
Topic: Need Nintendo switch data transfer advice.

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Right now, I find myself at a stage where I find myself considering getting a new Nintendo Switch system and transferring all the data off the old one to the new one. Yes, with the next Nintendo system no doubt looming on the horizon, this might seem a little pointless to you, but I figure I could let the game library of that system build up a little first before getting the next system.
As such, I've been researching things like transferring data from one Nintendo switch to another. But I have a few questions I figured I might as well ask the world.
For Context, I own a physical copy of Animal Crossing New Horizons with updates downloaded to the MicroSD card, I have a Nintendo switch online account with could saves, and I have a MicroSD card with 128GB that I download and archive games on and off of often, and I had another MicroSD card before that one that I didn't bother to format before downloading stuff to it on the Switch leading to issues when I had to upgrade to a MicroSD card with more space.
1o I gotta sign into my Nintendo account on the new switch before the system data transfer?
2:Will my microSD card be fine if I take it out of the old switch and put it into the new one without needing to format it?
3:Which comes first- Making sure animal crossing new horizons and it's update data are installed on both Nintendo switch systems or do I only download the Island transfer pack on the new system, then do the island transfer process, then download all the game's updates?
4: How do I make sure I do not lose all my pictures I've taken on the system in the process of the transfer?
I'm sorry if I'm coming off like a total klutz to you as I say all this, but making sure I do all this right is something I'm concerned about and wish to do right, which is why I'm asking about all of it here.



(Sorry, I don't know why it put the smiley next to Question number one. I must have put in the right keyboard combination for that. I hope it's not too distracting.)



@Willax I think your answer partly depends on whether you plan on replacing your old console, or continuing to use both consoles.

It's been a couple years since I did the OLED upgrade. So bare with me if I fudge specifics.
I replaced my console, and gave my old one to a friend.

**Note: only switch user profiles linked to a nintendo account can be transferred.(this surprised me) Nintendo accounts are free, so, if you have multiple switch users you want to transfer, and you don't mind the fuss, you can create new nintendo accounts & link your switch users to them before you do the transfer.

1) For the transfer, I don't recall having to sign into your nintendo account on nintendo's website. You do need to power up your new console to go through it's initial opening sequence. I can't recall if you need to create a user profile on the new switch, or if the transfer process creates it for you? I used nintendo support's directions for doing a transfer.

2) When you are replacing a console, I think you have to format your card to the new switch (which will wipe your card). I had to redownload all my games 225GB? Yeah, it's dumb, but just go through the Redownload Eshop page checking all the games you want to download, then put the switch to sleep over night, or for the day. (To keep your screenshots & clips, back them up to a PC before you format the card to the new console - see #4 below.)

3) How to Transfer Animal Crossing New Horizons Island - app/tool

How to do a Switch user transfer

4) While I couldn't transfer games via micro sd card, if you have a PC, you can save a copy of your screenshots & saved clips to the PC. After you format the card to the new console, you can paste your pics & clips into the respective folder of your newly formatted card.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

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