up selling better than previous entries. It's the sort of powerful, gorgeous, well-written epic that makes me remember why I love video games.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


@Tyranexx lmao that’s as good a reason as any to hold off on giving that game its due diligence. Unfortunately I’ve gone and done it, I’ve started a new playthrough, as you’ve likely seen through my discord status at times. I’m at Chapter 2 at the moment, and packed up my streaming equipment just before I hit the Consul K fight, so I’ll resume that once I settle down back home. So now I’m juggling FF7, XC2, XC3, DQ11 AND P4G… safe to say I’ve got crippling commitment issues 😂. But man is it worth it.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


@jedgamesguy Normally I'd give you some lighthearted grief about starting XC3 while still in the middle of XC2, but as you've already played both, you get a pass. Some crazy RPG commitment issues up there, but hey, if it works for you! XD

I do want to give Future Redeemed its due diligence when I get to it. I don't wanna feel rushed into finishing it.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Nah the grief is very much warranted, part of me has accepted a portion of mental insanity for playing this many JRPGs at once, let alone two Xenoblade games. The truth, though, is that 3 is by far the most pleasant to play, and I haven’t actually started a new save for this game since I started it back in July 22. Nevertheless I’ll likely break from some of them while I focus on some of the big ones, namely FF7 Rebirth, since that game I haven’t actually played before 😉.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


@jedgamesguy I think most of us learn to live with and accept our idiosyncrasies on the spectrum of sanity. XD Sounds like a new XC3 file is overdue at any rate. Still, I'd at least focus on one or two over the others, which you seem to be doing with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Long overdue IMO, the game is a masterpiece and I want to do the typical Xenoblade approach of being stupidly over levelled for the major boss fights by doing all the side quests. IIRC it was @Jhena who was in the level 70s even in Chapter 5, it doesn't seem that ridiculous considering how many quests there are to finish by that point.

On a general note, this third time round I'm really appreciating the quality of both the cinematics and the writing, and because all the Ouroboros are introduced very early, they all get superb character moments, especially Taion, he takes almost an antagonistic role at first due to his enormous cynicism.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


@jedgamesguy I recall it took me forever to finish Chapter 5 in my playthrough due to all the quests. I finished many of them before continuing on with the prison sequence, though not all. I'm one who likes overleveling in most games anyway.

For the most part, I think all the Ouroboros have great character arcs. Though I feel Lanz could've used a bit more development since part of his arc was hijacked by some former "comrades". Sena's is a somewhat close second, but in her case she was overshadowed at times by only one individual.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


uh any word on Xenoblade Chronicles IV?

"The pleasure of a dream is that it is a fantasy. If it happens, it was never a dream.” - Old Grandfather


@Ralizah looks even better with FreeSync Premium on these newer TVs. I can also recommend the Samsung QLED Q70C and the Q700C soundbar. The frames are so clean and the sound is top notch
(b ' ' )b The gamemode for the soundbar makes you hear everything around you from a soundbar was really blown away with the Q-Symphony that samsung is using

"The pleasure of a dream is that it is a fantasy. If it happens, it was never a dream.” - Old Grandfather


@Papasears1982 I forget what TV we have, but both XC3 and TotK looked amazing on it. Not as crisp as a native 4K image, I'm sure, but I'm satisfied Switch games play well with it.

Absolutely can't wait to see what Monolith does with stronger tech, considering how many times they've produced games that seem to make incredibly impressive use of weaker tech (XC1 on Wii and 3DS; XCX on Wii U; now XC3 on Switch).

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)


@Tyranexx In this game overlevelling seems expected, some of the boss fights are nigh-on impossible when your party's at the same level. Today I was fighting Consul K and his Lv17 Moebius form took me two tries to beat (the first time round I switched it to easy, not this time), only when I got up to Lv18 did I take him down. Moebius in particular are HP sponges and the fight got really tedious...

Agree there, Lanz and Sena are definitely the weakest characters, in that order. Lanz is much stronger as a character because he doesn't feel like a guest in his own side story, unlike Sena whose story should've been titled Shania's side story, that's how absent she was from it.

I think my list for the top six goes:

  • Taion
  • Eunie
  • Mio
  • Noah
    [very small gap]
  • Lanz
    [very small gap]
  • Sena

The entire cast is superb, hence the small margins.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


I keep wanting to replay this game on New Game +, but I hate that there's no ability to level down your characters. It feels like it makes fights too easy, when I just want to replay the game like it's meant to be played- with the costumes carrying over.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


@VoidofLight I'm pretty sure you can level down in new game plus. The ability to level down your characters unlocks after you beat the game once from what I remember.

Edit: I think it always has to be done at the campfires though which is admittedly a little annoying

[Edited by Vortexeo]

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Switch Friend Code: SW-3720-5613-4522


Yeah, just finish the game for the ability to level down. Starting NG+ isn't needed.

Getting overleveled is a serious problem for those who don't just want to make a beeline for the final boss though.



@jedgamesguy Ah, good point; more than one of the Moebius fights took me a bit earlier on, few issues after that though. They ARE HP sponges though, aren't they? At least the Moebius battle theme is epic.

I think I agree on your top four, especially regarding Noah; he definitely has some great character development in the game, but sometimes PC Noah feels a bit too golden. Though I do believe the game handled the fact that things could've gone very different with him pretty well too (trying to avoid spoilers here). Fair point regarding Lanz's arc; I think I slightly prefer Sena's since I find some of her's very relatable. Though again, her arc was definitely more hijacked by Shania, who I feel sorry for more than anything. She made her choices, but I can't deny she was dealt a crap hand and worn down by years of mental/emotional abuse. Lanz and Sena are both very close for me though.

[Edited by Tyranexx]

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31

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