
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Thread

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Tremblucay wrote:

Your point being? Everything I said is true. The IP is Sega's, not Nintendo's.
Nintendo is funding the games because they want exclusives. That doesn't make it their IP.

That was to give further context on why Bayonetta 2 and 3 were exclusive to Nintendo, not to prove you wrong on anything. If anything that was supporting it.

@Kermit1 I remember Bayonetta for the Wii and 3DS as well 😀



Oh no, I'm sorry. I completely misunderstood the point you were trying to make.
I feel like a perfect arse now. 😖



Tremblucay wrote:

Oh no, I'm sorry. I completely misunderstood the point you were trying to make.
I feel like a perfect arse now. 😖

No worries, we all make mistakes.

@Kermit1 Still waiting for the Game Boy Color version.



I doubt anyone cares what Sony is doing. Especially for a game that was already announced to be coming this year.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo. What, you expect ppl to suddenly get up in arms because some other company runs a promotion for an already announced game people are waiting for info on? I don't get it.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH People seem really upset about the Partner Showcase because of no 1st party stuff and a GoW Ragnarok State of Play would be the equivalent of if Nintendo chose to do a BotW 2 Direct.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


We just had a Xenoblade 3 Direct. How is that any different? It's a presentation focused on one 1st party game.

Unless someone is like 10 years old, I can't see the dots you're connecting here. GoW has nothing to do with Nintendo, at all. It's already announced. It's a known quantity. Doing a State of Play on it changes nothing. It's literally already known to be coming. State of Play, no State of Play, it makes absolutely no difference. Not having a SoP doesn't make the game magically disappear from the lineup, and having one doesn't make it magically appear. All it does is offer more info for a game already known to be coming.

So no, I think you're way off base with that. I could see gradeschoolers and 10 year olds using childish logic to find something to get upset about, but that would be a stretch even for 10 year olds. That's just such an odd thing to say.

That's like saying Xbox fans are gonna get mad Nintendo had a Xenoblade 3 showcase. Like, huh? That makes no sense.

Sony has nothing to do with Nintendo. Their games have nothing to do with Nintendo fans. Releasing more info for an already announced game, already slated to be coming this year, has no bearing one way or the other, on anything at all, least of all Nintendo gamers.

Besides which, there's not many ppl upset. Little kids and console warriors maybe, and you always see the small slice of vocal manchildren on social media and trolling comment sections, but since when is their outlandish behavior and ridiculous takes relevant?

We already have, in the last 6 months of the year,

  • Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes
  • Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3
  • Live A Live
  • Splatoon 3
  • Mario Rabbids Spark of Hope
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3
  • Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
  • Advance Wars
  • Metroid Prime HD (according to Jeff Grub)

And ppl are complaining they want even more??? We're already chock full and our cup is running over. God forbid we go more than 3 months without more 1st party announcements. Could have a dozen exclusives lined up for the next few months, but all ppl care about is... more announcements. Like a crackhead, they need their fix. They don't actually play the games, they just want more announcements to keep the hype cycle high and use as ammo in console wars. After all, even if a game hasn't released yet, if it's already known about, it counts for less. Gotta keep that ammunition rolling in.

No, this whole discussion is ridiculous. Nobody cares what Sony does, certainly not sharing info on an already announced, known-to-be-coming game. And anyone who does, please let me know now so I can add to the block list. Cause that's just insane behavior.

We are more than covered when it comes to exclusive content and 1st party. We have release dates and months for the next 4 games in the lineup (and it'll likely be 5-6 games if we get a release date for Mario Rabbids and Bayonetta 3 tomorrow). Until Splatoon 3 releases in September, we don't need more info on those games. What we need right now is 3rd party news. And that's exactly what we're getting.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH You should check out the comments section for the Partner Showcase announcement:

My view on the Partner Showcase is while a general Direct would've been better and it would've been nice to see when the next wave of MK8 Deluxe DLC is, I'm still excited. I would say it's disappointing that they're not streaming the Partner Showcase though, while the games are still there the atmosphere is gone when it's just a shadow dropped video.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


No thanks.

There's a reason I don't visit NintendoLife comment sections. It's overrun by children and trolls, and is by no means a reflection of gamers at large.

Anyone who's an actual gamer and not a child who can't control their emotions or a console warrior, can see and understand that 3rd party games are hype. The entire Wii U generation I had to suffer listening to those same people complaining about no 3rd party support. Now we have an entire Direct focused on hype 3rd party games, and people are unhappy? I could understand if there was a dry spell of exclusives over the next 6 months, but we have more exclusives than Xbox and PS combined.

So, exclusives out the wazoo- one of the finest exclusive lineups for 6 months of the entire generation, and a Direct showcasing the ever coveted 3rd party support... likely Persona, a series EVERYONE said would never come to Switch, likely Batman Arkham, one of the finest superhero games of all time, maybe Silksong... what's there to complain about?

No... 10 years ago I would have argued with all of them. But I'm too old to suffer fools nowadays.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


JaxonH wrote:

There's a reason I don't visit NintendoLife comment sections. It's overrun by children and trolls, and is by no means a reflection of gamers at large.

I guess I'm not a true epic gamer...all of those #1 victory royales in Mario Maker 2 for nothing... 😔

Edited on by HotGoomba



I’m personally excited and I’m hopeful the Persona ports will be announced. But getting back to the disappointment going around I can understand to a degree. Sony and Microsoft both had large E3esque announcement shows as well as having the brunt of releases shown during games fest. Especially games fest which was a big third party showing with the Switch again missing out on a lot. So to have a direct with only third party support taking up less than a half hour it seems as though after all the success the Switch has and still has its being treated like the red headed stepchild.



Everyone knows the realest of the real gamers play Mario Maker 2 😀

That's fair, but that's also always been the case. Most e3 games aren't Switch related, so that's nothing new.

I understand the desire for big exciting announcements (trust me, I love them as much as anyone), but when we already have a stacked lineup with double digit exclusives crammed in a 6 month window, you have to be realistic with expectations. There just isn't any room for more 1st party games this year (barring squeezing in one, perhaps, like Metroid Prime HD).

If they had a big blowout, it would predominantly be 2023 games. Which means, when September rolls around, they'd have nothing to show. And then ppl would be disappointed. And then they'd be disappointed again in January/February as they still wouldnt have anything new to show. Unless they dumped their Q3/Q4 2023 lineup, in which case we're right back to not having anything to show in the summer next year.

Basically, what's gonna release is gonna release. Announcements won't change anything. There's only so many 1st party games that can release in a year, and we're pretty much filled up right now. So it's either, A) Hold off until most announced games release and then reveal more, or B) borrow announcements from next year and leave nothing to reveal next time

I think as long as we have a full lineup, it's unreasonable to expect more (at least, for the time being- after Splatoon 3 we'll get some clarity on the Oct-Dec release schedule, and perhaps Metroid Prime with Nov release date). Usually when we get big 1st party announcements in June, it's because we don't know what's coming the rest of the year. But this year, we did. That's just how the cards fell. If someone genuinely cares about the games first and foremost, they'd be more focused on the full lineup ahead of them, rather than not getting announcements for games far out into the future just for the sake of satisfying a desire for hype.

Besides which, we're still getting a big Direct to satisfy hype. So we're kind of having our cake and eating it too. Unless Persona and Batman are both no-shows. Then the cake is a lie. Speaking of which, a Portal Collection release date would be nice.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Willing to bet we see Mario + Rabbids in the showcase tomorrow, given the close release date.

There's so much stuff coming out soon. It's nuts.

@GameOtaku Sony's showcase was almost entirely composed of multiplatform third-party stuff. Both Sony and Microsoft's showcases were primarily for 2023 games, despite having sparse lineups this year.

Nintendo is releasing an exclusive virtually every month of the year and still has announcements for later in 2022.

In terms of support for modern exclusive releases, there's no comparison between Switch and the competition atm.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


It’s more the perception that Nintendo is simply not getting the games consumers want. Yes there’s games but is it the games we expect or want? I’m not talking exclusives (although both the cowabunga collection and persona ports were at first thought to be exclusive during their streams only to be confirmed for others a day or so after the fact,)



@GameOtaku The fact that Switch titles are dominating weekly charts worldwide would attest that Switch is, indeed, getting the games consumers want.

Nobody is buying a Switch to play AAA multiplats, so I'm not really sure what the expectation is there.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


Shouldn’t AAA devs see the value in porting to switch if it’s such a dominant force? I like to see the switch have a healthy future but there’s lots we don’t know about this year’s remaining releases let alone next years.


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