
Topic: The NintendoLife VGM Tournament: Best City / Urban Theme (Round Two)

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Here are my title theme nominations (yes they're all from Nintendo games):

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
The Legend of Zelda (NES)
Xenoblade Chronicles
Donkey Kong Country Returns

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online


So we have 20 nominations so far, just 16 to go!

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


We only need 8 more nominations, so would @Link-Hero want to participate? I remember you saying you would love to be proved wrong. After that, if one other person shares their nominations, we should reach the 32 milestone! I’ll advertise in The Chit-Chat Thread.

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


I nominate the title screens for:

Chrono Trigger
Wind Waker
Double Dragon (NES)
Crypt of the Necrodancer

Edit: Since I saw someone above me mention Wind Waker. I’ll put Donkey Kong 64 (Monkey Rap) in it’s place 🐰☝️.

[Edited by NotTelevision]



Yes. Yes, yes, yes! Yeeeesssss! @ThePirateCaptain we have 32 main themes, we’re ready for the bracket!

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


Well, we have more than 32 nominations, but I feel as though some aren’t main themes, so we’ll just wait for the bracket from @ThePirateCaptain and start the voting!

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


Alright, looks like we got quite a few people participating! I’ll wait a little while to see if more people want to join before setting up the bracket.

If we do get more nominations there are two options: Strictly cut it off at 32 songs so everything is even or create a lopsided bracket where some songs may have a bye round. I’m open to either so let me know which one you guys prefer.


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


@ThePirateCaptain I don’t know most of these, but I feel as though some aren’t main themes, so look at that while making the bracket. I’m down for either, I’m just glad to participate in a competition!

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


Looks like everyone has gotten their nominations in so I’m going ahead and creating the bracket now. The first round should be up shortly after that and voting can begin!

On a side note, normally when you post your nominated songs in the thread it’s great if you can include a link to them on YouTube as well. It’s something I completely forgot to mention before. I always post links to the songs we are voting on, it just makes it easier to ensure I’m including the right one. If during any round the song I link is not the correct one just let me know and I can fix it.


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


@ThePirateCaptain Okay, I will do that! Tell us when the bracket is ready! This is the only thread I follow, so I’ll get notified every time someone posts in it!

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


Link to the tournament bracket

And with everything set, let the first tournament begin! The seeding was randomized so you can check out the bracket if you want to see where your songs ended up. This first round will be a little shorter since the bracket wasn’t even. Aside from all that, don’t forget to vote in the polls, feel free to share your thoughts on each entry, and of course have fun and enjoy the music.

Round 1

Skies of Arcadia vs. The Legend of Zelda

Vote here

Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City - That’s the Beginning... vs. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Vote here

Double Dragon vs. Sonic Rush Adventure - A New Venture

Vote here

[Edited by ThePirateCaptain]


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


@ThePirateCaptain It was tough, but I voted on all 3! How long is voting open?

[Edited by BabyYoda71]

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


I’ll probably post the next group Friday afternoon since it looks like most people have already voted. One entry is still tied so if you haven’t yet there’s still time!

As for my thoughts on this round:

I’ve never been a huge fan of the main Zelda theme and I think the NES has much better examples of music that fits the sound font. The Skies of Arcadia theme is very relaxed and minimal, but does the job.

Wind Waker simply has one of the best title themes in the series and is a personal favorite of mine. It captures the feeling of whimsy and adventure perfectly and I love the instrumentation. The EO theme instead goes for a much more relaxing and tranquil feeling, like drifting on a calm sea and letting your cares wash away. I love both but Wind Waker edges this one out.

Sonic Rush Adventure has a similar ocean setting to the previous two entries but instead goes full in on the cheese and energy. In a lot of ways it’s what I love about the sonic series, being lighthearted and fun. The Double Dragon theme is good and pumps you up for the game, but I don’t think it’s nearly as memorable. Maybe that’s just because I prefer the version from DD Neon.

[Edited by ThePirateCaptain]


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


My opinions:

I found the Skies of Arcadia rather bland and boring, I much prefer the LoZ.

I like Wind Waker’s folky vibe, but I liked Etrian Odyssey just slightly more.

I just failed to enjoy Sonic, where as I loved Double Dragon.

I’m excited for the next round.

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


I just realised I forgot about the ARMS theme when I was choosing my nominations! Oh well, the four I chose are good too.

Anyway, I voted for Legend of Zelda, Etrian Odyssey, and Sonic Rush Adventure. The Sonic one is incredibly cheesy but I quite like it.

By the way, I thought of some ideas for categories that could be used in the future:

  • Underwater themes
  • Remixes from the Smash Bros series
  • Diegetic music, i.e. songs that are sung or performed by a character in the game. For example: the Little Inferno song, Jump Up Super Star from Mario Odyssey, and Kass's theme from Breath of the Wild.

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online


Ha! I was in complete agreement with @BabyYoshi12. I’m not a chiptune aficionado or anything, but the LoZ and DD title tunes are the best tracks out of the six. Didn’t love the Etrian Odyssey theme - but I outright dislike the b***ardised sea shanty of Wind Waker. The Sonic one is merely OK. The final option of the six was just dull.

How about RPG battle music as a future category? Or final boss themes (any genre)?

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


For the first half of this round we have The Legend of Zelda moving on 5-3, Etrian Odyssey III surprised me by winning 5-2, and Double Dragon also winning 5-3. The bracket has been updated and can be found here.
Wrapping up the first round we have a double helping of Donkey Kong, the return of Sonic and Zelda after such lengthy absences, everyone’s favorite life simulator, and an overlooked RPG classic. I hope everyone has a great weekend and will see you again Monday for the next round!

Round 1 cont.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf vs. Sonic Rush - A New Day

Vote here

Donkey Kong Country vs. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Vote here

Terranigma vs. Donkey Kong Country Returns

Vote here


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


I defied one of my nominations there and went for Terranigma in the last poll. My thinking was that the DKC Returns theme is so similar to the original DKC theme that I didn't really need to vote for both. I actually prefer the Returns version, but I'd already chosen DKC in the second poll. It deserves credit for being the original anyway!

Thank you Nintendo for giving us Donkey Kong Jr Math on Switch Online

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