
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Thread

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I am kinda concerned that what we have been witnessing the past couple of years, and especially with the Microsoft buy out of anything ZeniMax owned, is the start of a new wave of big corporations buying up publishers and studios left and right in a bid to capture as many exclusives as possible and outdo each other. In effect a bit like the 90s/early 2000s only on a grander scale as it’s more the console manufacturers doing it this time round.

Sooo, when does Nintendo buy up Capcom

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@FragRed Nintendo are too cheap to buy other companies ;p

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


@Giancarlothomaz Ninty have billions in dollars (and trillions in yen) and could possibly buy them based on the numbers.

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Kept telling people, with all the money hatting Sony has been doing (buy up Final Fantasy 7, buy up Final Fantasy 16, buy up 2 Bethesda exclusives, buy up Godfall, buy up this, buy up that) it's all fun and games until the tables are turned. Of course MS wasn't gonna roll over while Sony pays to lock out game after game after game.

At least with MS we know PC releases are guaranteed, but it's still troubling and only going to get worse.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I mean, after the likes of Mojang, Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Playground Games, etc. I doubt this is reactionary to Sony's deals with FF. MS has been buying studios for years. They just continue what they've always been doing.



Is anyone seriously buying a PS5 just to play FFXVI before it comes to XBox? I'm the biggest FF fan & I'm not going to do that!

Steam: Bruce_CM


@BruceCM Feels like money wasted to me, unless it helped their development somehow. But apparently it works, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.



Yeah, @Octane .... There's probably enough people who are getting a PS5 for other exclusives who will, therefore, buy FFXVI there for it to make sense to Sony

Steam: Bruce_CM


@BruceCM I generally just have a greater affinity for PlayStation franchises compared to Xbox. I also have a good gaming PC so I'll be able to jump into Xbox games no problem. FFXVI, Project Athia and VII Remake being either timed or permanent exclusives is just the icing on the cake and obviously stuff like Miles Morales, Horizon, Demon's Souls and Ratchet and Clank are games I don't want to miss

Literally all they needed to announce during the PS5 Showcase for me to go into cardiac arrest was a new Persona game since they already ticked all my other boxes


Switch Friend Code: SW-4512-3820-2140 | My Nintendo: French Fry


Yeah, that's fair enough, @TheFrenchiestFry .... I play on PC primarily too, these days! Sony seems to be bringing more of it's own games there now, so that's good

Steam: Bruce_CM


@BruceCM I see them tapping into the PC market as a pretty solid marketing effort for them to actually entice the massive playerbase on that platform to pick up PlayStation consoles. It's also good that they're actually spacing out the initial and PC releases apart so it doesn't immediately negate the value of owning a PlayStation in general


Switch Friend Code: SW-4512-3820-2140 | My Nintendo: French Fry


Oh, yeah, I'm not suggesting they launch Horizon whatever the sequel's called on PC with PS5 .... If it comes 2 or 3 years later, I think that's plenty of time for the PS people to play it!

Steam: Bruce_CM


@BruceCM Microsoft's more about upgrading existing versions than ports. Like they had the perfect opportunity to remaster Gears of War 2 and 3 to XB1 and PC but instead they just upgraded the 360 versions for XB1 (and I assume they'll perform even better on Series X).

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


I'm sure some are.

But as for me, I never liked PS games that much. Theres a few I like, such as the original Last of Us, Spiderman and God of War, but none of them are "system sellers" to me. I like them, but the fact I've only beaten 2 PS4 exclusives start to finish over the last 7 years kinda says it all (original Last of Us and Infamous Second Son)

Horizon Zero Dawn, another one I genuinely do like... just didnt grab me enough to stick with it. Even on PC with gyro, I played a few times and moved on. Idk. Their games are "good" kinda like how Sniper Elite 3 on Switch is "good". I enjoy it, I'll buy it if it's on a console I own, but it's not super high levels of hype. Ratchet and Clank felt like every other non-Mario 3d platformer. Nothing wrong with it. Its charming and gorgeous and the mechanics actually feel great. But... Idk. Just doesnt hold my interest. Crash bandicoot and Spyro are the same way. Everyone else raves about em, but for me, it's "eh". Dont really care.

I skipped FF7, will wait for PC, and will do the same for FFXVI. In fact I wont even have to wait on that one. It's coming to PC out the gate. Persona I love though, and that's one game that could convince me to buy PS, but with Persona 4 Golden on Steam now and P5 emulated perfectly at 60fps, and a good chance P6 will at least come to PC, I'd at least wait first to see if it releases there.

And ya. The rest of their properties just arent my jam at all. Bloodborne is like Dark Souls which I repeatedly tried to get into but cant stand the frustration. Demons Souls is more of the same (coming to PC anyways). The thing that drew me to PS4 was all the 3rd party exclusives like Valkyria Chronicles (now on Steam and Switch), Persona 5 (already mentioned), Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Final Fantasy XII (both now on Steam and Switch), Dragon Quest Builders (now on Steam and Switch, as well as the sequel), Dragon Quest XI (DQXIS now on Switch), etc. But most of those games are now on Switch and Steam, and even some of Sony's exclusives are coming to Steam. So I kinda feel like my era of PS is over. And, same for MS because everything they have is on PC, but I'm glad I owned an X1X and got to experience a taste of what Xbox is about.

Frankly, if Nintendo every stops making handheld hybrids and puts all their games on PC, I'd probably drop them too since I'd no longer have any reason to buy them on dedicated hardware that does nothing special.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Yeah, there's only a few PS exclusives I'd be interested in, @JaxonH .... Nowhere near enough to get the console! I'd rather wait for Steam versions, too

Steam: Bruce_CM


My thoughts on "enough games to justify a console has shifted these past few years. Before I didn't need much incentive to own a console. I said well, I'm a gamer, I can afford it, so why not? But now, I'm getting tired of my games being split among so many different platforms. And then, like, even on PS5, they're trying to resell the same PS4 games for $50-70 but with a white case instead of blue. But no advantage. I dont want to rebuy a Collection of games to get slight upgrades, especially if the game is backward compatible already. That's why Steam won me over. Buy once, and if you upgrade your GPU later, the game looks and runs better. No having to buy another copy for that.

But ya, if I could grab a full disc version PS5 for $300 I'd probably get one anyways. But for $500 that's a hard sell. Especially because I'd get another controller, charge stand, and a game or two to play, and that becomes $720 + tax = $760 and that feels like way too much when theres no particular game it buys me access to I need to play.

Of course, that's just me. I'll certainly get one eventually just because theres always a few permanent exclusives worth playing. But Xbox I'm afraid I'll be skipping entirely. Not that they care. They're getting my money on Steam.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@jump I feel that is unfortunately Nintendo's problem. As much as they can produce amazing games, it would greatly benefit them to just open that purse and let out the bats every once and a while to make a purchase or two. Help with their stable of exclusives. The merging of their home and console teams has not resorted in more games despite what some said would happen. They just have fewer but bigger teams to create HD games. I am probably in the minority who thinks Nintendo should make a purchase sooner rather than later.

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Heh, I'm not getting a Series S or X, either, as they're bringing the games to Steam, @JaxonH .... But I like the GamePass! I'm much more likely to try games there than íf I had to buy them

Steam: Bruce_CM

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