
Topic: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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I do wish they made the tracks a bit longer. All of the courses feel shorter than the main game, and some of the turns feel a bit too stiff. It's almost impossible to not run into the walls in Coconut Mall on the "halfpipe" sections.

I don't remember this being an issue on Wii.

Edited on by TommyTendo


@TommyTendo "Halfpipe section". I asume you mean the walled turn after the the escalator? (it does have a transistion up the wall like a quarterpipe/halfpipe). For Coconut Mall 200cc, I avoid trick jumping off the escalator to avoid hiting the wall in the following turn. Actually, I start a drift on the escalator, then release the drift to start the boost while in the following turn. Otherwise, I think I also apply the brake in that turn to avoid hitting the wall.

Or for 150cc, to avoid hitting the turn wall after the escalator, I think you can trick jump from the middle of the escalator, rather than waiting for the top edge to trick jump. EDIT: My fault. I was wrong. I think I can trick before the top of the escalator, but that's it. I'm not sure there's advantage to it. For 150cc, I land drifting and use the brakes after the escalator jump to avoid hitting the turn wall.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I think the probability of one of the 3 selectable courses being from the Booster Course Pass is proportional to the number of players in the lobby who have the Booster Course Pass. There's been times where courses have appeared very rarely but in the current lobby I'm in there's been at least 1 selectable course from the pass for what's currently 8 consecutive races.


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I like Paris promo track. Would have been a great level for Mario oddyssey. Ninja hideaway too

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WoomyNNYes wrote:

Or for 150cc, to avoid hitting the turn wall after the escalator, I think you can trick jump from the middle of the escalator, rather than waiting for the top edge to trick jump.

You can actually do that? I'm gonna have to try it sometime.

@1UP_MARIO I love those two as well. Paris Promenade is quite the charming course and I love how you get to drive backwards on the final lap. Ninja Hideaway is a surprisingly challenging course, too.

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@MarioLover92 glad your enjoying them they are good looking tracks but they also feel like great open levels for 3d Mario. Like new Donk city but bigger.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@1UP_MARIO Yeah totally, especially for a world that's Paris-inspired! That'd be super fun to run around in, and I've always loved Paris anyway. Just thinking about it makes me want a sequel/DLC for Odyssey more and more. I already got all the moons a few years ago...I'm ready for more!

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

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Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

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@MarioLover92 been ready for a long while. I lm sure all 3d platforming fans are. If you don’t count bowsers fury then it’s been the longest wait. I 100% the game in its first week. I think I even took the week off from work lol

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


MarioLover92 wrote:

WoomyNNYes wrote:

Or for 150cc, to avoid hitting the turn wall after the escalator, I think you can trick jump from the middle of the escalator, rather than waiting for the top edge to trick jump.

You can actually do that? I'm gonna have to try it sometime.

No you cannot. I don't know what gave you that idea. <shifty eyes>😁 Lol. I was wrong. I totally thought you could. But it does look like you can trick before you get to the top of the escalator. Sometimes I think I've jumped before the top, and it makes my jump stay lower, and you get back to the ground faster to start your drift. But it's not a big deal, and I don't know if I can do it consistently.

I still struggle to trick the first set up stairs on Coconut Mall. I have to focus so hard to time it right. I keep missing a trick there often, especially lap 2. I screamed "dammit" after I missed tricking those stairs like 20+ times today. I really wanted to throw my pro controller. So many restarts. lol

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes From the looks of things, I guess you could say you got..... Coconut Mall'd. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Edited on by Fizza

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@Fizza Indeed.

Anyone else struggling to trick the first set of stairs in Coconut Mall, or is it just me? (no wrong answer)

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes, are you talking about the stairs at the entrance? I didn't even know you could trick off them, lol.

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@WoomyNNYes I generally am able to trick off of them. It can be a bit inconsistent, though. However, I can, unfortunately, say that for a few other jumps in the DLC.

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@WoomyNNYes They act really weird. It's kind of like you have to input the trick in the middle of the stairs instead of the top or else it won't work. I'm guessing it's just odd collision due to them being, you know, stairs.


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


@Blooper987 That's the strategy I arrived at. I hit the trick button at the middle of that little set of stairs before the escalator at the start of the race.

@RR529 Yeah, at the start of the coconut mall race, there's a mini set of stairs at the mall entrance, just before the escalator. You can trick off it.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


For once everybody's agreeing:

Since January 2021 owner of my first real Nintendo "home" console.


@ophone Weird. It's almost mario-kart-switch owners are STARVED for new content? Amazing you got three screenshots of that. Love it.

Even after the new wave of tracks released online, it looks like nintendo still begrudgingly slow-walks giving the new tracks to us. Watch how long it takes to assign the Random track, which happens to be a new dlc track.😂 -comical. It almost looks like the game might prefer to crash rather than give a new track.

I actually had one lobby track selection page that offered two new tracks at the same time. I have no idea how probable, or un-probable, the chance of that is. I thought I got a screenshot, but I guess I didn't.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I too have issues with the Coconut Mall entrance stairs. It's weird, because I think at slower speeds I didn't have a problem, because when it came to me doing the time trial it was as if I suddenly couldn't do it anymore or something, because I had been doing it earlier.

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Here's a clip of me failing to trick that pesky mini stair set at Coconut Mall entrance. See the hop at the mini stairs with no trick.

This also happens to show the turn wall after escalator 2 that @TommyTendo mentioned having an issue with. In case he wanted to see someone doing it. I land drifitng, and may use brakes in that drift to keep from swinging too wide at that turn. Although, I don't recall if TommyTendo was trying to keep off the wall in 200cc or 150cc. TommyTendo may have sorted it already, but I had a clip. For 200cc, I don't trick jump off escalator 2.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

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