
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?

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@Grumblevolcano Do they usually do that a MONTH ahead? I feel like it's usually the weekend before that they announce the maintenances. I also wonder why it's AFTER TTYD, instead of before. Do they usually do a maintenance after a big game releases?

Downloading software/updates, eShop, and the Switch Online app all being changed at the same time is a really weird move from Nintendo.

I feel like maintenances can sometimes happen around Directs, but that is a weird time since TTYD releases so close. Although I feel like sometimes Directs can happen soon after a big game release, like that September Direct right after Splatoon 3's release. I feel like they'd want to feature TTYD there if it was so close, but I doubt it's getting DLC since it's a remake. Maybe just thanking people for playing the game? They've done that before, so it's possible.
I'm leaning slightly towards no for a Direct happening around this time, I think they could just wait until June since that's normally when Directs take place. Unless they want the Direct out of the way for another presentation...

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


I think their next Direct is going to announce the Switch 2. Coming in 1 years time. Meanwhile, the Switch will get a price cut, a select range of re-releases (imagine having to buy all the games again because they are complete on cart lol!) and them going all in on Switch saying there has never been a better time to join the Switch family (or something.) Especially with Metroid Prime 4 and whatever other titles are due this holiday.

I know. Crazy. Price cutting a system that sells like 60K units a week in Japan would be very charitabkle lmao! Last time I looked, Nintendo werem't a charity. Anyhoo, I'll tell you what, it will be interesting to hear what their forecast for Switch is this fiscal year. How on Earth does one transition from such a crazy selling system lol. Or maybe...just maybe...third parties need to start developing with it in mind and build up for next gen versions, instead of butchering their games in order to try to crowbar it onto the system? Might help their sustainability.

[Edited by GrailUK]

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


I think the switch 1 has way too big of a user base to be phased out so quickly, especially since Nintendo really wants to avoid repeating the Wii U's failure. I think the switch 2 will be backwards compatible start out with only a few exclusives while other games are still available on switch 1 as well while running better on 2.

If the rumors of a 2025 delay are true then we might have a relatively low key holiday 2024 since bigger games are most likely being stockpiled for switch 2's launch, but surely they don't have nothing at all. Otherwise they would have spread out the first half of year's releases to stretch the full year because there were quite a few of them even if there was nothing huge. Some sort of Zelda game (the rumored HD ports or Oracle remakes), the rumored Fire Emblem remake, Prime 2/3 (and 4 if we're really lucky), a new Mario Party, a Kirby spin off, or another GameCube remaster all seem like possible late-gen contenders.

One of two people in the world who thinks Sunshine is the best Mario game.


@Noble_Haltmann There's also that 3D-action game that Bandai Namco was said to be working on. Popular belief says that it could be some sort of Kid Icarus: Uprising port/remaster (I wish, but I have my doubts.)
Whether or not that releases on Switch or Switch 2, I don't know, but that's also something to consider. (I don't know if that's already happened or not. It's just something I remember from a year or so back, but I don't think anything ever came of that as of yet.)

[Edited by Novamii]

Taking a bit of a break from the site and enjoying the summer. Be back soon! :)

My Current Games: Nothing right now. Eh, I'll figure it out eventually.


@Novamii Ohhh true! That would be cool! I imagine that being a 3ds port it would run fine on the current switch, but it'd be awesome if it got such a glow up that it needs the switch 2 treatment. I always wanted to play Uprising but was kind of scared by the unconventional control scheme, which I hear is especially tricky for left handers like me. Hopefully a remaster/remake would solve this issue though!

One of two people in the world who thinks Sunshine is the best Mario game.


They have to stop selling the hardware eventually and if Switch 2 is backwards compatible what reason do some of the Switch SKUs have to exist post Switch 2? Maybe not immediately but I think within the first two years they drop the Switch SKUs down to just the Lite and the Switch 2. And probably a price cut in there somewhere to make room for the Switch 2 launch price which I'm thinking will likely land marginally higher than the OLED. They'll have to shuffle the prices down or nobody will be interested

I'm still keen on a micro SKU myself, as a budget and pocketable way to sell NSO and small Indie titles, but I'm not holding my breath

And it's somewhat similar for games. As soon as Switch 2 is out with games that are all new and likely with packaging that clearly sells the new hardware. Will people buy Switch games still? I mean probably yes. But not at the same rate. So they'll want to adjust the prices to keep the sales ticking over

[Edited by skywake]

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


If we don’t hear from Pyoro today, there probably won’t be a Direct this week. Well, at least a general Direct.

…So if Pyoro sees this, please say something today

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


I'm hoping they'll announce some great bundles in the Fall. I think there's a chance they'll straight-up cut Switch 1 hardware prices, but I think it's most likely they'll do some cool bundles.

There are very few 1st-party games I don't have at this point, but I would love to get a cool bundle, maybe even with a Switch 1 that has a new design on it.



June 12th. Mark the date. (I am pyoros cousin)

team BREAD
and most importantly team future !!! so exicited for final fest its becoming a really big year for nintendo now !!


February 10th. Nothing but Twitter drops and a Switch 2 presentation until then.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


Silksong is starting to give me the same feelings I had for bayo3, which ultimately I loved. But, the more I speculated and waited, with little to no information, my hype levels decreased.



I guess April is a good month for indies! Hopefully we get another Direct soon from Nintendo though, although to be honest I've got TTYD coming this year so I wouldn't mind if there wasn't a Direct soon...

...although I wouldn't mind a Luigi's Mansion 1 port for Switch...

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


Righty, NOW everyone can start to take their clown costumes off waiting for Silksong!

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


Nintendo announced Nintendo Live 2024 Sydney:

I think it seems very clear now why Nintendo aren't attending Gamescom. Nintendo Live is becoming a global thing which replaces Nintendo needing to turn up to any general gaming events like Summer Game Fest, Gamescom, PAX, EGX, etc.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano Oh wow, it used to be a Japan thing, but now it’s in US and Australia. I’m glad to see it growing!

My guess is that it’ll feature most games from 2023’s event, but have some games from late last year/early this year there as well.

Nintendo’s just doing their own thing at this point, kinda just avoiding events with other companies now.

[Edited by PikminMarioKirby]

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@PikminMarioKirby I suppose in their eyes, if they have the means, it works out more for them. They've got the cash, and the audience, might as well make their own event and set their own rules and not need to worry about competition. I mean, they did that with Directs and look how successful those are. At this point, everyone's making their own Direct style conferences. The Switch era single-handedly saved Nintendo from the brink, holding their own big events might help stave off that fear of obscurity they had fallen in throughout the 2010s. Considering how bleak things were for them back then, I can't say I blame them, as long as they don't get too big for their britches and forget they're not immortal.

[Edited by Novamii]

Taking a bit of a break from the site and enjoying the summer. Be back soon! :)

My Current Games: Nothing right now. Eh, I'll figure it out eventually.


@MaisonRidley7000 I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611

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