
Topic: Nintendo Roadmap Prediction

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@WaffleBoat Probably another 2+ years off from that. Animal Crossing would be better saved for next gen and NH is selling gangbusters and they can probably afford to coast on it until next gen.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


My prediciton for the rest of this year and early 2025:
MAY 2023: Paper Mario and TTYD and Endless Ocean Luminous
JUNE 2024 Kirby and The Rainbow Curse and Earthbound remakes, both shadow drops
JULY 2024: Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD and Mario Wonder DLC
AUGUST 2024: Ocarina of Time Remake
September 2024: New Star Fox title, Final Fest
November 2024: Princess Peach Showtime DLC, Animal Crossing: New Leaf HD
January 2025: Xenoblade Warriors, Super Mario Party 2
February 2025: New Kid Icarus title
March 2025: Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon Legends: Z-A (cross gen), Mario Kart X, multiple third party titles. (Switch 2)
April 2025: Switch Sports 2, new 3D Kirby game, new IP
May 2025: New 3D Mario

[Edited by OctolingKing13]

team BREAD
and most importantly team future !!! so exicited for final fest its becoming a really big year for nintendo now !!


My prediction for May 2024 - March 2025:

  • May - Endless Ocean Luminous, TTYD
  • June - LM2 HD
  • July - Metroid Prime 2+3 HD
  • August - Pikmin 4 DLC, Splatoon 3 FinalFest
  • September - Wind Waker HD/Twilight Princess HD double pack
  • October - DKC Returns HD, Kid Icarus Uprising
  • November - Pokemon Gen 6 remakes, Metroid Prime 4
  • December - SMB Wonder DLC
  • January - Pokemon Legends Z-A
  • February - FE4 remake
  • March - Kirby's Dream Collection 2 (contains Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot, Rainbow Curse and the digital only 3DS games that are now delisted)

I think there'll be a bigger focus on trying to rescue 3DS/Wii U now that even the online is gone, the ability to redownload 3DS/Wii U stuff being lost probably isn't far off too. As for Switch 2, I think it will end up being released after March 2025 so that they can reveal the system fully on their own terms rather than being forced to tease stuff at the fiscal year shareholder meeting in 2.5 weeks.

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


No Switch in 2024 means NO RoadMap that's pretty simple to figure this out. If you don't have a Switch 2 console to push new games there is no roadmap to be had here.



SwitchForce wrote:

No Switch in 2024 means NO RoadMap that's pretty simple to figure this out. If you don't have a Switch 2 console to push new games there is no roadmap to be had here.

I think by Roadmap people currently mean 'wild speculation' πŸ˜…

Grumblevolcano wrote:

I think there'll be a bigger focus on trying to rescue 3DS/Wii U now that even the online is gone, the ability to redownload 3DS/Wii U stuff being lost probably isn't far off too. .

I'm a bit of a broken record, but the fact you can still redownload Wii games makes me skeptical 3DS redownloads are going away anytime soon. However I do agree that 3DS (and remaining Wii U) games will be a bigger push. If some property of Switch 2 makes it easier to port 3DS games we could get a flood in 2025/2026, but at minimum I expect a strong trickle.

As for guesses?

I'm not guessing the exact months but for 2024 I expect Prime 2 or 2/3, one of the two zelda games but not in a double pack (conceivably even both with one in summer, one in Winter), Mario Wonder DLC, either gen 6 Pokemon remake or some random spinoff, either DK or some smaller resurrected franchise, possibly Kirby spinoff.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I think I'd bet any amount on offer that New Leaf HD won't happen.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@Grumblevolcano Maybe, but that article feels like mainly conjecture. So far the precedent from the Wii is 'redownloads stay at least 5 years after shop closure'.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


May 2024- TTYD, Endless Ocean: Luminous, codename and release window for Switch 2 revealed at shareholder's meeting
June 2024- Luigi's Mansion 2
July 2024- Nothing
August 2024- Kirby spinoff
September 2024- Switch 2 fully revealed, Fire Emblem Echoes: Genealogy of the Holy War
October 2024- Metroid Prime 2 and 3
November 2024- Nothing
December 2024- Xenoblade Chronicles X port
January 2025- Nothing
February 2025- Nothing
March 2025- Switch 2 releases, launches with a new party game similar Nintendo Land or 1-2 Switch, 3D Mario, Metroid Prime 4 (cross gen), and Pokemon Legends Z-A (cross gen)
April 2025- Nothing
May 2025- Smash Ultimate Deluxe
June 2025- New DK game
July 2025- Nothing
August 2025- Mario Tennis
September 2025- 2D Zelda
October 2025- Astral Chain 2
November 2025- Mario Kart
December 2025- Nothing


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


@Grumblevolcano My guess is we don't start seeing a push for 3DS remakes/remasters until Switch 2. It doesn't make sense to start blowing through them in the last days before the new console and they'll need some kind of remakes/remasters on Switch 2 (even if there's going to be less because they blew through Wii U ports on the Switch). Also gives the 3DS a bit more time to age and to make it more difficult to find the originals, which would increase demand for the remakes/remasters.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


@Tayrailbridge earthbound I think is a real possibility since it’s the30th anniversary this year, I think there was a star fox game for switch leaked in something, and animal crossing fans are desperate for new content, but that’s and kid Icarus is just hope 😫

[Edited by OctolingKing13]

team BREAD
and most importantly team future !!! so exicited for final fest its becoming a really big year for nintendo now !!


gcunit wrote:

I think I'd bet any amount on offer that New Leaf HD won't happen.

Next Gen switch could be holidays 2025 - if that is the case, Nintendo has probably already revisited their roadmap. I can't imagine they are going to only count on current gen + existing titles sales for this fiscal year. No new animal crossing updates feels like a wasted commercial opportunity



@Bolt_Strike Provided Nintendo don't add any more Nintendo consoles to NSO and keep up with the current very slow dripfeed of the current NSO consoles rather than speed up, there'll be loads of remaster/remake opportunities to last through the Switch 2 era even if they start heavily on 3DS this year.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Bolt_Strike No way in hell are they releasing 4 games in one month, hardware launch or not. Nintendo doesn't operate that way. They'll spread those out.

Plus, I think it's better to assume that Prime 4 and Legends ZA are Switch 1 only until proven otherwise, as there's absolutely nothing indicating a cross gen release for either title. It's all pure fan speculation/assumptions.

As for Smash Ultimate Deluxe, that's incredibly unlikely due to all the legal red tape surrounding the 3rd party characters and the renegotiations that would need to take place for the DLC fighters.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


@Grumblevolcano Ehh, if they carry over NSO from the Switch and retain Switch BC, then not really. They've already done most of the GC and DS games worth doing, and a few of the Wii games. Most of what's left at this point in 3DS.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


IceClimbers wrote:

@Bolt_Strike No way in hell are they releasing 4 games in one month, hardware launch or not. Nintendo doesn't operate that way. They'll spread those out.
Plus, I think it's better to assume that Prime 4 and Legends ZA are Switch 1 only until proven otherwise, as there's absolutely nothing indicating a cross gen release for either title. It's all pure fan speculation/assumptions.

I mean... in March 2017 when Switch came out we had 4 Nintendo games:

  • BotW (Switch and Wii U)
  • 1-2 Switch (Switch)
  • Snipperclips (Switch)
  • Mario Sports Superstars (3DS)

Granted, 2 of those sold poorly. I would guess the release month of Switch 2 will have at most 2 Nintendo published big hitters. Although there might be something not-quite-the-same-month such as Pokemon Legends coming out the month before but with a promise that it will look better on Switch 2.

As for 'Switch 1 only', the general assumption is there will be no 'Switch 1 only' games because of back compatibility. Assuming otherwise is just (pessimistic) speculation. Whether or not some games will be improved for Switch 2 is also speculation, but since we are fairly sure Legends will release sometime near Switch 2, it is at least a plausible guess. As for Prime 4... it is pure fan speculation that it will even come out in the next 2 years πŸ˜†

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241

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