
Topic: Switch Physical Boxed Games List & Release Dates (US & CA)

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The blowout stock will be "in-stock" items, and previously when I attempted to order the 3DS print of Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, the checkout process via "Purple Dot" wasn't possible if I included pre-order items.
Removing all pre-order items then let me complete the check-out for the in-stock item alone, through the previous check-out process.

The Purple Dot check-out process seems to have since been amended to allow in-stock items to be ordered alongside pre-order items, I tested it just now with a pre-order item like Animal Well, and an in-stock item like a Neo Geo Shock Box case.
If you only order in-stock items, it still takes you to the original check-out process that isn't "Purple Dot".



@RupeeClock @Aurumonado
I hope Rupee’s right! I think I actually misread your question - LRG may very well let you order in-stock items together with preorder items and batch them into a single shipment.
What I thought you were asking was if in-stock items you order this week could be batched into a shipment with a previous, separate preorder you had placed. The likelihood of success in that scenario seemed low to me. 😅

Switch FC: SW-5760-3019-8223
(player name is Beesh)


@Teksetter @Aurumonado
The LRG blowout sale starts in just under 2 hours.
The site is currently in countdown mode so you can't explore their stock, but the imagery suggests they might be selling stock of The House of Fata Morgana which is considered a holy grail physical release, I overlooked it the first time it was available and will try for it.



@RupeeClock @Teksetter The sale is in one hour and I just tried checking out some preorders. Even just ordering Animal Well and Lara Croft collection does not combine the shipping.

Switch Friend Code: SW-7763-4930-1410 | Nintendo Network ID: Aurumonado | Twitter:


After about 6-7 minutes of not loading, LRG's site loaded and the blowout stock ended up being underwhelming.
Not much on offer for Switch collector's, most of the Shantae stock is all PlayStation whilst the vast majority has been set aside for Switch blind boxes.

Annoyingly, searching for The House of Fata Morgana showed it as in stock, but the listing only has a "buy digital" link that goes straight to

Edit: Actually, it turns out everything you'd want to find is at this link that they posted to Twitter a couple days ago.

[Edited by RupeeClock]



Ya it was underwhelming but I did grab KOTOR II which somehow passed me by when it released. For those wondering: LRG did not combine the shipping with preorders, so I had to remove them from my cart. The sale items were purple dot and the preorders were not.

Switch Friend Code: SW-7763-4930-1410 | Nintendo Network ID: Aurumonado | Twitter:


It turned out The House of Fata Morgana actually was restocked, but it looked like I missed out due to technical issues with their site.
Go figure.



@RupeeClock @Aurumonado
That rots that Fata Morgana went unavailable so quickly. 😔
I didn’t browse the sale till an hour after it started, and Morgana was sold out already then. I got a copy of Shantae and the Seven Sirens in my shopping cart, but was informed it was sold out before I could check out.

I did find a bunch of games I passed on before, but splurged a bit and bought now: Valis Collections 1&2, Vagante, Lunark, and a few others.

Switch FC: SW-5760-3019-8223
(player name is Beesh)


Super Rare teasing a release for Cassette Beasts?

Switch Physical Collection - 1,275 games (as of July 23rd, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I saw Super Rare is running a Summer Blowout Sale of their own, starting tomorrow (5/30). Up to half off of some in-stock items. I’m shopped out for moment though.

Maybe SLG should run a sale, too - liquidate some more inventory so they can produce and ship all the games we’ve preordered from them since 2022. 😑

Edit, 5/30: I meant Strictly Limited Games (SLG), not LRG. Ugh all these acronyms!

[Edited by Teksetter]

Switch FC: SW-5760-3019-8223
(player name is Beesh)


So added up all the games I just received from my imports and LRG finally following through.

1,798. I am two games away from 1,800. Got a few still in transit, surprised I have came this far.



That's truly an astounding number of Switch games! The Paraka Video Game Museum opens when?

I just topped 300 physical Switch games last week, with the addition of Paper Mario: TTYD and the delivery of MythForce and Castlevania Advance Collection from LRG. My kids think I'm crazy, just at that quantity! Honestly, I'm surprised myself.

I've never before shopped so hard for any single console. It's just been the perfect little system for me, and one that attracted an unending flow of tempting first-party, third-party, and indie titles spanning all kinds of genres.

Switch FC: SW-5760-3019-8223
(player name is Beesh)


@Teksetter - I always had a self-driven goal of collecting all games for a console I had. Almost reached it during the GCN before family used to criticize me about my priorities. Even when I stopped buying that last year, the criticisms remained.

Generations later, I simply have not had that same spark till the Switch. Figured my passive and excess income can be better used here as opposed to external tickets and passes we barely used (ended up handing them out most often, suffice to say extended family members are not happy).

Never figured the Switch wpuld take off so fast, so hard and last so long. Insane little system and I honestly pretty content if it stayed this way.



@Paraka Congrats on the milestone.

Out of curiosity, which game might you designate as # 1800?

Switch Physical Collection - 1,275 games (as of July 23rd, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician - Well, I have about 5 incoming from LRG and Super Rare.

What I will probably do is wait till all shipments come through by Friday, place them all in a box and blindly pull each out. The last one will be designated #1800.

Did something similar with #1000, which ended up being Bibi & Tina's Horse Adventure. Was rooting for Skully for that one. But my shipments are all good picks this time, so it's hard to pick a favorite.



Need to go through mine for a new count and sort which I've played etc.
But need the wife to be working as she has no clue how many I have
It was 150 in Sept 22, but no idea how many more...


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


Wow no comments in 9 days! I'm excited about the Slay the Princess physical as well as the major update! There's so many damn good games coming out.

I'm also looking forward to Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus, LISA, Umbraclaw, and OH MAN, Cassette Beasts and Animal Well!

What is your favorite physical coming out this year?



Yeah, the thread has been quiet this week! I was missing updates from Magician or somebody, and actually feeling a little guilty myself about not posting anything…😅

Maybe everyone’s in a wait and see mood bc of the impending Direct?

As for me, I’m excited to get quirky games like Rose and Camellia and Oregon Trail on preorder recently. They’ll really add more variety to my physical collection.

Also this past week I preordered Yars Rising (being the old, nostalgic person I am) and Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered deluxe edition , too. That latter seemed like a good value for USD $50, coming with a soundtrack CD and other goodies.

[Edited by Teksetter]

Switch FC: SW-5760-3019-8223
(player name is Beesh)


Hamstrman wrote:

What is your favorite physical coming out this year?

Tsukihime - A Piece of Blue Grass Moon

Regarded as one of Type Moon's best stories. Coming off of Witch on the Holy Night, which I thought was a top-ten visual novel I experienced last year. All I know is that vampires are involved. Which is all I needed to hear because I love me my vampire-themed entertainment.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,275 games (as of July 23rd, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

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