
Topic: Endless Ocean Luminous

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I am not so sure about that, because I found a mystery board treasure, unlocked the mystery board tile and then found the same treasure just lying around randomly. Maybe finding the mystery board treasure made it so the treasure is now a random spawn, I really do not know. But the coins seem to be obtainable only as mystery board treasure.

Do you or anyone on this site know the name of the legend described in this game? If there exists a book like the Tanakh, I would like to read it. Something about the seven sages (an inspiration for A Link To The Past?) and the Abgal is mentioned in the game.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


@Jhena good question, in the text I read many references to different cultures, so I thought was a bit off their own mix, with Atlantis as basis. e.g. both a goddess of the north and Poseidon are mentioned... And now with the event EO2 is coming closer 2, with the okeanos themselves being a mix of Atlantis and Egypt.

Tanakh btw is a hebrew word for the Bible

btw i'll add you as switch friend (rick) would be nice to dive together

[Edited by romanista]

NintendoNetwork: Romanista77, Switch: 5098 6135 1325,3DS 0318 8943 647
PS4: Romanista345, Xbox 360: Romanista, Steam: Romanista345; Wii: 7214 8673 0486 1521


Nice to be friends with you!

Ah, now that you mention it, the text really seems to be from different cultures.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


I have been doing my first online dives today and I do not think it is possible to scan 500-600 animals per hour, but I think it is possible to do when solo diving.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


Cool, I have reached rank 89 in the global event rankings. I found so much treasure during the event.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


Unfortunately, my opinion of this game is only going down. I absolutely hate what they have done with the story mode. Had to leave and just go do some dives to get like 1,000 more scans to unlock the next chapter, just for it to be literally like a 3 minute cutscene where all I did was push A to advance the text. Then had to go scan like 1,200 more fish to unlock the next chapter, which again was just a cutscene! Literally zero swimming, scanning anything. And now have to go scan over 1,000 more fish to unlock the next one, which will probably just be another cutscene. It's still a nice relaxing break when you just need to unwind for a bit, but not a game I can sit down and play when I want to play a game like the previous ones were. This one absolutely pales in comparison.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


@Xyphon22 Basically, the random diving is the main part of the game. And you just unlock story stuff periodically as you play, I guess. The final chapter requirement is pretty awful, though.

"Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind."

Nintendo Network ID: RainbowGazelle | Twitter:


I dislike that the event dives are only 20 minutes long. I like taking my time exploring the full area but the time limit forces you to rush things.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


With the bugged mystery board tile included, I have found 89 of them. I believe I can beat the game. And I found 543 animals and 295 treasures.

It is fun to exchange markings in the online sessions. I was able to collect 106 of them, thanks to the friendly divers.

I hope I can find a rare UML. Still a fun game.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


@RainbowGazelle Yeah, I know, that's just what is disappointing. I loved the previous ones so much and they were so much fun that they were my main game until I beat them. Can't do that with this one. It's just a side game when I'm too tired to get into anything bigger, so I'm not near the final chapter yet to know how bad the requirements are. Again, it's fine for what it is, it's just disappointing that this is what it is since the previous games were so much more.

@Grumblevolcano Yeah, I didn't even realize that until later. The first time I did a dive we unlocked the UML with like 2 minutes left, and I just thought for some reason you just got a limited time after getting the UML and I had to hurry to scan it before time ran out. Then when I did a dive with my daughter we never ever unlocked the UML because we ran out of time, and that's when I realized they were only 20 minutes.

But that is the best thing about this game, my daughter absolutely loves it and we can do dives together. She doesn't know the first two to know how much better they are, so it's fun to just do stuff with her and see her excitement.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


Hehe, just yesterday I complained about the spawn rate of rare UML's and today I met Lamba Garuda. I should complain more, just kidding. 553 animals found and 92 mystery board tiles unlocked. If I can find an animal with a (sail) it will be 93.

When I make enough progress, the game is still alot of fun.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


@Jhena now on 80 boards... are some connected to an event though (like the holy singers board), then we can only complete in then...

only one disc to complete, but i never seem to encounter flying fish and the 'dream of heaven disc'

NintendoNetwork: Romanista77, Switch: 5098 6135 1325,3DS 0318 8943 647
PS4: Romanista345, Xbox 360: Romanista, Steam: Romanista345; Wii: 7214 8673 0486 1521


@Xyphon22 you need to have al mysteries solved... it's a bit like the second game where the egyptian temple reopened after getting a million pesos.. that took quite some time too..... with 2 dives a day i now solved 80/99 mytery tiles but the rate is getting slower since e.g. most discs are repeating

NintendoNetwork: Romanista77, Switch: 5098 6135 1325,3DS 0318 8943 647
PS4: Romanista345, Xbox 360: Romanista, Steam: Romanista345; Wii: 7214 8673 0486 1521


Woah the holy singers board was an event only opportunity? I guess I was lucky then. Is it possible to use the dive ID of the event? If yes maybe this way people can still get it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


@romanista @Jhena It's not event only, I found the disc which completes the holy singers board on my first solo dive back at launch. Couldn't complete it back then though because my level was too low.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


ah good to know, thought the holy singers themselves wouldn't appear..... (i often have the flying fish disc and the flying fish), but haven't seen them together

NintendoNetwork: Romanista77, Switch: 5098 6135 1325,3DS 0318 8943 647
PS4: Romanista345, Xbox 360: Romanista, Steam: Romanista345; Wii: 7214 8673 0486 1521


That is a relieve, thanks.

I had the impression, if there is a disc, there is also a corresponding animal on the same map.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


@Jhena i do hope so, with the saw i really had to searched but found one, but with the flying fish i mighthave to look harder then

NintendoNetwork: Romanista77, Switch: 5098 6135 1325,3DS 0318 8943 647
PS4: Romanista345, Xbox 360: Romanista, Steam: Romanista345; Wii: 7214 8673 0486 1521


I think the japanese flying fish is the one you are looking for. The fish is always found in a big group and they are moving around much. It might also be a good idea to write down the number of the tile, where you found the fish, because they just vanish sometimes, when they should be following, even if you swim slowly..

I hope you will find it soon.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


Please excuse me for double posting but something magical and creepy just happened. I found a black whale called Black Omen. His description says, he is feared as the god of death and resurrection. Fisher believe, if you see that creature you will die. Shortly after this I found a new mystery board treasure and shortly after this the game just crashed... for the first time ever.

Before this happened I felt really glad, because I found a treasure and two new animals. Luckily I realised then, that nothing was lost and I was even able to continue the multiplayer dive, where the game crashed.

The other weird thing is the treasure I found after I discovered Black Omen. It is mystery board tile 89 called "With the luck of the rival Enmedugga", or something like that, containing a figure of a white whale. Enmedugga is one of the seven sages and I think his name translates to " who was allotted a good fate.

I felt cursed but thanks to Enmedugga I feel, like the curse was lifted, phew. What a scary coincidence. If you want to try your luck with Black Omen try this dive ID to find the animal : 0005 9442 0290 4655


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer

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