
Topic: Super Mario RPG Remake

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gets the shiny stone early and breaks the sealed door
...Well, that's done...I'll finish dealing with that eventually. lol

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Got the game today for the first time (didn’t play the SNES version) it’s pretty good so far.

There’s a noticeable lack of polish though, like, a notable amount of sound effects that should be there just aren’t.
The intro cutscenes for example, Mario is doing a bunch of random stuff without any sort of audio feedback at all.
And the dialogue box doesn’t have any dialogue sound either for some reason.

I’ll keep playing it though

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the only one time that i ever did the 9999 attack damage with Genowhirl in the original game is when fighting Exor. Genowhirl is still tricky and frustrating to try to do its 9999 damage in the original.

Dunno how its like in the remake but Ill keep on trying to pull it off anyway

Joeynator3000 wrote:

....Ugh, Geno Whirl is so weird in this version....I could nail it perfectly each time in the original, wtf? lol



I think they changed the timing which is what's throwing me off.

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Joeynator3000 wrote:

I think they changed the timing which is what's throwing me off.

The timing feels pretty weird to me. Although I admit I don't love games which insert precise arbitrary timing for super attacks, so it may just be me. In some paper mario games the timing feels more natural to me, but that may just mean it's massively forgiving in those games.

Edited on by FishyS


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@FishyS @Joeynator3000
Yea, there's not the "kickback" on the button presses that I've felt in other Mario "rpg" games I've played recently like Origami King and Superstar Saga. These timings feel mushy and not immediately apparent, especially for a new player like me who only knew about this game as a kid but never owned it.

I'm getting used to it, though. It's not a deal-breaker, but does kind of give it a lesser feel, in my opinion, but I'm big on the feedback a game gives you. It's kind of kept me from becoming initially hooked, if I'm being honest.



Er, uhhh....not sure what you mean most other case the timed attacks in the game is fine. But attacks like Geno Whirl is what bugging me because I think they changed the timing. Before it used to be right after Geno fires the attack and you get a screen flash when you do it it's before he fires it and it's a pain in the butt. I'm guessing that it's probably it was overpowered so they made it harder to pull off?

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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well i guess since its the remake where the game now has the special triple team attacks, i guess they had to either get rid of the 9999 for Genowhirl or make it a little tougher to press Y or A at the right time for Genowhirl to instant KO an enemy or boss

Joeynator3000 wrote:

Er, uhhh....not sure what you mean most other case the timed attacks in the game is fine. But attacks like Geno Whirl is what bugging me because I think they changed the timing. Before it used to be right after Geno fires the attack and you get a screen flash when you do it it's before he fires it and it's a pain in the butt. I'm guessing that it's probably it was overpowered so they made it harder to pull off?



....Dammit, they changed the timing on Mallow's Star Rain too! >.<

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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@DiamondCore Seems to just be holdovers from the original. Wish they did a bit more in that regard, but the only thing I've felt has been genuinely unpolished has been the framerate dips during cutscenes. I regret to say that I own 3 Mario and Luigi games and really enjoyed what I played of them...yet out of the 3 Mario RPG series (if Mario RPG proper can even be called a series when the remake is the only time its style has returned), I've only beaten...Color Splash and The Origami King (though I admittedly do really like Origami King; I'm not sure why I pushed through Color Splash given I often didn't like it much). I think I want to make Super Mario RPG the first one I actually complete, though - already having a blast with it

Edited on by PikaPhantom



Surprisingly disappointed with this one. Decided to play the original again to see if my issues are with just the remake or Super Mario RPG as a whole. It's definitely a good game, but before a few days ago Mario RPG was easily on my list of favorites, now I'm not so sure lol.
Similar thing happened with Pokémon Diamond when I replayed it so it's not impossible, but I am hoping I have a better time playing the original than I did the remake.

Go on, gay bowser.


Yes, I'm just talking about all sorts of timings that don't feel right to me, a new player.

Even after 4ish hours, there aren't many attack button timings that feel natural to me. It's weird and a bit off-putting to be honest, but I still enjoy the game as a whole.



i dunno if its just me since i still do this weird habit when playing the original Legend of the Seven Stars game, but in the remake recently when the exclamation point comes up for regular attacks, i double tap the A button

Anyone else do that where they double tap the A button? or do you just tap A button once to extra damage?

its just a silly old habit of mine that still happens when i play old Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars and even for the remake which i just started



@XandertheWise with some attacks like Geno's or Mallows attacks, I spam the "A" button for some reason. but for most other attacks, I just press "A".

Edited on by Darkly



i also do it with Mario's punch and koopa shell. always done that habit since original Legend of the Seven Stars.

Darkly wrote:

@XandertheWise with some attacks like Geno's or Mallows attacks, I spam the "A" button for some reason. but for most other attacks, I just press "A". l



I also plan to play the game through the easy mode when I get it next year.



@Joeynator3000 I actually beat Culex before I even fought the Czar Dragon. lol.



@Darkly ....Did you at least have the Lazy Shells? xD
Anyways yeah I managed, I ended up just slowly destroying crystals and staying alive with Peach until everyone ran out of FP. xD

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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