
Topic: The Dungeon and Dragons Thread

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@Tyranexx it favors mage classes over other, which is soemthing thst five e does not do. It’s the same problem with 3.5.



@Themagusx1 Well yeah that's why it's great the Pathfinder exists alongside 5e. For those that want a more crunchy experience like older editions of D&D they have that. For people who want a less crunchy experience and more into the actually role play they have 5e.

For me personally 5e makes things too simplistic like skills for example. I hate how they trimmed the skill list down by adding several skills into one. For example survival. I hate how it includes, fire-building, weather sense, direction sense, tracking, hunting into one skill it makes no sense. Just because I know how to track a deer I know how to build a fire or know what the weather is going to be like?? I do like how tools replaced crafting skills so to speak though.

But yeah I can see positives and negatives to both and am glad they are both available.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki I agree it’s great both exist but I do kinda agree with you on the skills being rolled on one. My problem is not that, it’s more of the amount of modifiers and such that need to be used for the calculations. Having separate skills for fire building that’s fine, but having a number of modifiers to such thing is where it gets me. Also want to point out that such things as grappling are way to complicated. That’s just me though, but then again I have played Palladium games and well those are the epitome of overly complicated lol. But I do agree that it’s good to have more options for role playing games and it’s all preferences in he end,



@Tasuki Sounds like a lot more math then. Good thing I don't mind basic algebra! It's where you get into calculus and certain areas of trig (though I like others) that my eyes start glazing over lol. Sounds like Pathfinder gets a lot more detailed and technical...which is saying something.

@Themagusx1 Ah, so caster favoritism. Not the first game out there to do so, and definitely not the last.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Yeah a bit more math which for some people who are bad at math I can see where that could be a problem. Several of my players prefer 5e over Pathfinder and even 3e because there's less math, which as a DM I do notice. Battles for one thing go alot quicker because your not adding a bunch of numbers or worrying if you forgot some factor.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki question is what do you prefer, 5e or Pathfinder?



@Themagusx1 As I said I like both of them. 5e for it's simplicity and Pathfinder for more of its customization. With both 5e and Pathfinder existing it's almost like back in the early days of D&D where you had basic and Advanced. Basic being 5e and Advanced being Pathfinder.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki That’s a pretty good comparison and considering that basic editions of dnd got a lot of support makes sense. Now when I think of Pathfinder, I think if the first edition not so much the second edition so I don’t know how different second edition Pathfinder is from first and if it’s still as complex or more so than first edition.



Late Saturday afternoon session with the group tomorrow! Looking forward to it for sure.

@Tasuki There's honestly been more than one occasion where someone has forgotten a modifier or extra roll per the rules in our Tyranny of Dragons campaign, so I think we'll be firmly sticking to 5e for now lol. Granted, some of us aren't the best at taking notes. We do have a notepad for the sessions, but that's more for story/location details and not so much for spell and stat modifiers. But yep, I would think less math would mean that more gets done per session...ideally.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Themagusx1 From what my friend told me is second edition Pathfinder is closer to 5e as it dropped alot of the modifiers. I am not sure though since I never looked into 2e Pathfinder.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tyranexx Same here. Which is one reason I don't mind 5e simplistic rules. At first Advantage/Disadvantage confused me and I was confused how there weren't no modifiers but once we applied it and played a few sessions, it made sense to me.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki That’s Interesting that it is closer to a 5e. I may look into it but, I wonder if 1e pathfinder is still supported and I am sure many people still play it. I may take a look into second edition some time.



@Tasuki Advantage/disadvantage clicked with me pretty quickly after a couple of rounds using it. Extra damage due to certain effects should your opponent fail a roll tripped me up for longer. Heck, I still need to remind myself to apply an extra lightning damage roll for my drake's bite now that it's capable of doing so. Drake wardens share many similarities to beast masters, just more...dragon affiliated. I hope to get to level 13 soon so that both my character and drake companion can use a breath attack.

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


Tyranexx wrote:

@Themagusx1 Second edition huh? I admit I haven't gotten around to looking into the other editions much yet, though I did ask other members of the group during yesterday's session what editions they've played. One guy started back in 3.5 - he and his brothers have been into D&D for years - and two others have some experience with 4e. I didn't get much more out of them other than 3.5 involves more math lol.

For alot of people 3.5 was there first encounter with D&D. That's when it became mainstream before that time, it was a niche thing, mainly because of the bad reputation D&D had. I remember the first time my mom found out I was playing D&D, she just about flipped out I had to sit her down show her the books and let her read through them before she was ok with me playing it. Those were the dark times lol.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Our D&D session yesterday evening started with our characters going off on our usual chores for the Cult we infiltrated. Our Lizardfolk guide them asked us to help clear out some...upstairs neighbors that the castle inhabitants had a tenuous truce with. Tenuous as in "The only door to that tower is barricaded off, and they only pick off a random humanoid from a hole under the eaves every now and again". My character volunteered to scout the location of the opening since it was a possible way in. Since my drake companion could fly, I used Beast Sense to help out. Unfortunately, going near the hole elicited a couple of webbed streams, one which missed and the other scored a direct hit (18 AC, so it must've been a good roll). Bound, my drake fell right into the moat, attracting some lovely crocodiles. Thankfully, our group was at the bottom of the tower and could see the action through the window...once I broke out of Beast Sense and came to. Most rangers are QUITE fond of their animal companions, so I urged the group to help save it. We picked off a few and learned that others, once the drake got to safety, were logs. Technically I could've dismissed and resummoned the drake, but where's the fun in that?

Reporting what I found, we learned the upstairs "neighbors" were giant spiders. We convinced some of the Lizardfolk to unblock the castle trapdoor entrance since the spot under the eaves outside was a bit tenuous to get to for most of the group. That led to quite a colorful encounter, with half the group getting grappled via webbing and an unfortunate sorceror, ranger, and fighter trying to heft our group's croc upstairs through the trapdoor. We thought we were winning...then more giant spiders showed up. What was three became seven. Our bard cast Fireball to cause some AOE damage, but the placement took some doing since it was an enclosed space (tower). The floor was also wooden, so..burning floor now. We evacuated. We did succeed in killing some of the spiders and driving the rest off.

Strangely enough, some of the higher-ups weren't so pleased about one of the towers catching on fire, though it was put out. Our bard cast Calm Emotions to diffuse some of the tension (even though the fire was his fault lol), which worked...until the castle's head honcho showed up. We hadn't met the half-dragon lady before now. Needless to say she WASN'T happy and wanted someone to fess up. Nobody was stupid enough to, but our Lizardfolk ally stepped up, said "We were just trying to get rid of the spiders!", and was eviscerated for his trouble. Such a nice, sweet, gentle dragon lady. "If there's any more trouble from any of you, you'll end up like him." I nearly cast Thaumaturgy and did a cow noise somewhere in the vicinity, but thought better of it.

Oh, and an extra complication for my character: just after I joined the campaign, she dueled a male half dragon (almost died from that encounter) that also just showed up. So we're gonna need to find a way to disguise my character a little....

Edit: That got longer than I thought. 😅

@Tasuki I've read/heard about some of the reactions to D&D when it first hit public knowledge. Apparently there was some kind of cultural crisis back in the 70s-80s. Now I don't know about some of the content in earlier editions of the game, but I haven't seen anything that raises flags. To me, it's just pure fantasy. The cultural equivalents I have lived through are some (niche) reactions to Pokemon and Harry Potter.

[Edited by Tyranexx]

Currently playing: Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (Switch), Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tasuki yeah the stain of the satanic panic was still felt in the 90s. I had a similar experience with my family cause they were Catholics, so I had to show them it was not evil. By the time 3.5 came out the Satanic panic was gone.



Well unfortunately due to a last minute delay I wasn't able to play this weekend. Hopefully we will be able to next Sunday.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


So do you guys watch any of the Dungeon and Dragon streamers like Critical Role? I watch Critical Role when I can but I find it easier to listen to their Podcast version of their streams, especially since they can be 4+ hours long. Right now I am on episode 17 of the first campaign but I have also been keeping up with the 3rd campaign as well.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Themagusx1 All my older D&D stuff was in my garage which burned down last year, which was quite alot of stuff I accumulated over the years. I lost every piece of Planscape material that was printed including all the boxsets, books etc. All my Greyhawk stuff and as I said all of my 2nd and 3rd Edition stuff. The only reason I still have my 5e stuff is because that stuff was in a different part of the house because I just recently used it. Also there was alot of home brew stuff that my friends and I created over the years.

Greyhawk was the main campaign world I DM'd through 2nd Edition and into 3rd. We had a really could campaign going and then life happened and we never finished it, and sadly all that stuff was lost as I said before.

Greyhawk is my favorite world and it sucks that they don't have it in 5e of course I understand why. I love the lore and history of the world but compared to other campaign worlds like Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft it is as saturated in media which is nice, kinda makes it feel special in that way and players are able to forge their own history in the world.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki Sorry to hear about the fire. I hope everyone was safe though through out it. It sounds like you had quite the collection

Oh yeah Greyhawk is pretty cool. I played in a campaign once that was set in Greyhawk. I also love hearing about the old Gygax sessions set in Greyhawk during the early days of DnD. I am curious I reccomended a book in the Table Top Thread called Gamewizards about Gygax and Arneson, have you read this book or would it be something you would read?


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