
Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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The Legend of Zelda U is for 2015 in which Link explores a huge, integrated, futuristic world

[Edited by Deleted]



I wonder if this means no Majora's Mask 3D for this year. You'd think they'd have shown them together if it was happening.



Looks like they really took a lot of the changes in ALBW to heart.

“A thing may be too sad to be believed or too wicked to be believed or too good to be believed; but it cannot be too absurd to be believed in this planet of frogs and elephants, of crocodiles and cuttle-fish.”
― G.K. Chesterton


It's kinda surprising they put this at the middle of the conference because this is the most impressive game. I need this so much.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

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Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


Art direction is beautiful.

As for link...


So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


The moment Anouma snapped his fingers and showed Zelda U I would have thrown money at the screen if I had any lying around.

Self-appointed NintendoLife Hyrule Warriors ambassador


I need more NOW!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:



<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Self-appointed NintendoLife Hyrule Warriors ambassador


Just.... wow. Mind-blowing.

I own a Wii U and 3DS. I also own a PS4!

Master of the Hype Train

3DS Friend Code: 2921-9690-6053 | Nintendo Network ID: Mediking9


For whatever reason, I think this is the first time I haven't really like the art direction in a Zelda game. I didn't mind Wind Waker, even when it was first unveiled, and I loved Skyward Sword when they first showed that off. Maybe because this is just too similar to Skyward Sword and I was hoping for something different. That panorama of all Hyrule is amazing, though.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


Yep this looks amazing.

Four more months until Bayonetta 2.

3DS Friend Code: 0705-3088-6988 | Nintendo Network ID: MANIAC64


Extremely fantastic looking. Open world+ Zelda puzzle solving+ Beautiful graphics+ Fantastic music= One of the best games ever.

Nintendo ID Network: Nintendo_Ninja
Mario Maker ID: LR5-VQV-THG


I really hope we see more later on.

Currently Playing: Steamworld Heist, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tales of Graces F


Xyphon22 wrote:

For whatever reason, I think this is the first time I haven't really like the art direction in a Zelda game. I didn't mind Wind Waker, even when it was first unveiled, and I loved Skyward Sword when they first showed that off. Maybe because this is just too similar to Skyward Sword and I was hoping for something different. That panorama of all Hyrule is amazing, though.

I don't think it looks anything like Skyward Sword. I believe it has its own direction and also believe it will speed up production time as opposed to trying to be more realistic! I couldn't even tell it was cell shaded till the monster came and link started moving.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


This game wants to make me cry and scream like a little baby.... IN A GOOD WAY!


3DS Friend Code: 3754-7789-7523 | Nintendo Network ID: Longforgotten

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