
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Thats honestly the perfect time to quit watching. After season six the show gets really, really bad.

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


@blindsquarel there has been 3 seasons since I stopped watching?! 😳 That's a lot to catch up on if I ever decide to

I think I remember it already being pretty bad tbh. Ralph kept it going for me, a shining light in the mopey dark hell that they had made for Barry Allen. They did the same thing in Supergirl as well, both main characters started off really funny and likeable and just became a chore to watch after a few seasons with the shows being propped up by the amazing supporting characters.

Maybe one day I'll get back to watching the rest of the Arrowverse! Should be easy enough to work out where I was at least!

See ya!


Yeah, it wasn’t great even during season six. ( although the bloodwork arch was solid) Arrow is the only show that didn’t get to the point where it was just plain bad. It definitely had its low points, but it always rebounded.

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


@blindsquarel I think arrow started bad and got good once it (and me) embraced how ridiculous it was and started having some fun with itself. I much preferred the back half of the show with the new team and stuff.

(I say all my criticism of the Arrowverse with the utmost love and respect because I really did love it - I'm just not blind to its shortcomings)

I was also a big fan of Julian in the Flash, I know he turned out to be the baddy but he was easily my favourite flash companion until Ralph came along. If they had found a way to bring him back after they ditched Dibbers then I think I would have carried on watching it

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Does anyone else think that BotW is better than TotK?



@dionysos283 I’m in that camp, there’s a bit more flab to Kingodm Sad 😢 rather than being lean and mean in Breath. It kinda reminds me of a welterweight boxer packing on muscle to fight as a heavyweight, they will still knock you the fudge out as they are bigger but aren't as swift as before.

It would be a different story if Kingdom Sad 😢 allowed me to ultra hand villagers torsos, horse limbs, zonai devices and monster body parts to ride around on!

[Edited by jump]

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251



Yeah, I love the relative simplicity of Breath and the feelings of loneliness and nostalgia it evokes. On paper Tears is an improvement in almost every way, but it feels a little cluttered and unfocused.
And just as an aside: reusing the same map really broke the sense of exploration, that made Breath so magical and special for me.

It was an interesting experiment to get a direct asset-reuse sequel to a groundbreaking open-world Zelda game. But now that we experienced it, I think I can safely say that, if it takes 6 years to develop such a sequel, then I'd much rather have a completely new Zelda game with a completely new overworld to explore.



I brought the question to the BOTW general thread.

ilFrArMillo wrote:

Good evening everyone, I just finished all the main missions of the game (15-15 if I'm not mistaken) but after defeating ganon if I return from the last save to continue after the credits it gives me 13 out of 15 missions completed even if in actually there are 14 out of 15 completed, why? I would have understood 14 out of 15 (yes and no) since the last of ganon is missing, but why 13? Especially resulting in 14 completed, thanks in advance for your replies 🙋

This is normal, I believe. After you beat ganon, the game world goes back to just before you fought gannon. I think it was a design choice, so people could continue exploring the BOTW and have fun fighting enemies, or so you can finish up side quests. That's how I understand it. That's how the game has been since launch.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@ilFrArMillo So, in your game, other than Destroy Ganon, what other quest is marked as not-completed?

I checked my game that I defeated ganon on. Destroy Ganon is the only main quest marked not completed - that I knew. There are 14 main quests marked as completed. Then there are also 5 DLC quests in the main quest list, they all say "EX" in their titles - those are also completed. If you haven't bought the DLC, then you won't have the five EX quests in your main quest list.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


It's official!

It's nice when a renowned publication recognises the same greatness that I do :smugface:

I'm gonna buy me my first ever copy of EDGE magazine to reward them for their great work.

[Edited by gcunit]

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


So I am replaying Breath of the Wild and nearing the end. I have done the one big thing I really wanted to do, which was find all of the memories because I only found like 3 or 4 on my first playthrough and so felt like I couldn't adequately rate the game because I missed so much of the story. I also completed the Champion's Ballad DLC. I'm mainly wondering what all I really should do to get a good complete picture of everything before I go after Ganon. The one thing I think I would like to do is beat all of the shrines so I could see all of the puzzles like that the game has to offer, but I am not going to just wander aimlessly around the entire map waiting for the Sheikah Sensor to beep. Is there any other way to find missing shrines?

And while I don't feel the need to complete all the side quests, are there any that are just really cool or add a lot to the story or are what I call "Man, I know this is only a video game, but I just really want to help these people!" (like rebuilding Lurelin Village in TotK falls into this category, and I just finished the quest of building Tarrey Town and getting Hudson and Rhondson married)? Thanks for any thoughts.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


The Sheikah Sensor is all you get in game, I'm afraid. Worse still, some shrines won't even show up on it until you complete their associated quests. There are plenty of online guides and maps to help you out though, and there's a nice little bonus for completing all the shrines in the game, making it well worth the effort.

In terms of the best side quests, I'd recommend Stranded on Eventide (island in the far SouthEast of the map), the Stolen Heirloom (complete all the other quests in Karariko Village) and the Thunder Helm (complete all the other quests in Gerudo Town.) The first two of those are also Shrine Quests, so you'll need them on your way to finishing that goal too.

[Edited by Matt_Barber]



@Matt_Barber Thanks for the response. I know there aren't any other items you can get to find shrines, but I was hoping there might be some other way to locate them like how the shrines and lightroots are connected in TotK, of maybe you could pay someone to mark a missing one on the map like how you can pay the guy at Hateno Tech Lab to fill in missing spots in your Compendium. I didn't know there was a prize for completing them all, though, so maybe I will just have to resort to the internet after all.

And I've definitely already done the Eventide Island side quest and I know I haven't done the Thunder Helm one because it's in my list but I haven't done all the Gerudo Town ones yet, but I don't think I even know of the Stolen Heirloom quest yet. I don't remember doing much in Kakariko at all other than the boy who wanted to make his mom's recipes, so I'll have to look into that one. Thanks.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


I enjoyed buying the house in Hateno that was scheduled to be demolished. It gives Link a place to sleep for free, and a place to store valuable weapons and shields (like Link's house in TOTK, except no customization options). Other than that, I think you've covered it. I used an online map to find the shrines I didn't find on my own - outside of roaming and waiting for beeps from the Sheikah Slate, there's no other way to find shrines in BOTW.

Recently finished: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario RPG, Mario Wonder
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VII
What's next: Not sure yet

Switch Friend Code: SW-1710-0829-4896


@Xyphon22 Yeah, the sheika sensor beeping is all you have to find the shrines. If you don't want the hassle, I wouldn't blame you for finding a map or walkthrough to find the remaining shrines. If I remember right, some of those shrines don't appear until you've completed an environmental puzzle. I beat botw with 90-ish shrines, and just found the rest after beating gannon.

Heads up, after you beat gannon, when you re-enter the game, all the spawning enemies will still exist just like before you beat gannon.

Also, I didn't think you could access/play the Champion's Ballad expansion until after you beat gannon. Maybe I'm wrong. For me, Champions Ballad came out after I beat gannon. So, I don't know how that works.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@mjharper Cool, thanks. I've bought the house but haven't furnished it as it didn't really seem that useful and cost a lot of money, but I guess it's at least an easy quest and I have plenty of money. That stinks about no other way to find the shrines as I usually hate resorting to looking online, but I guess if it's just for side stuff and not important to beating the game (which I've already done before anyway) then I can make an exception.

@WoomyNNYes Thanks, yeah I didn't bother with the DLC my first time through (maybe it hadn't come out yet, I don't remember), but I did it almost as soon as I completed the four Divine Beasts this time, so you definitely don't have to wait until you beat Ganon. It was a lot of fun.

[Edited by Xyphon22]


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


Look for that rare deer/unicorn/horse creature thing if you haven't found it already.

I remember seeing it when I was up in some of the northern mountains in the snow. It was pretty sweet.



@rallydefault Ooh, good call there. I know right where it appears because I've seen it, took a picture, and tried to ride it but it always bucks me off. But I have completed my stamina wheel since the last time I tried, so I should definitely be able to ride it now and I'm interested in seeing what happens then. I had completely forgotten about that!


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


You definitely don't need to do all the shrines prior to finishing the game. If anything I'd recommend going early, otherwise you're in for an underwhelming fight that'll offer little challenge.

It is worth doing all four Divine Beasts and getting the Master Sword though, because you don't want it to be too hard either.


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