
Topic: Most Wanted NSO Games

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@Grumblevolcano Even though it wasn't on Rare Replay, I'd love Grunty's Revenge for GBA NSO.



Dragon Warrior Monsters 1, and Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi’s Journey/Tara’s Adventure, Monster Rancher: Battle Card Game 1 and 2, Monster Rancher Advance 1 and 2.

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Game Boy: Super Mario Land (Crazy how that's STILL not on there yet.)
N64: Banjo-Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, and Diddy Kong Racing
Game Boy Advance: Metroid: Zero Mission (I've heard and read a lot of love for this one and it sounds like the perfect Metroid game to get into the series.)

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

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For the N64, I owned Donkey Kong 64 (and was super excited when it came out). It is one Rare game for the console that I could never get into. I may try it again if it comes out, but the collect-a-thon was too tedious to be fun, at least for me. A few games that I would love to see are Perfect Dark, Vigilante8, Killer Instinct, and Rampage. I'm sure there are many more that I would love to see, I'll need to give it more thought.
For the NES, I doubt we will see these: Ducktails and Chip & Dales Rescue Rangers would be great!
For Sega - the sports titles like NHL 94 would be a lot of fun, but probably will never happen.
All things Gameboy - I never had one, all titles are new to me



N64: Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Super Smash Bros, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Banjo-Tooie, Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo and, a long shot I know but the precursor to GTA III in Body Harvest, which I never got to own back then.

Mischief Makers, Donkey Kong 64 & Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon would round it up nicely to 40 games. This would make for a very nice, rounded collection IMHO, reflecting the small but high quality library the system still has to offer.



I'll throw in something I think we could reasonable expect and say Metroid: Zero Mission.

I've been wanting to finally play the 2D Metroid games, but never really knew where to start. Everyone I've talked to says Zero Mission is the perfect introduction to the series. I'd love to, but of course it's Nintendo, so that'd be too easy. Again, I'd say it's only a matter of time before it happens, I'm just really antsy to finally play these games. They look so cool, right up my alley!

But if we're talking pipe-dream level wants, I'd say something like Sonic Advance. I sincerely doubt Sega will do anything with those games anytime soon (If ever.) so why not give them a new convenient way to play.

Taking a bit of a break from the site and enjoying the summer. Be back soon! :)

My Current Games: Nothing right now. Eh, I'll figure it out eventually.


I strongly agree with Sonic Advance, but I'm worried its in "we're not doing anything with this anyway but we still demand more money if you want this game" limbo, which is absolutely a thing. Only reason I even think there's a chance is they've been fairly generous with Genesis NSO.

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Forgot about Smash 64. Yeah, that one, too! Haven't played it in a long time, but it's a classic that still holds up fairly well even with its wonky physics. There may not be much to it, but it's always had a light-hearted charm I really liked.

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


Mole Mania
Donkey Kong 94
Donkey Kong Land
Kirby’s Pinball Land
Kirby’s Blockball
Revenge of the Gator
Wario Land
Wario Land 2
Super Mario Bros DX

There’s quite a few possible good GameBoy releases before we even leave the first party selection. It’s surprising that they haven’t shown up yet.

The GBA collection is still missing things like Drill Dozer and Wario Land 4.

There’s obviously lots of lesser 3rd party NES releases missing still. I’d like to see Battle of Olympus and Faxanadu but I’m guessing they’re both more likely individual releases if anyone ever gets the rights and the desire to make them available.


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Love all the selections - a lot of games here I'd never have thought about that would really bolster the library well. Think we mainly need more GB and GBA games at this point.



Dragon Warrior Monsters 1, Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi’s Journey, and Tara’s Adventure, and Jet Force Gemini.

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A lot of really good suggestions here. The Sonic Advance games, Metroid: Zero Mission, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64... I'd like to have those on NSO as well. I agree with @AStupidID in that we should have more GB and GBA games.

@LinkxPeach Jet Force Gemini is on NSO already. So you can play it right now if you want!

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Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for GBA

I actually prefer the pixel art GBA version over the 3D PS2 remake. I have a ton of nostalgia for the dialogue cutscenes in pixel art 😅 Plus, Square Enix only seems to care about the PS2 version, so the GBA version would be perfect for NSO!



I want Wario Land 4 for the GBA library.



Silicon Valley, Body Harvest...... Goemon!

Gauntlet 64, with online(!), would be ace



@Ulysses That's a great choice! You're right in that they've never used the ROM of that game for anything so it would be perfect.



MarioVillager92 wrote:

A lot of really good suggestions here. The Sonic Advance games, Metroid: Zero Mission, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64... I'd like to have those on NSO as well. I agree with @AStupidID in that we should have more GB and GBA games.
@LinkxPeach Jet Force Gemini is on NSO already. So you can play it right now if you want!


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