
Topic: Friend Exchange - Share friend codes for Switch multiplayer matches

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If anyone is still looking for friends please add me.

Believe it or not I have never had any gamer friends so I hope I can befriend some of you.

Currently I only have Zelda BOTW. I was hoping to get Bomberman but it was out of stock when I bought the Switch so I'll be picking that up soon. I plan on getting Splatoon and Mario Kart when they release.



Zelda and Bomberman here!




Mine FC is : sw-6145-9649-2985


my Switch fc: SW-6145-9649-2985
my 3ds friend code:1564-4008-8780
SuperMarioRun: 7635-1072-9440
AC PocketCamp: 6892-7280-610


my friend code SW-3890-9411-2425

right now playing Zelda and Fast RMX

[Edited by Almighty-Koz]



I finally managed to add everyone from this topic! Now...where are other Switch owners! Put here your FC so that everyone can be added! Cmon!


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


Deathwalka wrote:

Cmon guys fgpackers has spoken! Dish the codes out lol

Yeah i demand them!!! ahahahahahahahhahahahahah


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers



I'm about 65+ hrs into the game and so far i have only done a handful of main quests, I'm having too much fun exploring, completing side quests, mini games, taking over towers, collecting, hunting, mining etc... In a sense i'm holding back on the main story as much as i can, as i don't want to end the game prematurely. As much as i enjoy games, when i finish the storyline i find it quite hard to return and continue to play the game (unless DLC furthered the story).


Switch Friend Code: SW-1400-3226-2832 | My Nintendo: Jimmmo | Twitter:


Jimmmo wrote:


I'm about 65+ hrs into the game and so far i have only done a handful of main quests, I'm having too much fun exploring, completing side quests, mini games, taking over towers, collecting, hunting, mining etc... In a sense i'm holding back on the main story as much as i can, as i don't want to end the game prematurely. As much as i enjoy games, when i finish the storyline i find it quite hard to return and continue to play the game (unless DLC furthered the story).

Same here, literally


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


0744-6690-5316 is my Switch FC, I accept all requests.

Got Zelda and planning to get Bomberman, Splatoon, Mario Kart and all the other good stuff! :')

Nintendo Switch FC: 0744-6690-5316


Hi everyone! Anyone can add me, I'll add you back. fc: SW-4162-7871-2135



Hey everyone, Got my switch last week and have been really enjoying the hell out of this thing. Glad to have stumbled across this site and thread. I've added just about everyone in this thread. Stoked to play with all of you guys.

Add me up!
Name: Robbie ^_^ (or i go by rayden)
Switch FC: 1329-3659-3005

Switch FC: SW-1329-3659-3005

‘Cause we’re not the random products of autonomous energy;
you got your pals, you got your history.
And the Dork Ages still rage inside of me.
I think they will until eternity.


Just checking back in to say that anyone new is free to add me as well.

Whitewatermoose wrote:

I'm looking for Bomberman Friends. My friend code is SW-7642-8931-9306

I have added you for this reason.

...formerly - Chriiis

Switch FC: SW-6037-8910-2517

Switch Friend Code: SW-6037-8910-2517


Feel free to add far I have Snipperclips and of course Zelda

Nickname is Lakerchick



Sw 8506 1577 7594 feel free to add I only have zelda and I am setsuna



dooley422 wrote:

Sw 8506 1577 7594 feel free to add I only have zelda and I am setsuna

Wrong code


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


Hi guys. Loving the Switch! I currently have Zelda and Fast RMX. Will be getting Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2 as soon as they're released. Feel free to add me guys : SW-2402-3520-4832.



So, I don't have anything multiplayer just yet, but I'll be happy to add anyone who wants to play games with me or just wants to have me on their friends list lol. Just a little sidenote, I live in the UK so if different timezones are generally a pet peeve of yours, it might not be best to add me.

So my friend code is on Switch is: SW-1089-6841-7799.

I plan on getting Splatoon 2 the second it's released and, uh... well, hopefully my profile and signature will keep you informed about which games I have/intend to get that we can play together. Thanks!

Never take anything I say seriously. S'all you buddy. ;)
Mainly play on my Switch but I have 3DS, Wii U and PS4 as well.
Fave game series include: Pokemon, Smash Bros, Splatoon, Disgaea, Bayonetta, Dragons Dogma, Phantasy Star & Arena of Valor.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1089-6841-7799 | 3DS Friend Code: 5455-9887-9271 | My Nintendo: ThatNyteDaez | Nintendo Network ID: Rhydas | Twitter:

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