
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?

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Not a bad direct for me - few added to the wish list. Yars Rising looked good and Lorelei and the Laser Eyes was pretty interesting too, although I'll probably wait for more info or a review for that. The Ninja Turtles game looked like Hades: TMNT edition so I'll pick that up as well 😂 I think we saw Schim in a previous Direct and I do like a puzzle game, so might even pick up Stitch as well. Another Crab's Treasure was already on my Xbox wish list.



I thought it was completely underwhelming even for Indie World standards. Strike two for Nintendo's presentations so far this year.



Half of these we already knew about, but Little Kitty, Yars, Atonblast, Europa, the New TMNT roguelike, bzzzt, animal well, and Crab treasure all look interesting. Yars was probably the most interesting new announcement to me; I almost always like WayForward games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


No silksong...


Courage need not be remembered, for it was never forgotten.
-Princess Zelda


Team Past!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


@CaleBoi25 They were never going to drop silksong in a random indie world; it would completely take away any hype from all the other games. Sure it is technically an indie studio, but one which had $200 million dollars in sales for one game...


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I would be expecting Silksong in Microsoft's June presentation. If it comes sometime before that, then it will be a nice surprise.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


GrailUK wrote:

I would be expecting Silksong in Microsoft's June presentation. .

June 2026? 😝

But yeah since it will be on Game Pass, presumably Microsoft has dibs on announcing it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


There were quite a few games I was interested in from that, Yars Rising and Antonblast being the highlights. But it did make me think about the discussion earlier in this thread about opportunities for Nintendo to bring back more smaller franchises while Switch is still the current console.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@FishyS Of course I doubted it would be shown but I for one love taking unhealthy amounts of copium!


Courage need not be remembered, for it was never forgotten.
-Princess Zelda


Team Past!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


I did a quick scan over the thumbnails on YT.

Nothing jumped out at me.

Can't wait for that June / E3-is-dead Direct.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,275 games (as of July 23rd, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician Are we even going to get one this year? I'm skeptical. We've only had an E3-is-dead Direct once which was last year, all other times we've had a June Direct it was at E3. And this year especially seems like a year for Nintendo to skip June. They don't seem to have enough planned to release in the Fall for a full Direct, they probably only have like, 2 or 3 remakes/remasters left to announce before next gen and they probably don't think that's enough to carry a full Direct, they'll probably just Twitter drop them. I think the most we're getting in June is a Partner Showcase. The first party news drought looks like it's going to continue into the Fall which is likely when they're going to fully reveal the Switch 2.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


I reckon we'll get a Direct sooner than later to be honest. Nintendo aren't falling asleep at the wheel this year.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@GrailUK I've mentioned this earlier in the thread, and forgive me if I'm out of the loop. Wasn't there a rumor a couple months back that said something along the lines of: Indie World in March, main direct in April, Switch 2 reveal in June? Obviously the dates didn't pan out, and there's no way Nintendo's revealing the Switch 2 in June, but maybe those directs could have been pushed back a bit? Again, forgive me if it's already been disproven. I just think that, while it may be a quiet year, I feel like Nintendo has some sort of contingency plan for such a thing. (i.e, more ports, remasters, and such.)

[Edited by Novamii]

Taking a bit of a break from the site and enjoying the summer. Be back soon! :)

My Current Games: Nothing right now. Eh, I'll figure it out eventually.


I dont consider the partner showcase and indie world this year major directs, so this drought continues to be long

team BREAD
and most importantly team future !!! so exicited for final fest its becoming a really big year for nintendo now !!


@OctolingKing13 I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get our next traditional Direct until February. Although I'm expecting the Switch 2 presentation to be in the Fall so it would technically be 17 months but feel more like 12.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


@OctolingKing13 So far the 3 longest general Direct droughts are:
1. 532 days (September 4th 2019 - February 17th 2021)
2. 216+ days (September 14th 2023 - April 17th 2024 and ongoing)
2. 216 days (February 9th 2022 - September 13th 2022)

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


It's so baffling that Nintendo fans are so negative and delusional... It's still only april! We has seen this situation so many times during the "Switch-era" which in the end turned into an amazing year despite of that "everyone" wrote off the year already during the first months of the year.

It's usually a lot calmer compared with the 2nd half with Switch. It's so strange that people here and on other Nintendo sites are panicking so easily when Nintendo doesn't has one game on one month, while the poor PS5 doesn't gets that many new games, yet not many complains about it.

Seriously Nintendo has NEVER supported that much on a console that late into its life-cycle as Switch. They usually "stops" supporting in half ways, like with SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii etc...I has experienced every of Nintendo's console generations since NES. We knows absolutely nothing after may-2024. Just don't write off before it's 100% confirmed.

Nintendo fans are the most negative in the gaming, 100%. Nothing excites them unless it's about one single certain game, otherwise everything are trash then.
Meanwhile the Playstation fanbase gets overexcited about a PS5 remaster of a late PS4 game... even if they're not intending to actually buying it, or has zero interest in the game/genre, they're just happy for the sake of others. They supports Sony in every weather.

The Nintendo fanbase has so much to learn from others.



@Novamii It's hard to prove or disprove rumours but they aren't going to exhaust their schedule before they announce a new slate of titles. That's not how you keep 150 million Switch users happy campers lol. I think there is just far too much over reaction on the net. Of course Silksong wouldn't be in the Indie Direct. Of course Nintendo are going to announce new stuff. It just feels to me like folk whining about a quiet year etc are just throwing their toys out of the pram because daddy hasn't given them a new toy yet.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611

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